168 research outputs found

    Case Report -Acupuncture Treatment for Hypothyroidism

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    The main purpose of doing this work is to show the most effective acupoints used in the acupuncture treatment of hypothyroidism in our practice and the results after the treatment

    Two Case Reports - Acupuncture for Hand and Wrist Pain

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    Arthralgia is a medical term which means pain in joint. Wrist joint is very complex, therefore it is very often exposed to injuries. Many conditions which affect the wrist joint cause problems like pain, stiffness and swelling in the joint and it can reflects in the fingers, hands and forearm. Hand pain can impedes important daily tasks if hand pain is accompanied by tingling, numbness, or weakness. Wrist pain can be caused by injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, gout and etc. According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the etiological factors for muscle/sinew pain are: Bi, Qi and blood vacuity due to spleen QI vacuity, Blood stasis, Liver depression, Qi stagnation, combined factors and etc. Acupuncture as part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine, is effective treatment for wrist pain. Our patients are 51 and 65 years old females with wrist pain, treated with acupuncture on Ashi i.e. trigger points. One patients had only one treatment and the other three treatments. The treatments were made in a clinic for TCM and acupuncture in Skopje, Macedonia by a doctor specialist in acupuncture, on a room temperature, with fire and normal needles

    Statistic analysis of effectiveness of acupuncture treatment

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    Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest healing systems on the planet which is in practice for thousands of years. If an old tradition is still used today for healing we shouldn't question its effectiveness - it's used because it is effective. This research is made as a proof, according to the answers of 55 interviewed patients who have been treated with acupuncture treatment, that the acupuncture treatment is effective in most of the cases. Patients were given to answer a questionnaire with 12 questions. Patients were with different diagnosis and level of pain, but main three were: musculoskeletal pain, autoimmune and neurological diseases. In this research are included 7 male and 43 female patients, from 20 to 70 years of age. All of them had acupuncture treatment in our clinic. 42.31% or 22 patients reported that the symptoms totally disappeared, 51.92% - 27 patients said that the pain is almost gone and only 5.77% - 3 patients didn’t have any improvement so far. Acupuncture as part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine is very often used in variety of conditions and is pretty effective treatment, which gives positive results and helps the body naturally to heal on its own

    Case Report - Male Infertility Acupuncture Treatment

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    Infertility is not just a woman’s problem. Every third case of infertility appears to be due to men’s problems. Male infertility can be caused by some problems with the semen concentration or formation or semen quality of quantity. Our treated patient is 32 year old male, diagnoses with infertility due to highly viscous semen and sperm agglutination and agglomeration. Seven treatments were made with acupuncture, one treatment weekly. Treatments were made in a clinic for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture by a doctor specialist in acupuncture. Treatments were made indoor, on a room temperature with duration of 35-40 minutes. After the treatments, the semen analysis showed that all analyzed parameters are with normal reference values, with no presence of sperm agglutination and agglomeration. The aim of the treatment was to correct the Yin defect. For that purpose acupuncture was performed on the meridians of Liver, Kidney, Spleen, Du Mai and Ren Mai. Acupuncture as part of the 5000 years old Traditional Chinese Medicine is a very effective treatment in male infertility, effectively stimulating the production of healthy semen and significantly improving the semen quality and quantity. With correct diagnosis and eradication of the root cause, the positive results are inevitable

    Cervical cancer - statistical analysis data for 2016 and 2017 in Republic of North Macedonia

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    The exceptional accessibility of the cervix (cervix uteri) and direct physical examination have allowed intensive research into the nature of the malignant lesions of the cervix. Studies have shown that many of these tumors have no explosive but gradual onset. Their pre-invasive antecedents may persist for two-way surfaces or in situ disease for several years, although this may change, at least in some patients. There is convincing evidence that the cytological screening programs are effective in reducing mortality from cervical cancer. Screening has not only reduced the incidence and mortality rate but has also found many women with pre-invasive neoplasia (which is the role of screening rather than diagnosing cancer). From the results of the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Northern Macedonia for two years 2016 and 2017, it is concluded that the cervical cancer mortality rate in 2016 is significantly higher than in 2017, where the screening program is more developed and higher and there’s more coverage of at-risk patient group (50+ years). In 2016, 87.4% had normal results, while 12.6% had cellular abnormalities, compared to 2017 - 76.2% had normal results, while 23.8% had cellular abnormalities. The mortality rate in 2017 from cervical cancer is 30 which is lower than in 2016. This situation points to the necessity of increasing the coverage of women in the Program for screening and promoting the implementation of the Program by the Ministry of Health as soon as possible

    Lung cancer - statistical analysis data in a 5 year period in Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia

