23 research outputs found

    Building Services

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    Thermoelectric system applications in buildings: A review of key factors and control methods

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    A low coefficient of performance (COP) limits the development of thermoelectric (TE) systems in buildings. However, considering their good integration with solar systems and budling structures, there is good application potential for TE systems in buildings. In many previous works, control systems indeed help TE systems to improve their performance. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyze and summarize key factors in the control process and control methods for designing and optimizing the control systems for TE systems in buildings. This work reviews relevant publications from 2000 to 2022 on control applications of TE systems in different fields and groups them into key factors and control methods. The analysis of the key factors indicates the power strength of Peltier cells, the number of working Peltier cells, the temperature difference between the cold and hot sides, and the temperature difference between the object side and the indoor space as significant factors. Additionally, the most relevant control methods for the operating voltage or current are also classified. It is crucial to appropriately adjust these key factors using suitable control methods to achieve improved COP. Regarding the control application of TE systems in buildings, this is an issue that has not been studied with specific attention. Therefore, the analysis of key factors and control methods is meaningful for control systems to improve the performance of TE systems in buildings, especially under dynamic operating conditions of the built environment

    Workshop International Seminar in Building Energy Performance como herramienta de difusi贸n de un software de ahorro de energ铆a en el 谩mbito universitario

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    La herramienta inform谩tica desarrollada en el proyecto de investigaci贸n de la Uni贸n Europa Adapt4EE est谩 enfocada a arquitectos e ingenieros implicados en el proceso de dise帽o y uso de energ铆a en edificios. Es por ello que se plantea desde el inicio el testado de la herramienta por parte de futuros usuarios, en este caso estudiantes de 煤ltimo curso de arquitectura e ingenier铆a, para obtener as铆 de primera mano su an谩lisis y valoraci贸n. Esta ponencia trata de mostrar el proceso de evaluaci贸n llevado a cabo por parte del equipo de Adapt4EE para testar el software final del proyecto a trav茅s del Workshop International Seminar in Building Energy Performance realizado durante el a帽o 2014. De este modo, se aportan datos que avalan la importancia de la introducci贸n de este tipo de herramientas de integraci贸n entre investigaci贸n y empresas en los modelos educativos universitarios

    An谩lisis de la ocupaci贸n real en un edificio como factor de ahorro: el caso Adapt4ee

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    La ocupaci贸n real en los edificios es objeto de estudio en diversos campos de investigaci贸n entre los que se encuentra la disminuci贸n de la demanda energ茅tica. En este marco se sit煤a el proyecto europeo Adapt4ee - Occupant Aware, Intelligent and Adaptive Enterprises el cual, mediante la integraci贸n de los datos de la arquitectura (BIM) y los modelos de proceso de negocio (BPM), ha desarrollado una herramienta de simulaci贸n capaz de relacionar el comportamiento energ茅tico del edificio con los procesos de negocio, teniendo en cuenta la conducta de los ocupantes. Los actuales softwares de simulaci贸n energ茅tica consideran la ocupaci贸n de los edificios mediante la aplicaci贸n de plantillas predise帽adas para diferentes usos de edificios. Sin embargo, el equipo de ingenieros inform谩ticos y arquitectos del proyecto han implementado una serie de perfiles de uso m谩s pr贸ximos al comportamiento humano real. Con estos antecedentes, desde el proyecto Adapt4ee se ha analizado y evaluado el comportamiento en tiempo real de los ocupantes en relaci贸n con los consumos el茅ctricos y t茅rmicos, mediante la monitorizaci贸n de dos edificios en uso. Esta ponencia, por tanto, mostrar谩 los resultados referentes a la ocupaci贸n extra铆dos de simulaciones, del estudio del proceso de negocio y de los datos reales obtenidos

    Comparative analysis of heat dissipation panels for a hybrid cooling system integrated in buildings

