84 research outputs found

    Analysis of the construction process of a road crossover over\ud the railway

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    The thesis presents the construction process on a case of road crossover over the railway,\ud where special attention is placed to specific requirements that appear when different\ud infrastructure systems intersect, and to the analysis of deficiencies that were identified during\ud final check of the structure.\ud The first part describes the general features of the the construction process. Construction\ud phases, roles and responsibilities of various participants, and extensive documentation\ud required for the project execution from the initial feasibility study to the final delivery to the\ud client are presented. The key legal documents that regulate all construction phases (from the\ud conceptual phase to commissioning) are discussed. The second part of the thesis presents the\ud case study, the application of guidelines specified in the first part of the thesis that relate to\ud the specific requirements (intersection of two different infrastructure systems), construction\ud details and the comparison of the planned and as-built schedule. The last part of the thesis\ud presents the results of the analysis of the deficiencies that were identified during the final\ud check. The analysis shows that the main factor causing the deficiencies is lack of\ud communication between participants during the construction of the road crossover over the\ud railway

    Procena rizika od elementarnih nepogoda i drugih nesreća u Republici Srbiji - metodoloÅ”ki osvrt

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    One of the most serious challenges of modern society is the lack of awareness of the presence of various dangers and possibilities of influencing them. Each community takes various measures and activities to assess the degree of their vulnerability tending to a state free from danger. As the most complex part, risk assessment requires a systematic approach to identifying and analyzing hazards based on the application of appropriate criteria for calculating the level of risk presented in this paper. Each risk assessment methodology must be adapted to the context of risk assessment. For this reason, the methodology for risk assessment of natural and other disasters is an attempt to establish basic requirements and criteria for risk assessment in the field of emergency management. Due to the complexity and unpredictability of natural and technological hazards that threaten people, material resources and the environment, risk assessment methodology includes risk mapping and assessment of combinations of risks - multi-risk, as well as a cross-border dimension of risk.Jedan od najozbiljnijih izazova savremenog druÅ”tva jeste nedostatak svesti o prisustvu različitih opasnosti i mogućnostima uticaja na njih. U težnji ka stanju oslobođenom opasnosti svaka druÅ”tvena zajednica preduzima razne mere i aktivnosti da proceni stepen svoje ugroženosti. Kao najsloženiji deo procene ugroženosti, procena rizika zahteva sistematičan pristup u identifikovanju i analizi opasnosti, zasnovan na primeni odgovarajućih kriterijuma za izračunavanje nivoa rizika prikazanih u ovom radu. Svaka metodologija za procenu rizika mora se prilagoditi kontekstu procene rizika. Iz tog razloga, metodologija za procenu rizika od elementarnih nepogoda i drugih nesreća predstavlja pokuÅ”aj da se uspostave osnovni zahtevi i kriterijumi za procenu rizika u sferi upravljanja u vanrednim situacijama. Zbog kompleksnosti i nepredvidivosti prirodnih i tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kih opasnosti koje ugrožavaju ljude, materijalna dobra i životnu sredinu, metodologijom procene rizika je obuhvaćena i izrada mapa rizika, procena kombinacija rizika - multirizika, kao i prekogranična dimenzija rizika

    Evaluation of hospital outdoor spaces through usersā€™ participation analysis

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    Hospital outdoor spaces (HOS) play an important part of the Healthcare facilities, with a particular impact on the healing process, which is possible to evaluate by their cultural, social, ecological and economic characteristics and values (Ulrich 1984, 2001, Burnett, 1997; Marcus and Barnes, 1999). However, this paper argues that research studies refer to HOS only as residual spaces to support medical activities. Urban theory, policy and scientific research is focusing on the issue of the hospital evaluation, but mainly on interior and spatial characteristics, rather than a hospital outdoor environment. No more than 1000 papers have been published on this topic. This paper discusses quality and significance of HOS in Belgrade, while identifying the problems and potentials of HOS, from the user perspective. The presented paper is established as the part of the larger research done in collaboration of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade and Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Architecture, which will be presented in a series of four books. The first book (Health Spaces: Hospital outdoor environment) is already published and it offers a general ā€œtop-downā€ interdisciplinary overview of the topic of HOS, given by experts - architects, urban planners and designers. Particularly, this paper is prepared as a foundation for the second book, with the aim to offer a ā€œbottom-upā€ overview on the topic of HOS given by hospital ā€œcommunityā€ (doctors, patients, staff, visitors, etc.). Furthermore, this research was also conducted as a part of an academic course: ā€œParticipative Urban Designā€, with the students at the master level of studies. The methodological framework used in this paper consists of extensive and fundamental literature review. In the frame of participative and collaborative approach, all analyses were conducted in the form of quality assessment, from the perspective of stakeholders, aforementioned as a hospital community. The survey was conducted using specific two-part questionnaire, carefully established within the academic course, as a main tool for reaching the database. Focusing on the case of Belgrade, four major hospitals were chosen as case studies: Clinical center of Serbia, Military Medical Academy, and both Clinical Hospital Centers: ā€œBežanijska kosaā€ and ā€œZvezdaraā€. The group of 12 students conducted the survey over a period of four weeks, with more than 120 participants from each hospital, gathering both specific and general results. Overall, this paper presents the first assessment of HOS of this kind ever done in Serbia. The results of the research will contribute to improving hospital environment and could present the first step on the path to integrate outdoor spaces into hospital life

