7 research outputs found

    Green entrepreneurship in the Algerian renewable energy sector : opportunities and challenges

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    نتيجة الدور الذي تضطلع به المقاولاتية في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية، وفي ظل زيادة أهمية حماية البيئة وظهور التنمية المستدامة، زادت أهمية المقاولاتية الخضراء في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة منذ تسعينيات القرن العشرين. وتهدف هذه الدراسة الى ابراز دور هذه الأخيرة في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة في قطاع الطاقة لاسيما في الجزائر، وذلك من خلال توجهها للاستثمار المسؤول بيئيا في الطاقات المتجددة والتي تزخر الجزائر بمخزونات كبيرة منها. وقد تم اعتماد المنهج الوصفي التحليلي في هذه الدراسة من خلال تحليل واقع المقاولاتية الخضراء في قطاع الطاقة في الجزائر باستخدام بيانات مأخوذة من منظمة التعاون والتنمية الاقتصادية، البنك الدولي وشركة النفط البريطانية –بريتش بتروليوم-. وقد تم التوصل الى أن الجزائر تحاول تقليل التبعية لقطاع النفط والغاز وبالتالي فانها تسعى إلى توسيع نشاط المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة ؛ هذة الأخيرة عرفت تطورا ملحوظا خلال الفترة (2001-2015) من حيث العدد ومساهمتها في التوظيف. وبالرغم من الجهود التي تبذلها الجزائر لتشجيع المقاولاتية الخضراء في قطاع الطاقة، الا أن مساهمتها تبقى ضعيفة مقارنة مع الإمكانيات المتاحة.As a result of the role of entrepreneurship in achieving economic and social development, and under the increasing importance of environmental protection and the emergence of sustainable development, the importance of Green entrepreneurship increased in achieving sustainable development since the 1990s. This study aims to highlight the role of this latter in achieving sustainable development in the energy sector, particularly in Algeria through its orientation to responsible investment in renewable energies which are available in large stocks. The descriptive/analytical method has been adopted in this study through the analysis of the status of green entrepreneurship in the energy sector in Algeria using data from OCDE, World Bank and British Petroleum Company. It was proved that Algeria attempts to escape its oil and gas dependent economy ; thus,it is striving to expand its smes; this latter have known a remarkable development during the last 15 years (2001-2015) both in terms of number and its contribution in employment. Finaly, despite the efforts made by Algeria to promote green entrepreneurship in the energy sector, its contribution remains weak compared to the available possibilities

    أثر أزمة منطقة اليورو على الإيرادات النفطية للجزائر للفترة 2005 - 2012

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    Like most developing underdeveloped countries Algerian exports is characterized by unilateralism that nature granted a comparative advantage in the production of hydrocarbons, that accounted for 98% of the export structure. In light of the survival nature of the rentier economy and structure of exports in the short and medium term as it is, with no clear strategies for action to change this structure, the Algerian economy and its growth, and economic policies made known remain closely linked to fluctuations in oil prices and global demand. This study highlights the periods of crisis as an exceptional situation affects tion centers financially and economically, causing cases of economic recession, which may live up to a ceiling of recession, affecting the most national macroeconomic variables, and moving from local dye to a regional and global scale through economic infection channels, perhaps the most important is the business deals channel, which considered exports including one of the most important vulnerability and impact entrances. Accordingly, we follow in this study the impact of The euro zone crisis on the Algerian oil revenues, and through the econometric model formulated

    أثر أزمة منطقة اليورو على الإيرادات النفطية للجزائر للفترة 2005 - 2012

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    Like most developing underdeveloped countries Algerian exports is characterized by unilateralism that nature granted a comparative advantage in the production of hydrocarbons, that accounted for 98% of the export structure. In light of the survival nature of the rentier economy and structure of exports in the short and medium term as it is, with no clear strategies for action to change this structure, the Algerian economy and its growth, and economic policies made known remain closely linked to fluctuations in oil prices and global demand. This study highlights the periods of crisis as an exceptional situation affects tion centers financially and economically, causing cases of economic recession, which may live up to a ceiling of recession, affecting the most national macroeconomic variables, and moving from local dye to a regional and global scale through economic infection channels, perhaps the most important is the business deals channel, which considered exports including one of the most important vulnerability and impact entrances. Accordingly, we follow in this study the impact of The euro zone crisis on the Algerian oil revenues, and through the econometric model formulated

    Participatory management as a tool for water sustainability in Algeria: The case of the Algerian Hydrographic Basin Committee as an example.

