37 research outputs found

    Management des Ressources Humaines en Temps de Crise : Étude Exploratoire

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    Résumé : La crise sanitaire de Covid-19 a perturbé le fonctionnement des États et des organisations du monde entier y compris notre pays le Maroc.En période de cette pandémie, plusieurs entreprises et institutions marocaines ont été obligées de prendre un certain nombre de mesures dictées à la fois par l’impératif de la protection de la santé de leurs employés et celui de la continuité de leur activité, tels que : les suspensions des contrats de travail, les licenciements pour motifs économiques, la réduction des heures de travail et des effectifs, le télétravail, ... etc.Dans ce contexte exceptionnel, l’objectif de notre recherche était de mener une étude exploratoire qui vise à décrire le monde du travail et de l’emploi au Maroc, pendant l’avènement de la pandémie de Covid-19, tout en dressant un état des lieux du Management des Ressources Humaines en période de cette crise sanitaire exceptionnelle.Pour atteindre les objectifs de notre recherche, on a adopté une approche qualitative, basée sur la collecte des données par le biais de l’entretien semi-directif avec les personnes ressources. L’analyse des données recueillies a été faite par le logiciel Sphinx d’analyse des données qualitatives. Les résultats de notre recherche aboutissent à l’existence de beaucoup d’implications de la crise sanitaire de Covid-19 sur les relations de travail et sur le Management RH. Nos conclusions tentent à élaborer des propositions afin d’assurer une reprise efficace et durable pour la période du Post-Covid. Mots clés : Management RH, Management de crise, Relations de travail, Licenciement pour motifs économiques, Télétravail, Covid-19. Abstract: The health crisis of Covid-19 has disrupted the functioning of states and organizations worldwide, including our country, Morocco.During this pandemic, several Moroccan companies and institutions have been compelled to take a number of measures dictated by both the imperative of protecting the health of their employees and the need to ensure the continuity of their activities, such as: suspensions of employment contracts, layoffs for economic reasons, reduction of working hours and staff, remote work, etc.In this exceptional context, the objective of our research was to conduct an exploratory study aiming to describe the world of work and employment in Morocco, during the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, while providing an overview of Human Resources Management during this unprecedented health crisisTo achieve the objectives of our research, we adopted a qualitative approach, relying on data collection through semi-structured interviews with key informants. The analysis of the collected data was conducted using the Sphinx software for qualitative data analysis.The results of our research lead to the identification of numerous implications of the Covid-19 health crisis on labor relations and HR management. Our conclusions aim to formulate proposals to ensure an effective and sustainable recovery for the post-Covid period.Keywords: HR Management, Crisis Management, Labor Relations, Layoffs for Economic Reasons, Remote Work, Covid-19Résumé : La crise sanitaire de Covid-19 a perturbé le fonctionnement des États et des organisations du monde entier y compris notre pays le Maroc.En période de cette pandémie, plusieurs entreprises et institutions marocaines ont été obligées de prendre un certain nombre de mesures dictées à la fois par l’impératif de la protection de la santé de leurs employés et celui de la continuité de leur activité, tels que : les suspensions des contrats de travail, les licenciements pour motifs économiques, la réduction des heures de travail et des effectifs, le télétravail, ... etc.Dans ce contexte exceptionnel, l’objectif de notre recherche était de mener une étude exploratoire qui vise à décrire le monde du travail et de l’emploi au Maroc, pendant l’avènement de la pandémie de Covid-19, tout en dressant un état des lieux du Management des Ressources Humaines en période de cette crise sanitaire exceptionnelle.Pour atteindre les objectifs de notre recherche, on a adopté une approche qualitative, basée sur la collecte des données par le biais de l’entretien semi-directif avec les personnes ressources. L’analyse des données recueillies a été faite par le logiciel Sphinx d’analyse des données qualitatives. Les résultats de notre recherche aboutissent à l’existence de beaucoup d’implications de la crise sanitaire de Covid-19 sur les relations de travail et sur le Management RH. Nos conclusions tentent à élaborer des propositions afin d’assurer une reprise efficace et durable pour la période du Post-Covid. Mots clés : Management RH, Management de crise, Relations de travail, Licenciement pour motifs économiques, Télétravail, Covid-19. Abstract: The health crisis of Covid-19 has disrupted the functioning of states and organizations worldwide, including our country, Morocco.During this pandemic, several Moroccan companies and institutions have been compelled to take a number of measures dictated by both the imperative of protecting the health of their employees and the need to ensure the continuity of their activities, such as: suspensions of employment contracts, layoffs for economic reasons, reduction of working hours and staff, remote work, etc.In this exceptional context, the objective of our research was to conduct an exploratory study aiming to describe the world of work and employment in Morocco, during the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, while providing an overview of Human Resources Management during this unprecedented health crisisTo achieve the objectives of our research, we adopted a qualitative approach, relying on data collection through semi-structured interviews with key informants. The analysis of the collected data was conducted using the Sphinx software for qualitative data analysis.The results of our research lead to the identification of numerous implications of the Covid-19 health crisis on labor relations and HR management. Our conclusions aim to formulate proposals to ensure an effective and sustainable recovery for the post-Covid period.Keywords: HR Management, Crisis Management, Labor Relations, Layoffs for Economic Reasons, Remote Work, Covid-1