    Effective ionization coefficients for low current dc discharges in alcohol vapours at low pressure

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    This paper presents results for effective ionisation coefficients (Ī±eff/N\alpha _{\mathrm {eff}}/N, Nā€”gas density) obtained from the breakdown voltage and emission profile measurements in low-pressure dc discharges in vapours of alcohols: methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, and n-butanol. Our results for Ī±eff/N\alpha _{\mathrm {eff}}/N are determined from the axial emission profiles in low-current Townsend discharge and lay in the interval of reduced electric field E/N (Eā€”electric field, Nā€”gas density), from 1 kTd to 8.8 kTd. We also give a comparison of our experimental results with those from the available literature. Our data cover the high E/N range of the standard operating conditions and in the region where other data are available we have a good agreement

    Oscillation modes of dc microdischarges with parallel-plate geometry

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    Two different oscillation modes in microdischarge with parallel-plate geometry has been observed: relaxation oscillations with frequency range between 1.23 and 2.1 kHz and free-running oscillations with 7 kHz frequency. The oscillation modes are induced by increasing power supply voltage or discharge current. For a given power supply voltage, there is a spontaneous transition from one to other oscillation mode and vice versa. Before the transition from relaxation to free-running oscillations, the spontaneous increase of oscillation frequency of relaxation oscillations form 1.3 kHz to 2.1 kHz is measured. Fourier Transform Spectra of relaxation oscillations reveal chaotic behaviour of microdischarge. Volt-Ampere characteristics associated with relaxation oscillations describes periodical transition between low current, diffuse discharge and normal glow. However, free-running oscillations appear in subnormal glow only.Comment: Submitted to: New Journal of Physic

    Cross-Sector Cooperation in the Field of Food Distribution as a Response to Problems of Poverty and Material Deprivation

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    Ekonomska kriza koja traje od 2008. godine dovela je do eskalacije problema siromaÅ”tva i materijalne deprivacije u značajnom broju zemalja Europske unije. S druge strane, internacionalizacija lanaca opskrbe hranom dovela je do povećanja bacanja hrane na putu od sirovine do krajnjega potroÅ”ača, a u tome prednjače najrazvijenije ekonomije. Stoga se u praksi pojavljuju različiti oblici socijalnih inicijativa koje imaju za cilj djelovati u pravcu rjeÅ”avanja ovih obaju problema. Spomenute socijalne inicijative uključuju intenzivnu međusektorsku suradnju profitnog i neprofitnog sektora. U ovome radu najprije će se obrazložiti situacija siromaÅ”tva i materijalne deprivacije u Hrvatskoj u usporedbi s drugim europskim državama. Zatim će se razjasniti pojava bacanja hrane u lancima opskrbe na europskoj i svjetskoj razini. Konačno, analizirat će se i opisati temeljni oblici rjeÅ”avanja ovih dvaju problema kroz međusektorsku suradnju unutar socijalnog poduzetniÅ”tva.The economic crisis that has been ongoing since 2008 has led to an escalation of the problem of poverty and material deprivation in a large number of EU member states. On the other hand, the internationalization of food supply chains has led to an increase in food waste along the way from raw materials to the final consumer, and the most developed economies are leaders in this phenomenon. Therefore, in practice, various forms of social initiatives have emerged with the aim to solve both of these problems. The aforementioned social initiatives include intensive cross-sector cooperation of profit and non-profit sector. This paper will first explain the situation of poverty and material deprivation in Croatia compared to other European countries. Furthermore, it will explain the phenomenon of food waste in the supply chain at the European and world level. Finally, the paper will analyze and describe basic forms of solving these two problems through cross-sector cooperation within the field of social entrepreneurship