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    تشكل ندرة الموارد المائية هاجساً كبيراً يحد من تنفيذ الخطط والبرامج المائية، الإنمائية والخدمية، مما يؤثر ذلك على رفاهية المواطنين وإنتاجيتهم وصحتهم والبيئة التي يعيشون بها. كما أن مستوى استخدامات المياه أصبح معياراً حقيقياً لتحديد مدى تقدم المجتمع وتطوره، يزداد الاهتمام بوضع المياه نظراً لندرتها من جهة والحاجة الماسة لها في مختلف مجالات التنمية من جهة أخرى، ويعتبر التسيير المستديم للمياه مسار منهجي متكامل لأغراض التنمية المستديمة وتخصيص ومتابعة وضع الموارد المائية. أما بالنسبة للحوض الهيدروغرافي بالصحراء الذي يمثل خامس الأحواض بالجزائر، ويتميز بموارد مائية سطحية قليلة وموارد مائية جوفية معتبرة، إضافة إلى هشاشة المورد في المنطقة وتعرضه للتلوث المستمر، والكميات الهائلة المفقودة من المياه أثناء التوزيع، خاصة مع سقوط الأمطار القوية التي تزيد الوضع سوءا، بالإضافة إلى تدهور أحوال السكنات الذي أصبح من المشاكل المطروحة في المنطقة. فالتساؤل المطروح: يتمثل في مدى مساهمة التسيير التشاركي عن طريق لجان الأحواض الهيدروغرافية في التسيير المستديم الموارد المائية، ودوره في رفع فعالية استغلال المورد والمحافظة عليه في حوض الصحراء الجزائرية؟Due to the rarity, lack of watery supplies, water service plans and projects are held at bay. This fact negatively influences the well-being of people within a certain area and thus their productivity and health, their environment that is to say. Water supplies and access to water has recently been considered to be significant. As a matter of fact, it has become to be classifying criteria, an area that shows the extent to which a country is developed. There is, furthermore, an increasing concern about "water supplies" due to, as aforesaid, rarity of water on one hand, and the need for water in different areas on the other hand. Therefore, a clear plan and strategy that accounts for sustainable management of water suggests a thorough coverage of such management and processed surveillance. IN Algeria, the hydrographic basin in the desert, which is the fifth in the whole country, it has a poor surface water and also poor underground water. in addition to inappropriateness of water in this area (has been contaminated) and the huge amount of water lost while distribution , mixed with rain. What intensify the issue is lies on the buildings that are of dismal state, an issue also proposed. Our problematic is the extent to which sustainable management can assist the sustainable management and how affective it is to assist in utilizing the fifth source and preserving it in the surrounding area

    Analyse de sensibilité globale pour la transmission acoustique de structures composites

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    International audienceLes matériaux composites sont largement employés dans la construction aéronautique et spatiale, pour leurs rigidité et faible masse. Ces deux caractéristiques tendent en revanche à détériorer leurs performances vibroacoustiques. De plus, de nombreuses sources d'incertitudes existent concernant les paramètres de tels matériaux. Il est donc important de quantifier l'importance des différents paramètres intervenant dans la conception de structures composites. La méthode FAST (Fourier analysis sensitivity test) est ici appliquée à une structure de type sandwich, modélisée analytiquement

    Nonlinear multimodal electromagnetic device for vibration energy harvesting

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    International audienceA multimodal vibration energy harvesting in a periodic system is proposed. The multimodal approach and the nonlinearity are implemented in order to improve the performances of the studied device. The periodic system, based on electromagnetic transduction, consists oftwo weakly coupled magnets mechanically guided by two elastic beams. The quasi-periodic system is obtained by varying the mass of one of the moving magnets which leads to the vibration energy localization in regions close to the imperfections. This phenomenon is exploited tomaximize the harvested energy. The mechanical nonlinearity is introduced by considering large displacements of the beams. The system is modeled by two coupled forced Duffing equations. The governing equations are solved using finite difference method combined with arc-lengthmethod. It is shown that the introduction of the nonlinearity leads to the enlargement of the bandwidth and the increase of the amplitude of the vibration