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    The use of cooling panels as heat dissipation elements integrated in buildings has been previously investigated by the authors. Those elements would be connected to the condenser and would dissipate the heat in a passive form. Following the research, this study analyses and compares the thermal performance of two heat dissipation panels as part of a hybrid cooling system. Both panels were experimentally tested under different variables, thus having nine scenarios for each panel. Additionally, an already validated model was applied. The empirical results show a considerable difference between the cooling capacity among them, doubling the daily average ratio in one scenario. The heat dissipation ratios vary between 106 and 227 W/m2 in the first case and 140 and 413 W/m2 in the second. Regarding the model applicability, the average error for each panel was 4.0% and 8.5%. The bond between the metal sheet and the pipes of the panels has proven to be the main parameter to assure the highest heat dissipation potential of each panel

    Redise帽o de la integraci贸n de energ铆a en edificios a partir de Metabolismos Animales: Proyecto RiMA

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    Los edificios pueden entenderse como una clase especial de m谩quina que, en t茅rminos de acondicionamiento higrot茅rmico, se encienden y se apagan, manteniendo una temperatura estable en relaci贸n a las actividades que albergan en su interior, en una estrategia similar a la que ofrecen los animales de 'sangre caliente'. Existen numerosas estrategias pasivas en la arquitectura que permiten un control efectivo de los condicionantes interiores de los edificios dentro de los niveles de habitabilidad humana. Del mismo modo, el mundo animal posee diversos m茅todos de control t茅rmico activo como el at煤n con su sistema rete mirabile, las abejas controlando la temperatura de la colmena o el gusano de seda regulando la temperatura y controlando los gases dentro de su cris谩lida. El proyecto que se describe explora nuevas estrategias de dise帽o de los sistemas energ茅ticos y de instalaciones de los edificios, a partir del an谩lisis cr铆tico de los sistemas metab贸licos de los denominados animales de 'sangre fr铆a'. Se plantea, por tanto, una reevaluaci贸n del paradigma establecido en la metodolog铆a de concepci贸n de los sistemas energ茅ticos e instalaciones en los edificios, con una visi贸n aproximativa desde otra 谩rea del saber

    Potential strategies offered by animals to implement inbuildings' energy performance: theory and practice

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    The strategies for thermal regulation and environmental control found in nature are countless. In this article, a parallelism between animals and building energy systems is defined in order to identify and emphasize the immediate opportunities that biomimicry offers for future research. The motivation was the need to find alternative solutions to tackle problems mainly in the efficiency of heating, ventilation and cooling systems. Due to the wide range of possibilities offered by animals, this study is largely limited to the strategies that cold-blooded animals have developed through evolutionary adaptation to the environment. The method used for the analysis is based on a solution-based approach. Firstly, different animal thermoregulation strategies are defined (biological domain). Then the strategy is analyzed and classified into three categories. This classification is essential in order to formulate the parallelism with building systems (transfer phase). The final step is to identify the potential implementation (technological domain). This approach has been seen to be useful in creating new research opportunities based on biomimicry. In addition, suitable solutions arising from multidisciplinary team research are presented as promising answers to the challenges that building energy systems face nowadays

    Building Services

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    Thermoelectric system applications in buildings: A review of key factors and control methods

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    A low coefficient of performance (COP) limits the development of thermoelectric (TE) systems in buildings. However, considering their good integration with solar systems and budling structures, there is good application potential for TE systems in buildings. In many previous works, control systems indeed help TE systems to improve their performance. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyze and summarize key factors in the control process and control methods for designing and optimizing the control systems for TE systems in buildings. This work reviews relevant publications from 2000 to 2022 on control applications of TE systems in different fields and groups them into key factors and control methods. The analysis of the key factors indicates the power strength of Peltier cells, the number of working Peltier cells, the temperature difference between the cold and hot sides, and the temperature difference between the object side and the indoor space as significant factors. Additionally, the most relevant control methods for the operating voltage or current are also classified. It is crucial to appropriately adjust these key factors using suitable control methods to achieve improved COP. Regarding the control application of TE systems in buildings, this is an issue that has not been studied with specific attention. Therefore, the analysis of key factors and control methods is meaningful for control systems to improve the performance of TE systems in buildings, especially under dynamic operating conditions of the built environment