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    International audienceNetworks on Chip (NoCs) can improve a set of perfor- mances criteria, in complex SoCs, such as scalability, flexibility and adaptability. However, performances of a NoC are closely related to its topology. The diameter and average distance represent an important factor in term of performances and implementation. The proposed diagonal mesh topology is designed to offer a good tradeoff between hardware cost and theoretical quality of service (QoS). It can contain a large number of nodes without changing the maximum diameter which is equal to 2. In this paper, we present a new router architecture called FeRoNoC (Flexible, extensible Router NoC) and its Register Transfer Level (RTL) hardware implementation for the diagonal mesh topology. The architecture of our NoC is based on a flexible and extensible router which consists of a packet switching technique and deterministic routing algorithm. Effectiveness and performances of the proposed topology have been shown using a virtex5 FPGA implementation. A comparative performances study of the proposed NoC architecture with others topology is performed

    System level modeling methodology of NoC design from UML-MARTE to VHDL

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    International audienceThe evolution of the semiconductor technology caters for the increase in the System-on-Chip (SoC) complexity. In particular, this complexity appears in the communication infrastructures like the Network-on-Chips (NoCs). However many complex SoCs are becoming increasingly hard to manage. In fact, the design space, which represents all the concepts that need to be explored during the SoC design, is becoming dramatically large and difficult to explore. In addition, the manipulation of SoCs at low levels, like the Register Transfer Level (RTL), is based on manual approaches. This has resulted in the increase of both time-to-market and the development costs. Thus, there is a need for developing some automated high level modeling environments for computer aided design in order to handle the design complexity and meet tight time-to-market requirements. The extension of the UML language called UML profile for MARTE (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded systems) allows the modeling of repetitive structures such as the NoC topologies which are based on specific concepts. This paper presents a new methodology for modeling concepts of NoC-based architectures, especially the modeling of topology of the interconnections with the help of the repetitive structure modeling (RSM) package of MARTE profile. This work deals with the ways of improving the effectiveness of the MARTE standard by clarifying and extending some notations in order to model complex NoC topologies. Our contribution includes a description of how these concepts may be mapped into VHDL. The generated code has been successfully evaluated and validated for several NoC topologies

    Modeling Networks-on-Chip at System Level with the MARTE UML profile

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    International audienceThe study of Networks on Chips (NoCs) is a research field that primarily addresses the global communication in Systems-on-Chip (SoCs). The selected topology and the routing algorithm play a prime role in the performance of NoC architectures. In order to handle the design complexity and meet the tight time-to-market constraints, it is important to automate most of these NoC design phases. The extension of the UML language called UML profile for MARTE (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded systems) specifies some concepts for model-based design and analysis of real time and embedded systems. This paper presents a MARTE based methodology for modeling concepts of NoC based architectures. It aims at improving the effectiveness of the MARTE standard by clarifying some notations and extending some definitions in the standard, in order to be able to model complex architectures like NoCs

    Editorial for the Special Issue on Network on Chip (NoC) and Reconfigurable Systems

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    In a multiprocessor System-on-Chip (SoC), efficient communication between the associated processors has to be addressed at all levels of the system design to guarantee global interconnection [...