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    Lung cancer is one of the most common and deadly malignancies in the world, which is characterized by uncontrolled division and growth of malignant cells in the pulmonary parenchyma. For the purposes of this paper was used data from the clinical hospital “Dr. Trifun Panovski'' in the Municipality of Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia in the period of 2015-2019. The results show that the most of the cases are male with the leading age of about 55-64 years. However, the disease is becoming more common in the female population at a later age. Regarding the number of male patients treated in the Municipality of Bitola, it can be noted that the highest number of male patients was in 2018, and the lowest in 2017. Most female patients were treated in 2016 and the least in 2018. From the analysis of the Institute of Public Health, the highest number of male deaths in Bitola occurred in 2014 and the lowest in 2015 and 2018, among female patients, the highest number of deaths was in 2014, but the lowest in 2018. Death outcomes in Bitola represent about 6-7% of total number of deaths in the Republic of North Macedonia

    Case report: Acupuncture treatment for Freiberg disease

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    Freiberg disease is a form of avascular necrosis which generally develops in the second metatarsal bone, but can occur in any metatarsals. It is commoner in women aged 10-18, athletes and those with abnormally long metatarsals. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) philosophy is based on the flow of the Qi energy and balance of yin and yang. According to TCM disease is as a result of an internal imbalance of yin and yang and when the body's qi, or vital energy, cannot flow freely. TCM can be used in the treatment of Freiberg disease and can gives very satisfying results. Our patient is a 16 years old female diagnosed with Morbus Freiberg, also known as a Freiberg infraction. In the treatment was used one acupuncture point - ST 44 (Neiting). Four acupuncture treatments were made in our clinic, one with cold needle and three with fire needle. After the 4th treatment our patient was able to walk normally, the edema was reduced and the pain was gone. Acupuncture treatment can reduce the pain and inflammation, and restore the function of the foot normally

    Liver cirrhosis - statistical analysis data in a 5 year period in Prilep, Republic of North Macedonia

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    Liver cirrhosis is defined as a diffuse process, which is characterized by fibrosis and the conversion of normal liver architecture to abnormal nodules. For the purposes of this paper was used data from the Institute for Public Health in Prilep, Republic of North Macedonia in the period of 2014 to 2018. The data were analyzed and processed epidemiologically, descriptively and statistically. The total number of hospitalized patients in the analyzed period is 107 patients. The highest number of cases was registered in 2015 with 31 patients ie 29% and the lowest number in 2018 with 9 patients or 8%. According to gender, cirrhosis affected men more - 79 patients (74%) than women - 28 patients (26%). According to the age structure, the most of the cases were from 55 to 64 years old – 55 patients (51%). According to the etiological distribution, alcohol is the main cause of cirrhosis in Prilep region - 59 cases (55%). According to the hospitalization ie the number of hospital days, over a period of 5 years the number of hospital days is 432. In other patients the exact cause of cirrhosis has not been established. Analysis shows that the risk and severity of liver complications endanger life and quality of life and increase morbidity and mortality

    Acupuncture and Yunnan Baiyao Treatment for Uterine Myoma

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    Fibroids, also known as uterine myomas, fibromas or leiomyomas are benign growths of the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus. They occur in 20-50% of all women. Myomas grow in different places and parts of the uterus. There are three main types of myoma: subserous, intramural and sub mucosal. Most women do not have any symptoms and they may detect the myoma accidentally during a routine gynecological examination. Larger myomas can cause irregular, intense and prolonged bleeding with anemia, as well as a feeling of pressure in the stomach or a feeling of bloating. Sometimes myomas press the surrounding organs like: the bladder and the colon, and thus cause certain discomforts. Pain in the loins is common too. In this case is presented a 45 year old woman, diagnosed with uterine myoma of 5, 5 cm. The period was irregular and prolonged. The patient has also undergone curettage and conization of the cervix (CIN 3). The patient was treated with acupuncture treatment and Yunnan Baiyao tea. 10 acupuncture treatments were made in a period of 6 months and the Yunnan Baiyao tea was taken simultaneously. After 6 months, the myoma was reduced from 5,5 cm to 2,5 cm. The treatment with acupuncture and Yunnan Baiyao tea can give very good results in gynecological disorders and can help in the treatment of myoma and significantly reduce the size of the myom

    Acupuncture in the treatment of pain

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    Pain is a feeling that can be felt in many areas in the body (back, pelvis, chest, abdomen) and is triggered by the nervous system. Pain is most common symptom in conditions of the musculoskeletal system, but also can accompany other conditions like hormonal imbalance, autoimmune, neurological diseases etc. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) recommends more intensive treatment for pain with acupuncture and herbal medicine, so the blocked Qi can be released and the normal body function can be stimulated. In our study we have done a survey on our patients with questionnaire of 13 questions in our clinic. In the survey participated 41 patients, 6 male and 35 female, of different age groups, with different conditions and with main symptom ofpain. All patients have done acupuncture treatment in our clinic in the past year with certain number of treatments. In 63.41% or 26 patients, the overall health condition was improved totally, in 31.71% or 13 patients the condition is partially better and only 4.88% or 2 patients did not have any improvement
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