9 research outputs found


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    The article presents how to use methods and tools in the area of quality engineering to assess the supply chain, having the example of the food industry. It outlines the regulatory requirements and standardization documents for the transport of dairy products. Using a questionnaire conducted it selects criteria that were directly used to assess the quality of the supply chain (network). Then, using the Pareto-Lorenz diagram the most important criteria were selected, which were also used in the study

    Risk management in logistics in cultural diversity environment

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    W artykule poruszono jedną z najistotniejszych kategorii ryzyka – ryzyko kulturowe - które dotyczy systemów społecznych. Takim systemem jest również system logistyczny. Podkreślono, że zarówno ze strony kierownictwa, jak i pracowników danej firmy, zadania oraz sposób ich rozdzielenia i wykonania zależą w dużej mierze od kultury z jakiej pochodzą poszczególne osoby powiązane zależnościami w danej organizacji. Struktura oraz globalny zasięg współczesnych łańcuchów dostaw stawia czynniki międzykulturowe na jednym z najwyższych miejsc jeśli chodzi o potencjalne źródła zakłóceń ich funkcjonowania, a tym samym zmniejszenia ich efektywności.In article authors touched one of the most important risk category – cultural risk – which is an integral part of each social system. Such kind of the system is also logistic system. It was emphasized, that from the management and employees point of view assigned tasks, the way of its distribution and executing strongly depend on culture which originate respective people linked by relationship within particular organization. Structure and global range of contemporary supply chains constitute intercultural factors one of the most significant in terms of potential source of disruption, hence decreasing efficiency of particular organization

    Modeling Quality Assessment of the Supply Chains

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    The article presents how to use methods and tools in the area of quality engineering to assess the supply chain, having the example of the food industry. It outlines the regulatory requirements and standardization documents for the transport of dairy products. Using a questionnaire conducted it selects criteria that were directly used to assess the quality of the supply chain (network). Then, using the Pareto-Lorenz diagram the most important criteria were selected, which were also used in the study

    Modelling Quality Assessment of the Supply Chains

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    The article presents how to use methods and tools in the area of quality engineering to assess the supply chain, having the example of the food industry. It outlines the regulatory requirements and standardization documents for the transport of dairy products. Using a questionnaire conducted it selects criteria that were directly used to assess the quality of the supply chain (network). Then, using the Pareto-Lorenz diagram the most important criteria were selected, which were also used in the study

    Fuzzy method of driver selection for realization of transport tasks

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    Wzrost zapotrzebowania na usługi transportowe wymusza na przedsiębiorstwach transportowych konieczność stosowania nowoczesnych rozwiązań. A zatem firmy oprogramowania umożliwiające śledzenie oraz kontrolę nad przewożonym ładunkiem, powinny w pełni wykorzystywać ich możliwości. Dokonując analizy i oceny parametrów jazdy można uzyskać oszczędności związane ze zmniejszeniem kosztów transportu. Pozwoli to także na zwiększenie użyteczności pojazdów, która przyczynia się do efektywnego zarządzania flotą transportową. W artykule przedstawiono analizę przedsiębiorstwa zajmującego się transportem materiałów sypkich. Na podstawie zgromadzonych danych przedstawiono autorki rozmyty model Takagi-Sugeno oceny i wyboru realizatora zadań transportowych.The increase in the demand for transport services forces transport companies to use modern solutions. Using software that enables tracking and control of the transported cargo, companies should make full use of their capabilities. By analyzing and assessing the driving parameters, they will allow them to save on transport costs. It will also allow to increase the usability of vehicles, which contributes to increasing the effective management of the transport fleet. The article presents an analysis of an enterprise dealing with the transport of loose materials. Based on the collected data, the author's Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model was presented to assess and select the performer of transport tasks

    Evaluation of light commercial vehicles operation process in a transport company using the regression modelling method