    Management de Crise en Milieux Educatifs Marocains : Leçons Tirées d’une Master Class Pédagogique

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    RĂ©sumĂ© : Le secteur de l’éducation constitue un pilier fondamental du dĂ©veloppement des Etats. RĂ©cemment, en 2020, une grande crise sanitaire a secouĂ© les milieux Ă©ducatifs Ă  l’échelle mondiale, et a troublĂ© le bon dĂ©roulement des activitĂ©s de l’enseignement et de la formation. Les institutions Ă©ducatives marocaines n’étaient pas Ă©pargnĂ©es des perturbations causĂ©es par la crise de Covid-19. Dès l’avènement de cette pandĂ©mie, les autoritĂ©s publiques ont très vite renforcĂ© leurs efforts pour gĂ©rer cette crise exceptionnelle imprĂ©vue, en imposant plusieurs restrictions sanitaires : confinement, mesures de distanciation, interdiction de circulation, …etc. En Ă©ducation, l’enseignement Ă  distance Ă©tait le mode d’enseignement Ă©tabli pour pallier Ă  la fermeture des Ă©tablissements Ă©ducatifs. Cependant, des difficultĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©es, en cette pĂ©riode de crise, au niveau de la gestion de ce secteur national important. L’objectif de cette recherche est de mettre la lumière sur le Management des milieux Ă©ducatifs marocains en temps de crise de Covid-19, tout en vĂ©rifiant comment le secteur de l’éducation marocain a Ă©tĂ© dirigĂ© dans ce contexte exceptionnel, afin d’en tirer les enseignements essentiels Ă  la gestion de pareilles crises dans le futur. Dans le prĂ©sent article, nous avons menĂ© une recherche empirique, adoptant une approche qualitative basĂ©e sur la collecte de donnĂ©es par le biais de la technique du « Focus group », rĂ©alisĂ©e auprès d’une catĂ©gorie Ă©tudiants universitaires marocains, dans le cadre d’une Master class pĂ©dagogique organisĂ©e Ă  leur profit. Le dĂ©bat recueilli lors de la session Questions/RĂ©ponses a Ă©tĂ© retranscrit, puis rĂ©parti en thèmes avant d’être analysĂ© par le logiciel NVivo 10. Mots clĂ©s : Management, Education, Crise de Covid-19, Milieux Ă©ducatifs, Enseignement Ă  distance, Focus group, Master class     Abstract: The education sector constitutes a fundamental pillar of states' development. Recently, in 2020, a major health crisis shook educational environments globally, disrupting the smooth operation of teaching and training activities. Moroccan educational institutions were not spared from the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 crisis. With the onset of this pandemic, public authorities quickly intensified their efforts to manage this unprecedented crisis by imposing several health restrictions: lockdowns, social distancing measures, travel bans, and so on. In education, distance learning became the established mode of instruction to compensate for the closure of educational institutions. However, difficulties were encountered during this crisis period in managing this important national sector.  The objective of this research is to shed light on the Management of Moroccan educational environments during the Covid-19 crisis, while examining how the Moroccan education sector was handled in this exceptional context, in order to derive essential lessons for managing similar crises in the future. In this article, we conducted empirical research using a qualitative approach based on data collection through the « Focus group » technique, carried out with a group of Moroccan university students during a Pedagogical Master class organized for their benefit. The debate collected during the Q&A session was transcribed, then categorized into themes before being analyzed by the NVivo 10 software. Keywords: Management, Education, Covid-19 Crisis, Educational Environments, Distance Learning, Focus Group, Master ClassRĂ©sumĂ© : Le secteur de l’éducation constitue un pilier fondamental du dĂ©veloppement des Etats. RĂ©cemment, en 2020, une grande crise sanitaire a secouĂ© les milieux Ă©ducatifs Ă  l’échelle mondiale, et a troublĂ© le bon dĂ©roulement des activitĂ©s de l’enseignement et de la formation. Les institutions Ă©ducatives marocaines n’étaient pas Ă©pargnĂ©es des perturbations causĂ©es par la crise de Covid-19. Dès l’avènement de cette pandĂ©mie, les autoritĂ©s publiques ont très