16 research outputs found

    Plasticity of neuroanatomical relationships between cholinergic and dopaminergic axon varicosities and pyramidal cells in the rat medial prefrontal cortex

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    Les systèmes cholinergique et dopaminergique jouent un rôle prépondérant dans les fonctions cognitives. Ce rôle est exercé principalement grâce à leur action modulatrice de l’activité des neurones pyramidaux du cortex préfrontal. L’interaction pharmacologique entre ces systèmes est bien documentée mais les études de leurs interactions neuroanatomiques sont rares, étant donné qu’ils sont impliqués dans une transmission diffuse plutôt que synaptique. Ce travail de thèse visait à développer une expertise pour analyser ce type de transmission diffuse en microscopie confocale. Nous avons étudié les relations de microproximité entre ces différents systèmes dans le cortex préfrontal médian (mPFC) de rats et souris. En particulier, la densité des varicosités axonales en passant a été quantifiée dans les segments des fibres cholinergiques et dopaminergiques à une distance mutuelle de moins de 3 µm ou à moins de 3 µm des somas de cellules pyramidales. Cette microproximité était considérée comme une zone d’interaction probable entre les éléments neuronaux. La quantification était effectuée après triple-marquage par immunofluorescence et acquisition des images de 1 µm par microscopie confocale. Afin d’étudier la plasticité de ces relations de microproximité, cette analyse a été effectuée dans des conditions témoins, après une activation du mPFC et dans un modèle de schizophrénie par déplétion des neurones cholinergiques du noyau accumbens. Les résultats démontrent que 1. Les fibres cholinergiques interagissent avec des fibres dopaminergiques et ce sur les mêmes neurones pyramidaux de la couche V du mPFC. Ce résultat suggère différents apports des systèmes cholinergique et dopaminergique dans l’intégration effectuée par une même cellule pyramidale. 2. La densité des varicosités en passant cholinergiques et dopaminergiques sur des segments de fibre en microproximité réciproque est plus élevée comparé aux segments plus distants les uns des autres. Ce résultat suggère un enrichissement du nombre de varicosités axonales dans les zones d’interaction. 3. La densité des varicosités en passant sur des segments de fibre cholinergique en microproximité de cellules pyramidales, immunoúactives pour c-Fos après une stimulation visuelle et une stimulation électrique des noyaux cholinergiques projetant au mPFC est plus élevée que la densité des varicosités de segments en microproximité de cellules pyramidales non-activées. Ce résultat suggère un enrichissement des varicosités axonales dépendant de l’activité neuronale locale au niveau de la zone d'interaction avec d'autres éléments neuronaux. 4. La densité des varicosités en passant des fibres dopaminergiques a été significativement diminuée dans le mPFC de rats ayant subi une déplétion cholinergique dans le noyau accumbens, comparée aux témoins. Ces résultats supportent des interrelations entre la plasticité structurelle des varicosités dopaminergiques et le fonctionnement cortical. L’ensemble des donneès démontre une plasticité de la densité locale des varicosités axonales en fonction de l’activité neuronale locale. Cet enrichissement activité-dépendant contribue vraisemblablement au maintien d’une interaction neurochimique entre deux éléments neuronaux.The cognitive functions of the rat medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) are modulated by ascending modulatory systems such as the cholinergic and dopaminergic afferent systems. However, despite the well-documented pharmacological interactions between the cholinergic and dopaminergic afferents and pyramidal cells in the PFC, there is only scarce neuroanatomical data on the reciprocal interrelationships between these neuronal elements in the mPFC. This might be due to the diffuse rather than synaptic transmission mode of intercellular communication of the cholinergic system in the mPFC. For these reasons, the neuroanatomical relationships between the cholinergic and dopaminergic systems and pyramidal cells in the mPFC are examined, with an emphasis on the local density of the cholinergic and dopaminergic axon varicosities. To analyze the plasticity of these interrelationships, the two systems were examined in condition of increased neuronal activity in the mPFC, or of decrease dopaminergic activity in a model of schizophrenia. The microproximity relationships between cholinergic and dopaminergic fibers as well as with pyramidal cells were studied in the mPFC of rats and mice. In particular, the number of axon varicosities in cholinergic and dopaminergic fiber segments within 3 µm from each other or from pyramidal cells were quantified. This microproximity was considered as a possible interaction zone between two neuronal elements. Quantification was performed using triple immunofluorescence labeling and acquisition of 1 µm optic sections using confocal microscopy. To assess the plasticity of these relationships, the analysis has been performed in control condition as well as after a cortical activation or a decreased dopaminergic input in a schizophrenia model. Our results demonstrate a neuroanatomical convergence of cholinergic and dopaminergic fibers on the same pyramidal cell from layer V (output) of mPFC, suggestinggests the integration of different types of inputs by the same pyramidal cell, which may be transmitted to subcortical areas to execute prefrontal cognitive control. Close apposition between cholinergic and dopaminergic fibers could also be seen in the mPFC. There was an increase of the density of cholinergic and dopaminergic en passant varicosities on those fiber segments within microproximity of each other, compared to those outside the reciprocal microproximity, supporting functional importance of the close apposition between those two ascending neuromodulatory systems into the mPFC. There was enrichment of cholinergic en passant varicosities on the fiber segments within microproximity of c-Fos activated pyramidal cells in the mPFC of visually and HDB electrically stimulated rats, indicating association between axonal varicosity density and the local neuronal activity. There was decrease of dopaminergic en passant varicosities in the mPFC of rats with ChAT depletion in the N.Acc., compared to controls. This evidence supports the association between dopaminergic axonal varicosities and relevant neuronal activity in a complex neuronal network. This thesis shows that the density of cholinergic and dopaminergic axonal varicosity density in the mPFC is influenced by and contributes to the relevant local neuronal activity from the interactions of different transmitter systems. Such interactions of different systems in a complex and intricate prefrontal neuronal network endeavour to maintain the delicate balance for cognitive processes

