20 research outputs found

    Editorial: Nonlinear adaptive PID control - Part II

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    The article provides an overview of papers about nonlinear adaptive proportional integral derivative (PID) control, published in the August 2006 issue of "Control and Intelligent Systems." Zayed and colleagues wrote an editorial describing a nonlinear adaptive PID-based multiple controller methodology. Skoczowski and colleagues focused on the properties of model-following control systems. Nezli and colleagues presented a new control design procedure for permanent magnet synchronous motor

    Editorial: Nonlinear adaptive PID control - Part II

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    The article provides an overview of papers about nonlinear adaptive proportional integral derivative (PID) control, published in the August 2006 issue of "Control and Intelligent Systems." Zayed and colleagues wrote an editorial describing a nonlinear adaptive PID-based multiple controller methodology. Skoczowski and colleagues focused on the properties of model-following control systems. Nezli and colleagues presented a new control design procedure for permanent magnet synchronous motor

    A nonlinear PID-based multiple controller incorporating a multilayered neural network learning submodel

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    A new nonlinear minimum-variance adaptive proportional integral derivative (PID) based multiple controller, incorporating a multi- layered neural network learning submodel, is presented. The unknown non-linear plant is represented by an equivalent stochastic model consisting of a linear least-squares-based submodel plus a non- linear multi-layered back propagation (BP) neural network-based learning submodel. The proposed multiple controller methodology provides the designer with a choice of using either a conventional PID self-tuning controller, a PID structure-based pole-placement controller, or a newly proposed PID structure-based pole-zero placement controller through simple switching. The novel PID structure based pole-zero placement controller employs an adaptive mechanism, which ensures that the closed-loop poles and zeros are located at their prespecified positions. The switching decision between the different nonlinear fixed structure controllers is made manually in the present case but can be automated using fuzzy logic or stochastic learning automata techniques. Simulation results using a nonlinear plant model demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed multiple controller with respect to tracking set-point changes. The aim is to achieve a desired speed of response while penalizing excessive control action, for applications in nonminimum phase and unstable systems

    Oil Spill Pollution Treatment by Sorption on Natural Cynanchum Acutum L. Plant

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    The aim of this work is to use cheap, available, biodegradable and recyclable natural organic sorbent for oil spill clean – up. White Silky Hairs (WSH) that is collected from the smooth seeds of Cynanchum Acutum L. plant is used before treatment and after thermal and chemical treatment, to remove crude oil; 0.6 g, below which mechanical means for removing crude oil becomes less more effective, from the surface of saline water of volume 750 mL at temperature 30oC. The plant was treated mechanically by squeezing and then chemically by naphtha, a petroleum product of boiling range 30oC - 165oC, to remove sorbed crude oil from its surface for further reuse and contaminated naphtha are processed to be distilled for reuse. WSH absorbs hydrocarbons quickly and encapsulates oil on contact. WSH absorbs, on average, three times its weight. De-waxed WSH absorbs four times its weight, in case of de-waxing by n-hexane and six times its weight in case of de-waxing by methanol. Dehydrated WSH at 120oC absorbs seven times its weight. WSH absorbs eleven times its weight when it is used after soaking in 10-4 M dodecyl benzenesulphonic acid. WSH absorbs twenty times its weight when it is soaked in dodecyl benzenesulphonic acid and dehydrated at 120oC. Characteristics of crude oil and Cynanchum Acutum L. plant were investigated by FTIR, X – Ray Fluorescence, pour point and centrifuge instruments. Determination of amount of crude oil in saline water was done by extraction the crude oil with tricholorotrifluoroethane and measuring absorbance by Infra Red Spectrometer. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management Vol. 7(2) 2003:63-7

    Nanoindentation creep on Cu3Sn, Cu6Sn5 and (Cu, Ni)6Sn5 intermetallic compounds grown in electrodeposited multilayered thin film

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    Tin-based multilayered thin films were fabricated for application in three dimensional microelectronic packaging as joining materials. During device fabrication and application, interconnecting materials can be fully converted to intermetallic compounds (IMCs). As known, IMCs are generally brittle and associated with void formation which can make interconnection in the microelectronic devices vulnerable. In an effort to improve the reliability of the Sn–Cu based IMC, ultra thin layers of Ni (70 nm) were inserted into Cu/Sn system. Electrochemical deposition technique was used to fabricate the samples. Isothermal aging at 150 °C for 168 h was performed to grow the IMCs at required thickness for measuring creep by nanoindentation. Creep strain rate was calculated from experimental data. Creep resistance was significantly improved after adding the small amount of Ni in Cu/Sn multilayered thin film system

    Synthesis and evaluation of new anti-microbial additive based on pyrimidine derivative incorporated physically into polyurethane varnish for surface coating and into printing ink paste

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    In this study, heterocyclic compounds containing 3-((4-bromophenyl)diazenyl)-5-(methylthio)-6-(phenylsulfonyl)pyrazolo-[1,5-a]pyrimidine-2,7-diamine (compound II) and 4-(methylthio)-3-phenylsulfonyl)benzo[4,5]imidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidin-2-amine (compound III) were prepared and their chemical structures were confirmed by spectral data. The new compounds were screened for antimicrobial activity against six different microbial strains when physically incorporated into polyurethane varnish formula and printing ink paste. Experimental coatings were manufactured on laboratory scale and applied by brush onto glass and steel panels. Results of the biological activity indicated that polyurethane varnishes and printing ink paste containing compounds II and III exhibit a very good antimicrobial effect. The physical and mechanical resistances of the polyurethane varnish formulations were also studied to evaluate any drawbacks associated with this addition. The studies revealed that the physical incorporation of compounds II and III enhances slightly the physical and mechanical properties

    Overview of preparedness and response for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in Oman

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    Several countries in the Middle East and around 22 countries worldwide have reported cases of human infection with the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). The exceptionally high fatality rate resulting from MERS-CoV infection in conjunction with the paucity of knowledge about this emerging virus has led to major public and international concern. Within the framework of the national acute respiratory illness surveillance, the Ministry of Health in the Sultanate of Oman has announced two confirmed cases of MERS-CoV to date. The aim of this report is to describe the epidemiological aspects of these two cases and to highlight the importance of public health preparedness and response. The absence of secondary cases among contacts of the reported cases can be seen as evidence of the effectiveness of infection prevention and control precautions as an important pillar of the national preparedness and response plan applied in the health care institutions in Oman