61 research outputs found

    A reprodukciós öregedés és a csontszerkezet változásának kapcsolata nőknél

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    The main purpose of the study was to analyse the relationship between menopausal status and the bone structure in women. A random sample of 1932 Hungarian women (aged 25–95 years) was to be enrolled in the study between 2012 and 2015. Bone mass was estimated by the Drinkwater–Ross anthropometric four-component method. Bone structure parameters were assessed by a quantitative ultrasound DTU-one device. Subjects were divided into menopausal subgroups on the basis of their menstrual history. The risk of osteoporosis was identified by using the thresholds of ultrasound parameters recommended for the DTU-one device. The ultrasound parameters’ reference values were constructed in the studied age-group of Hungarian women for the DTU-one sonometer. An intensive, menopause-related change from the late 40s and a significant change from the beginning of the 70s were observed in the bone structure of women. The 15–17% of women were at very high risk for osteoporosis in the premenopausal status subgroup. After the menopausal transition the decreased level of female sex hormone production doubled this risk of osteoporosis for the beginning of the postreproductive period, and triplicated this risk in the 70s of women. Premature menopause was found to be accompanied by the increased risk of osteoporosis during the whole studied age interval


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    New Clothing Resistance Scheme for Estimating Outdoor Environmental Thermal Load

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    A new clothing resistance model for estimating outdoor thermal toad is proposed and its behavior is analyzed in different weather conditions. It is based on clothed human body energy balance considerations; the human treated is a walking human in outdoor conditions. Weather and human data are taken from the Internet site of the Hungarian Meteorological Service and from a Hungarian human dataset, respectively. Environmental thermal load is characterized in terms of clothing resistance r(cl) and operative temperature. The model's main strength is that it simulates metabolic rate M as simply as possible. r(cl) deviations caused by personal variations of M are the largest in extreme cold and warm conditions, in the comfort zone this effect is non-essential. r(cl) deviations caused by wind speed variations can be especially large in large heat excess cases. Further model tests are needed for more extreme conditions

    Relationship between some indicators of reproductive history, body fatness and the menopausal transition in Hungarian women

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    a nők reprodukciós története, testszerkezete és a menopauzakor közötti összefüggések elemzése magyar nők körébe

    Individual local human thermal climates in the Hungarian lowland: Estimations by a simple clothing resistance‐operative temperature model

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    Human thermal climate in the Hungarian lowland is investigated by using a clothing resistance-operative temperature model performing individual, local, and long-term concurrent observations of weather and human thermal perception. Human thermal load is characterized in terms of clothing resistance r(cl) and operative temperature T-o. The model is also used as a tool to analyse the relationship between r(cl) and the structural parameters of the body (relative fat mass index (fatBMI) and relative muscle mass index (muscleBMI)). This analysis works with data collected on more than 1,000 occasions of weather and thermal perception observation and uses body structure data of more than 3,000 adults and children. By analysing the data, the following human thermal climate characteristics have been established. (a) T-o of about 80 degrees C can be considered as the upper limit of heat stress in the Hungarian lowland, similarly, T-o of about -35 to -37 degrees C can be taken as the lower limit of cold stress. (b) Interpersonal thermal load variations increase with increasing of cold stress; these variations are the smallest within the "thermoneutral" zone. (c) In cold stress situations, there is a significant sexual dimorphism in the relationship between r(cl) and fatBMI. (d) In night time period of the day, T-o can vary between 25 degrees C and the lower limit of cold stress. In this range of T-o, thermal perception types "neutral," "cool," "cold," and "very cold" occurred. Based on the results, it can be seen that interpersonal thermal load variations cannot be neglected in extreme cold weather conditions, and that interpersonal variations of fatBMI index are determinant in the formation of individual clothing resistance

    Tápláltsági állapot-Életmód. Auxológiai referencia-értékek = Nutritional status-Life conditions. Auxological standards

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    A kutatás célja a tápláltsági állapot epidemiológiai szűrésére alkalmas standardok kidolgozása a pubertáskorú gyermekek testalkatának, testösszetételének és érettségének a család életminőségének tükrében végzett vizsgálata alapján. A hazánkban élő, 10-16 éves gyermekek 2 %-os minta alapján 1. adatbázist hoztunk létre a 10?18 éves magyar gyermekek legfontosabb testfejlettségi, tápláltsági és fizikai státusának mutatóira a WHO (1995) ajánlásai szerint; 2. a testi fejlettség legfontosabb mutatói alapján kidolgozott referencia értékeket megjelenítő térképeket, görbéket konstruáltunk a gyermekek testfejlettségi, tápláltsági állapotának becslésére; 3. megállapítottuk a gyermekek testösszetételére, testalkatára vonatkozó referencia értékeket; 4. megállapítottuk a szexuális érés mutatóinak kor-mediánjait; 5. elemeztük a növekedési és érési mintázat szekuláris változásait az 1983?1986 között végzett Országos Növekedésvizsgálat eredményivel való összehasonlító analízis alapján. 6. feltérképeztük a gyermekek tápanyag-ellátottságát, táplálkozási szokásait, különös tekintettel a tápanyag- és energia-bevitel nemi különbségeire és életkori trendjeire. 7. elemeztük a gyermekek fizikai aktivitásának és a családok szociális jellemzőinek a gyermekek testfejlettségére gyakorolt hatását; és annak megállapítása, hogy az ország különböző régióira jellemző sajátos szociális és gazdasági különbségek hogyan tükröződnek vissza a gyermekek testfejlettségi státusára. | The main purpose of the project was to construct standards for the epidemiological screening of nutritional status in puberty by studying the body shape, body composition and maturation in a sample of pubertal children representative (2%) of all Hungarian children aged between 10-16 yrs in the mirror of the life style factors in the families. 1. Databases have been constructed on the main indexes of body development, nutritional and physical status of Hungarian children aged 10-16 by following the WHO recommendations. 2. Reference curves and charts have been constructed on the main indices of body development for paediatricians and school-doctors to help the assessment of children's body development and nutritional status. 3. Reference values of body development and body shape in puberty have been made. 4. Pubertal age-medians of sexual maturation indices have been assessed. 5. Secular changes in the pattern of growth and development have been analyzed by comparing our results to those observed in the National Growth Study 1983-86. 6. Nutrient access and nutritional habits have been assessed, especially the age changes and sexual dimorphism in nutrient and energy intake. 7. The influence of physical activity and the social background on the body development of children have been analyzed to study the relationship between the social and economic factors of the different regions in Hungary and the children?s developmental status

    A menopauzakor és a reprodukciós történet néhány tényezője közötti kapcsolatrendszer

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    The importance of studying the relationship between the reproductive variables, as age at menarche, menopause, characteristics of menstrual cycles, fertility, and body structure parameters is increasing nowadays, since (1) many diseases, for example obesity, cardiovascular disorders, breast, ovarian and uterine cancers, seem to be related to the characteristics of reproductive life , and (2) the increasing knowledge about the complex relatio nship between the reproductive variables and body structure could help to improve the effectiveness of the health prevention programs , and to help women to achieve longer post - reproductive lifespan with better quality of life. The main purpose of the prese nt study was to analyze the relationship among some indicators o f reproductive history in women . Since we used many variables of the reproductive and menstrual history in the analysis, the univariate Kaplan - Meier survival test and the multivariate Cox prop ortional hazards regression modelling was chosen to explore the relationships among the reproductive life variables. T he secular changes of the studied reproductive variables were also analyzed . The multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression modellin g revealed that the ever use of contraceptives, the relatively long cycle length in the perimenopausal transition and the more number of gestations w ere related with lower risk of earlier menopause