    Subkonjunktivna fragmentacija XEN gel stenta nakon prethodno uspjeÅ”ne implantacije i posljedičnog formiranja filtracijskog jastučića: prikaz slučaja

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    The XEN gel stent is one of the available minimally invasive glaucoma surgery devices, a new generation implant, which is designed to reduce intraocular pressure in patients with primary open angle glaucoma if past medical treatments have failed. This report presents a case of subconjunctival fragmentation of the XEN gel stent after a three-month follow-up of successful XEN gel implantation. A 70-year-old male patient was treated for primary open angle glaucoma. He underwent successful phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation two years before. Due to medical therapy failure in controlling glaucoma, XEN gel stent implantation was suggested to the patient. The implant was successfully placed in both eyes, and extended bleb and drainage aqueous humor from the anterior chamber to the subconjunctival space was obtained. Three months after the surgery, at a regular follow-up visit, three fragments of the subconjunctival part of the XEN gel implant were found in his left eye. Neither serious complications nor intraocular pressure increase were detected. A new potential complication of the XEN gel implant is described.XEN gel stent je implantat nove generacije koji se rabi u minimalno invazivnoj kirurgiji glaukoma, namijenjen za snižavanje intraokularnog tlaka u bolesnika s glaukomom primarno otvorenog kuta kada prethodno liječenje nije dovelo do željenog rezultata. Prikazan je slučaj bolesnika kod kojega je nakon tri mjeseca praćenja uspjeÅ”no implantiranog XEN gel stenta doÅ”lo do njegove subkonjunktivne fragmentacije. MuÅ”karac u dobi od 70 godina liječen je zbog glaukoma otvorenog kuta. Dvije godine ranije imao je uspjeÅ”nu operaciju katarakte s ugradnjom intraokularne leće. Zbog neuspjeÅ”ne kontrole glaukoma medikamentnom terapijom bolesniku je predložena implantacija XEN gel stenta. Implantat je uspjeÅ”no implantiran u oba oka te je omogućen protok očne vodice iz prednje očne sobice u subkonjunktivni prostor uz formiranje filtracijskog jastučića. Tri mjeseca nakon operacije lijevoga oka, na redovnoj kontroli vizualizirana su tri fragmenta subkonjunktivnog dijela XEN gel stenta, bez da je prethodno bilo ozbiljnijih komplikacija ili porasta intraokularnoga tlaka. Opisana je nova moguća komplikacija XEN gela implantata


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    Background: Delirium is an urgent condition in psychiatry and it occurs after long-lasting alcohol abuse, in surgical procedures and other organic mental syndromes with deprivation of interpersonal and social stimulations. The aim was to evaluate of sociodemographical and psychopathological differences in delirium patients with alcoholand surgical genesis, studied in period from January 1st 2003 to December 31st 2012 in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Subjects and methods: Subjects were divided into two groups: alcoholics (N=75) and surgical patients (N=75) and multicentric, prospective study was performed in B&H. The following instruments have been used: list of general data (according to MCD-10 criteria), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Becks test of anxiety (BAI), Hamilton Depressive Rating Scale (HDRS) and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Descriptive and analytical statistical processing of patients has been performed (alpha level: 0.001). Results: Patients from alcohol group showed, with statistical significance p=0.001, the following: unemployment (OR=0.657, CI 0.540-670), ruined marriage (OR=0.570, CI 0.650-710), alcohol abuse (OR=0.179, CI 0.860-0.990), on represented expressed psychoticism, (OR=0.635, CI 0.550-0.715) in EPQ test, HDRS total was more frequent (OR=0.925, CI 0.870-1.120) and on MMSE test, total score was more frequent (OR=0.560, CI 0.570-810). Postoperative patients were older p=0.001 (OR= 1.120, CI 1.082- 1.159) with acutestress: (OR=0.735, CI 0.650-0.910) and showed neuroticism (OR=-0.660, CI 0.575-0.715). Discriminative function confirms the differences between alcohol and surgical groups of delirium patients: Canonical Fcn: r=0.771; Wilkinā€™s lambda
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