3 research outputs found

    Automation of Production Line in Order to Increase the Productivity

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    The main goal of this research is to demonstrate a design solution of upgrading of a production line through automation of one section of the line. With this automation, the productivity was increased with lower costs per produced product. A machine for packaging was designed, which is used for final processing of the profile studs. This automation known as partial automation, where not all elements of the system are automated, is first step and it will obtain a possibility for further automation of the production line in order to reach a full automation process. Due to the very short time of return of investment, the crucial benefit of this automation is possibility of implementation in other plants of the company, which will multiply the benefit and provide more competitiveness on the market, due to the decrease of the production costs and improvement of the health and safety standards

    Virtual Modelling and Simulation of a CNC Machine Feed Drive System

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    This paper deals with the virtual modelling and simulation of a complex CNC machine tool feed drive system. The first phase of the study was the modelling of a very complex structure of the feed drive which consists of many elements (position, velocity and current control regulators, actuators, mechanical transmission elements, etc.). All these elements have great influence on important parameters of the machine tool such as movement stability, positioning accuracy and dynamic stiffness. For the modelling of the system the Matlab-SIMULINK and Matlab-Sim Scape Toolbox software was used. The Matlab-Sim Scape Toolbox allowed us to use the complete CAD model of the geometry of the machine tool, automatically calculating the selected properties. The influence of changing and optimizing several feed drive parameters (position loop gain Kv, proportional gain Kp of the velocity controller, integral gain of velocity controller-Tn, electrical drive time constant Te, total moving mass m, sampling period Ts, etc.) on the positioning accuracy and the dynamic stiffness was simulated, tested and validated. The finished Matlab-Simulink and Sim Scape models were initially visualized in the Matlab program. They were very simplified, comparing with their later visualization in the Virtual Reality EON Studio program

    Počítačový návrh hlavního hnacího vřetene CNC obráběcího stroje

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    Characteristics of main spindle drives highly depends upon skillfulness of composing motors and mechanical transmission elements. This paper gives short description of an original computer program which enables interactive design of main spindle drives for CNC machine tools and analysis of different design variants.Charakteristika pohonu hlavního vřetene závisí zejména, jak přesně jsou složeny motorové a mechanické přenosové části. Tento článek v krátkosti popisuje originální počítačový program, který umožňuje interaktivní design hlavní vřetene pro CNC obráběcí stroje a analýzu různých navržených variant