553 research outputs found

    From Wigner-Yanase-Dyson conjecture to Carlen-Frank-Lieb conjecture (New title)

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    In this paper we study the joint convexity/concavity of the trace functions Ψp,q,s(A,B)=Tr(Bq2K∗ApKBq2)s,  p,q,s∈R, \Psi_{p,q,s}(A,B)=\text{Tr}(B^{\frac{q}{2}}K^*A^{p}KB^{\frac{q}{2}})^s,~~p,q,s\in \mathbb{R}, where AA and BB are positive definite matrices and KK is any fixed invertible matrix. We will give full range of (p,q,s)∈R3(p,q,s)\in\mathbb{R}^3 for Ψp,q,s\Psi_{p,q,s} to be jointly convex/concave for all KK. As a consequence, we confirm a conjecture of Carlen, Frank and Lieb. In particular, we confirm a weaker conjecture of Audenaert and Datta and obtain the full range of (α,z)(\alpha,z) for α\alpha-zz R\'enyi relative entropies to be monotone under completely positive trace preserving maps. We also give simpler proofs of many known results, including the concavity of Ψp,0,1/p\Psi_{p,0,1/p} for 0<p<10<p<1 which was first proved by Epstein using complex analysis. The key is to reduce the problem to the joint convexity/concavity of the trace functions Ψp,1−p,1(A,B)=TrK∗ApKB1−p,  −1≤p≤1, \Psi_{p,1-p,1}(A,B)=\text{Tr} K^*A^{p}KB^{1-p},~~-1\le p\le 1, using a variational method.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. Some errors and typos corrected. Title changed. Main results improved: a unified and simple proof of the convexity/concavity of a large family of trace functions Ψp,q,s \Psi_{p,q,s} using a variational method and the convexity/concavity (due to Ando/Lieb) of Ψp,1−p,1\Psi_{p,1-p,1}. To appear in Adv. Mat

    Complete gradient estimates of quantum Markov semigroups

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    In this article we introduce a complete gradient estimate for symmetric quantum Markov semigroups on von Neumann algebras equipped with a normal faithful tracial state, which implies semi-convexity of the entropy with respect to the recently introduced noncommutative 22-Wasserstein distance. We show that this complete gradient estimate is stable under tensor products and free products and establish its validity for a number of examples. As an application we prove a complete modified logarithmic Sobolev inequality with optimal constant for Poisson-type semigroups on free group factors.Comment: 29 page

    Noncommutative Bohnenblust--Hille inequalities

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    Bohnenblust--Hille inequalities for Boolean cubes have been proven with dimension-free constants that grow subexponentially in the degree \cite{defant2019fourier}. Such inequalities have found great applications in learning low-degree Boolean functions \cite{eskenazis2022learning}. Motivated by learning quantum observables, a qubit analogue of Bohnenblust--Hille inequality for Boolean cubes was recently conjectured in \cite{RWZ22}. The conjecture was resolved in \cite{CHP}. In this paper, we give a new proof of these Bohnenblust--Hille inequalities for qubit system with constants that are dimension-free and of exponential growth in the degree. As a consequence, we obtain a junta theorem for low-degree polynomials. Using similar ideas, we also study learning problems of low degree quantum observables and Bohr's radius phenomenon on quantum Boolean cubes.Comment: 20 pages. Revised based on the referee's repor

    Hypercontractivity of heat semigroups on free quantum groups

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    In this paper we study two semigroups of completely positive unital self-adjoint maps on the von Neumann algebras of the free orthogonal quantum group ON+O_N^+ and the free permutation quantum group SN+S_N^+. We show that these semigroups satisfy ultracontractivity and hypercontractivity estimates. We also give results regarding spectral gap and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities.Comment: 19 page

    A dimension-free Remez-type inequality on the polytorus

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    Consider f:ΩKn→Cf:\Omega^n_K\to\mathbf{C} a function from the nn-fold product of multiplicative cyclic groups of order KK. Any such ff may be extended via its Fourier expansion to an analytic polynomial on the polytorus Tn\mathbf{T}^n, and the set of such polynomials coincides with the set of all analytic polynomials on Tn\mathbf{T}^n of individual degree at most K−1K-1. In this setting it is natural to ask how the supremum norms of ff over Tn\mathbf{T}^n and over ΩKn\Omega_K^n compare. We prove the following Remez-type inequality: if ff has degree at most dd as an analytic polynomial, then ∥f∥Tn≤C(d,K)∥f∥ΩKn\|f\|_{\mathbf{T}^n}\leq C(d,K)\|f\|_{\Omega_K^n} with C(d,K)C(d,K) independent of dimension nn. As a consequence we also obtain a new proof of the Bohnenblust--Hille inequality for functions on products of cyclic groups. Key to our argument is a special class of Fourier multipliers on ΩKn\Omega_K^n which are L∞→L∞L^\infty\to L^\infty bounded independent of dimension when restricted to low-degree polynomials. This class includes projections onto the kk-homogeneous parts of low-degree polynomials as well as projections of much finer granularity.Comment: 21 pages. Largely revise
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