vite renforcĂ© leurs efforts pour gĂ©rer cette crise exceptionnelle imprĂ©vue, en imposant plusieurs restrictions sanitaires : confinement, mesures de distanciation, interdiction de circulation, …etc. En Ă©ducation, l’enseignement Ă  distance Ă©tait le mode d’enseignement Ă©tabli pour pallier Ă  la fermeture des Ă©tablissements Ă©ducatifs. Cependant, des difficultĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©es, en cette pĂ©riode de crise, au niveau de la gestion de ce secteur national important. L’objectif de cette recherche est de mettre la lumière sur le Management des milieux Ă©ducatifs marocains en temps de crise de Covid-19, tout en vĂ©rifiant comment le secteur de l’éducation marocain a Ă©tĂ© dirigĂ© dans ce contexte exceptionnel, afin d’en tirer les enseignements essentiels Ă  la gestion de pareilles crises dans le futur. Dans le prĂ©sent article, nous avons menĂ© une recherche empirique, adoptant une approche qualitative basĂ©e sur la collecte de donnĂ©es par le biais de la technique du « Focus group », rĂ©alisĂ©e auprès d’une catĂ©gorie Ă©tudiants universitaires marocains, dans le cadre d’une Master class pĂ©dagogique organisĂ©e Ă  leur profit. Le dĂ©bat recueilli lors de la session Questions/RĂ©ponses a Ă©tĂ© retranscrit, puis rĂ©parti en thèmes avant d’être analysĂ© par le logiciel NVivo 10. Mots clĂ©s : Management, Education, Crise de Covid-19, Milieux Ă©ducatifs, Enseignement Ă  distance, Focus group, Master class     Abstract: The education sector constitutes a fundamental pillar of states' development. Recently, in 2020, a major health crisis shook educational environments globally, disrupting the smooth operation of teaching and training activities. Moroccan educational institutions were not spared from the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 crisis. With the onset of this pandemic, public authorities quickly intensified their efforts to manage this unprecedented crisis by imposing several health restrictions: lockdowns, social distancing measures, travel bans, and so on. In education, distance learning became the established mode of instruction to compensate for the closure of educational institutions. However, difficulties were encountered during this crisis period in managing this important national sector.  The objective of this research is to shed light on the Management of Moroccan educational environments during the Covid-19 crisis, while examining how the Moroccan education sector was handled in this exceptional context, in order to derive essential lessons for managing similar crises in the future. In this article, we conducted empirical research using a qualitative approach based on data collection through the « Focus group » technique, carried out with a group of Moroccan university students during a Pedagogical Master class organized for their benefit. The debate collected during the Q&A session was transcribed, then categorized into themes before being analyzed by the NVivo 10 software. Keywords: Management, Education, Covid-19 Crisis, Educational Environments, Distance Learning, Focus Group, Master Clas

    Low power design of wireless endoscopy compression/communication architecture

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    A wireless endoscopy capsule represents an efficient device interesting on the examination of digestive diseases. Many performance criteria’s (silicon area, dissipated power, image quality, computational time, etc.) need to be deeply studied.In this paper, our interest is the optimization of the indicated criteria. The proposed methodology is based on exploring the advantages of the DCT/DWT transforms by combining them into single architecture. For arithmetic operations, the MCLA technique is used. This architecture integrates also a CABAC entropy coder that supports all binarization schemes. AMBA/I2C architecture is developed for assuring optimized communication.The comparisons of the proposed architecture with the most popular methods explained in related works show efficient results in terms dissipated power, hardware cost, and computation speed. Keywords: Wireless endoscopy capsule, DCT/DWT image compression, CABAC entropy coder, AMBA/I2C multi-bus architectur