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    This paper presents an analysis of the results of daily observations from the execution of transport orders by three types of vehicles over a period of 2 years. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the operation process and determine the influence of important technical and operational variables on the economic efficiency of the operation process. A set of 7 quantitative variables, previously not considered in the evaluation of the commercial vehicle operation process, was subjected to statistical data analysis. An indicator analysis and evaluation of the intensity of use of the following types of vehicles was conducted: Renault Master, Fiat Ducato and Citroen Jumper. Based on the results of the research, the vehicle with the highest efficiency was determined and possible assumptions of the strategy applied in the company were indicated. The analysis and evaluation of vehicle efficiency gave rise to the identification of independent variables determining the company's income. Using the indicator method and the multivariate regression model, transport companies can evaluate the efficiency of transport tasks undertaken

    The Forecasting of Military Expenditure in Saudi Arabia in Terms of Military Security

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    The study attempts to forecast military expenditure in Saudi Arabia for 2020. The research began with a comparative analysis of military expenditure in Saudi Arabia and Russia between 2000–2019. For this purpose, bar charts were used on which the calculated values of the dynamics indices with a fixed (2000) and movable (previous year) base of the considered primary data were outlined. The study was preceded by constructing a multiple regression model to evaluate the impact of the increase in military expenditure in Russia on Saudi Arabia. This model shows that as military spending in Russia increases by one million dollars, military spending in Saudi Arabia increases by 0.085million.Then,dataontheexpenditureincurredbybothanalyzedcountriesin2020,obtainedfromvariousinternetsources,wasoutlined.Theiranalysismadeitpossibletoselectonlyqualitativemethodsintheformofexpertopinionsfortheforecast.SaudiArabiasmilitaryexpenditureforecastwas 0.085 million. Then, data on the expenditure incurred by both analyzed countries in 2020, obtained from various internet sources, was outlined. Their analysis made it possible to select only qualitative methods in the form of expert opinions for the forecast. Saudi Arabia's military expenditure forecast was 57 500 million

    The Forecast of the Number of Soldiers in the Saudi Arabian Army in Terms of Military Security

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    The study concerns forecasting the number of soldiers in the Saudi Arabian army based on information obtained from the website: https://data.worldbank.org (The World Bank, 9.03.2020). The research began with a comparative analysis of the number of soldiers in the armies of Saudi Arabia and Russia. The idea for a comparative analysis of the number of armies of Saudi Arabia and the Russian Federation arises from Russian policy in the region of the Middle East countries, including the impact on world oil prices. The comparative analysis showed the similarities and differences in the dynamics of changes in the number of both armies dynamically. Subsequently, the primary time series data analysis on the number of Saudi Arabian troops was performed. The study selected methods for predicting raw data: Holt’s exponential smoothing and Klein’s model for the future. The next stage of the research was forecasting and the analysis and evaluation of the obtained forecasts. Klein’s model was the best forecasting model. The forecast of the number of soldiers in the Saudi Arabian army for 2020 is 251454, and for 2021, it has increased to 251006. The study ends with a summary and conclusions

    Aspects of Improvement in Exploitation Process of Passenger Means of Transport

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    Effective exploitation of means of transport in transport companies is one of the most important ways of achieving competitive advantage. Mentioned problem is particularly important in the market of passenger transport services in large agglomerations, because it has a social aspect in addition to the economic dimension. In addition, most often the studies concern single objects of exploitation, while the subject of research are groups of objects of passenger transport means. The main objective of the study is to analyze and evaluate the system of exploitation of passenger transport means and to propose solutions for its improvement. On the basis of the theory of exploitation systems, quantitative utilitarian models have been built, which have been verified by applications using data obtained from Municipal Communication Company (MPK) in Wroclaw. Originality and innovation in the recognition of the research problem consist in applying to the analysis and evaluation of the Ishikawa diagram exploitation system, Pareto-Lorenzo analysis, and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) methods. On the other hand, a QFD (Quality Function Deployment) diagram was used to build a model of improvement of the exploitation system, with the use of which the target values of parameters for the operation of MPK passenger transport in Wroclaw were determined. The applied methods, techniques, and research tools are rarely used in the field of testing of vehicle operation systems. The work has a very practical character and built models can be used in other urban agglomerations in order to improve the operation of passenger transport means