2 research outputs found


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    Public sector organizations are required to provide excellent service by making customer satisfaction the main goal for service personnel in accordance with public service standards in Law no. 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services. In addition to improving service quality through excellent service, public organizations must also provide quality services with the concept of "wholehearted service". This wholehearted service is reflected in the sincerity of the apparatus to serve with emotion, character, belief in values, points of view, and feelings and makes customer satisfaction the main goal. Based on the results of the research and discussion, the conclusions of the research results can be stated that the work environment has a significant and influential effect on the quality of services at the Service for Elderly Social Institutions in Bima City, NTB Province. The direction of the relationship shows that if the work environment variable is getting better, the service quality variable (Y) is also increasing. The work environment is everything that is around the workers and that can affect them in carrying out the tasks assigned to them.Organisasi sektor publik wajib memberikan pelayanan prima dengan menjadikan kepuasan pelanggan sebagai tujuan utama bagi aparatur pelayan sesuai dengan standar pelayanan publik dalam Undang-Undang No. 25 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pelayanan Publik. Selain peningkatan kualitas pelayanan melalui pelayanan prima, organisasi publik juga harus memberikan pelayanan berkualitas dengan konsep “layanan sepenuh hati”. Layanan sepenuh hati tersebut tercermin melalui kesungguhan aparatur untuk melayani dengan emosi, watak, keyakinan nilai, sudut pandang, dan perasaan serta menjadikan kepuasan pelanggan sebagai tujuan utama. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka kesimpulan hasil penelitian dapat dinyatakan bahwa lingkungan kerja berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap Kuliatas Pelayanan Pada Dinas Panti Sosial Lanjut Usia Kota Bima Provinsi NTB. Arah hubungan menunjukkan jika variabel lingkungan kerja semakin baik maka variabel Kuliatas Pelayanan (Y) juga semakin meningkat. Lingkungan kerja adalah segala sesuatu yang ada disekitar para pekerja dan yang dapat mempengaruhi dirinya dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas yang dibebankan.&nbsp

    Pendampingan Baca Tulis Al Quran bagi Anak-Anak di Lokasi KKN Kelurahan Dodu Kota Bima

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    This community service activity is through attracting community participation to allow children to learn the Koran. The objectives of the activity are; as a solution to the limited number of Koran teachers in the midst of a ban on crowding during the COVID-19 pandemic. The coaching program is carried out through assistance in eradicating illiteracy in the Koran through the Iqra method. Initial observations through interviews with religious leaders and several communities stated that children were less interested in the Koran at TPQ because they had to queue for a long time at one Koran teacher so that they felt bored and ended up decreasing their concentration and enthusiasm for learning the Koran. This activity is divided into three classics, namely; Opening activities (early classics), core activities and closing activities (late classics). The existence of a place to learn the Koran at the KKN Post every night, becomes a means to gather and interact with each other, besides being a means to meet other children with one another, it is also very important for the children of Dodu Village. because with this learning facility it can increase knowledge to children, especially in terms of correct and precise reading of the Qur'an through learning Iqra. The existence of the KKN post as an alternative to learning the Koran is very beneficial for children who previously only spent their days playing and with busy parents who sometimes make children less attention from their parents