130,664 research outputs found

    What are the Newest Developments in Change Management Models to Increase Organizational Effectiveness, Agility and Change Readiness?

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    Businesses are constantly required to adapt to a changing environment in order to maintain their position in the market and even more so if they are to truly grow. Few organizational change efforts tend to be complete failures, but few tend to be entirely successful either. Considerable research efforts have been deployed to fill that knowledge gap and support executives in the field of change management

    Approximating Cumulative Pebbling Cost Is Unique Games Hard

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    The cumulative pebbling complexity of a directed acyclic graph GG is defined as cc(G)=minPiPi\mathsf{cc}(G) = \min_P \sum_i |P_i|, where the minimum is taken over all legal (parallel) black pebblings of GG and Pi|P_i| denotes the number of pebbles on the graph during round ii. Intuitively, cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) captures the amortized Space-Time complexity of pebbling mm copies of GG in parallel. The cumulative pebbling complexity of a graph GG is of particular interest in the field of cryptography as cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) is tightly related to the amortized Area-Time complexity of the Data-Independent Memory-Hard Function (iMHF) fG,Hf_{G,H} [AS15] defined using a constant indegree directed acyclic graph (DAG) GG and a random oracle H()H(\cdot). A secure iMHF should have amortized Space-Time complexity as high as possible, e.g., to deter brute-force password attacker who wants to find xx such that fG,H(x)=hf_{G,H}(x) = h. Thus, to analyze the (in)security of a candidate iMHF fG,Hf_{G,H}, it is crucial to estimate the value cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) but currently, upper and lower bounds for leading iMHF candidates differ by several orders of magnitude. Blocki and Zhou recently showed that it is NP\mathsf{NP}-Hard to compute cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G), but their techniques do not even rule out an efficient (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation algorithm for any constant ε>0\varepsilon>0. We show that for any constant c>0c > 0, it is Unique Games hard to approximate cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) to within a factor of cc. (See the paper for the full abstract.)Comment: 28 pages, updated figures and corrected typo

    Algebraic Bethe ansatz for integrable Kondo impurities in the one-dimensional supersymmetric t-J model

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    An integrable Kondo problem in the one-dimensional supersymmetric t-J model is studied by means of the boundary supersymmetric quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary KK matrices depending on the local moments of the impurities are presented as a nontrivial realization of the graded reflection equation algebras in a two-dimensional impurity Hilbert space. Further,the model is solved by using the algebraic Bethe ansatz method and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.Comment: 6 pages, RevTe

    Spin-3/2 baryons from an anisotropic lattice QCD action

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    The mass spectrum of baryons in the spin-3/2 sector is computed in quenched lattice QCD using a tadpole-improved anisotropic action. Both isospin 1/2 and 3/2 (the traditional decuplet) are considered, as well as members that contain strange quarks. States with positive and negative parities are isolated by parity projection, while states with spin-3/2 and spin-1/2 are separated by spin projection. The extent to which spin projection is needed is examined. The issue of optimal interpolating field is also investigated. The results are discussed in relation to previous calculations and experiment.Comment: modified version to appear in Phys Rev

    Spinon Phonon Interaction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Quantum Spin Liquids

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    Several experimental candidates for quantum spin liquids have been discovered in the past few years which appear to support gapless fermionic S=12S = {1\over 2} excitations called spinons. The spinons may form a Fermi sea coupled to a U(1)U(1) gauge field, and may undergo a pairing instability. We show that despite being charge neutral, the spinons couple to phonons in exactly the same way that electrons do in the long wavelength limit. Therefore we can use sound attenuation to measure the spinon mass and lifetime. Furthermore, transverse ultrasonic attenuation is a direct probe of the onset of pairing because the Meissner effect of the gauge field causes a "rapid fall" of the attenuation at TcT_c in addition to the reduction due to the opening of the energy gap. This phenomenon, well known in clean superconductors, may reveal the existence of the U(1) gauge field.Comment: 4+epsilon pages of main text + 12 pages of supplementary materia