    Axonal Varicosity Density as an Index of Local Neuronal Interactions

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    Diffuse transmission is an important non-synaptic communication mode in the cerebral neocortex, in which neurotransmitters released from en passant varicosities interact with surrounding cells. In a previous study we have shown that the cholinergic axonal segments which were in the microproximity with dopaminergic fibers possessed a greater density of en passant varicosities compared to more distant segments, suggesting an activity-dependent level of en passant varicosities in the axonal zone of interaction. To further evaluate this plastic relationship, the density of cholinergic varicosities was quantified on fiber segments within the microproximity of activated or non-activated pyramidal cells of the prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Repetitive 14 days patterned visual stimulation paired with an electrical stimulation of the cholinergic fibers projecting to the mPFC from the HDB was performed to induce persistent axonal plastic changes. The c-Fos early gene immunoreactivity was used as a neuronal activity marker of layer V pyramidal cells, labelled with anti-glutamate transporter EAAC1. Cholinergic fibers were labeled with anti-ChAT (choline acetyltransferase) immunostaining. The density of ChAT+ varicosities on and the length of fiber segments within the 3 µm microproximity of c-Fos positive/negative pyramidal cells were evaluated on confocal images. More than 50% of the pyramidal cells in the mPFC were c-Fos immunoreactive. Density of ChAT+ varicosities was significantly increased within 3 µm vicinity of activated pyramidal cells (0.50±0.01 per µm of ChAT+ fiber length) compared to non-activated cells in this group (0.34±0.001; p≤0.05) or control rats (0.32±0.02; p≤0.05). Different types of stimulation (visual, HDB or visual/HDB) induced similar increase of the density of ChAT+ varicosities within microproximity of activated pyramidal cells. This study demonstrated at the subcellular level an activity-dependent enrichment of ChAT+ varicosities in the axonal zone of interaction with other neuronal elements

    A compact proton source for space simulation

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    A compact proton beam source for space simulation has been developed. A compact structure was designed in order to meet the special requirements of miniaturization. Some particular means have been adopted for improving the proton portion and beam transmission at a long distance. The experimental results showed that 8mA/80keV proton beam can be successfully obtained from this source at about 700W input microwave power