21 research outputs found

    "Digital petrophysics" in studies of porosity properties of low- permeable reservoirs

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    The article focuses on study in the properties of low-permeable reservoirs. The object of the research is the Bazhenov formation rocks taken from a well drilled in an oilfield of the West Siberian basin. A series of experiments were carried out to determine porosity of rocks by different methods: the helium saturation, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), microcomputed tomography (mCT). A comparative analysis was conducted to assess the efficiency of different methods. The obtained results have shown that common methods of petrophysical surveys are insufficient for carbonate-argillaceous Low-permeable rocks, containing a great amount of hand extractable organic matter. The additional data received by the mCT method gave an opportunity to increase sufficiently the reliability of the research results. We have concluded that the most efficient method for the study of low-permeable rocks is a combined use of the NMR and the mCT

    Hygienic assessment of nutrition in a neurological hospital

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    The article provides a hygienic assessment of nutrition of patients with various spinal injuries who are undergoing rehabilitation in a neurological hospital. The results of the analysis are presented.В статье произведена гигиеническая оценка питания пациентов с различными спинальными травмами, находящихся на реабилитации в неврологическом стационаре. Представлены результаты анализ

    N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky: career of scientist and citizen

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    The article analyzes the creative path and achievements of N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky in difficult historical realities. The heroic feat of the scientist in the difficult historical conditions in which our country and the whole world were in the middle of the XX century is shown.В статье дается анализ творческого пути и достижений Н. В.Тимофеева-Ресовского в непростых исторических реалиях. Показан героический подвиг ученого в непростых исторических условиях, в которых была наша страна и весь мир в середине XX столетия

    Identification and discussion of the main factors affecting fertility: the impact of the per capita monetary income indicator on the fertility rate of the population of the Russian Federation

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    The purpose of the study is to study and establish the nature of the relationship between the level of well-being of the population and the birth rate.Цель исследования – изучить и установить характер взаимосвязи между уровнем благосостояния населения и уровнем рождаемости

    Mechanisms of reabsorption of ions in the Henle’s loop and furosemide pharmacodynamics

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    The article explains mechanisms of reabsorption of ions in the thick segment of the ascending limb of Henle’s loop. The principle of action of one of the key representatives of "loop" diuretics, Furosemide, is examinedВ статье дается объяснение механизмов реабсорбции ионов в толстой части восходящего колена петли Генле. Рассматривается принцип действия одного из ключевых представителей «петлевых» диуретиков – фуросемида

    Early postoperative complications after radical cystectomy

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    Radical cystectomy is still associated with a considerable number of early post-operative complications. This paper demonstrates the frequency (33,9 % ) and the types of early complications after radical cystectomy on the bases of 10 year experience, as well as postoperative lethality (5,5%) and its reasons. Although at present postoperative lethality is relatively low, the rate of early postoperative complications still remains high.Радикальная цистзктомия по прежнему ассоциируется со значительным количеством ранних послеоперационных осложнений. В данной работе, на основании 10 летнего опыта продемонстрированы частота (33,9%) и виды ранних осложнений после радикальной цистзктомии, а также послеоперационная летальность (5,5%) и причины приведшие к ней. Хотя в настоящее время послеоперационная летальность относительно низка, уровень ранних послеоперационных осложнений остается по-прежнему высоким


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    Radical cystectomy (RCE) is associated with a considerable number of early postoperative complications as before. Based on 10 years’ experience, this paper demonstrates the frequency (33.9 %) and types of early complications following RCE, as well as postoperative mortality (5.5 %) and its resulting causes. Although postoperative mortality is relatively low today, the frequency of early postoperative complications remains high as before.Радикальная цистэктомия (РЦЭ) по-прежнему ассоциируется со значительным количеством ранних послеоперационных осложнений. В данной работе на основании 10-летнего опыта продемонстрированы частота (33,9%) и виды ранних осложнений после РЦЭ, а также послеоперационная летальность (5,5%) и причины, приведшие к ней. Хотя в настоящее время послеоперационная летальность относительно низка, уровень ранних послеоперационных осложнений остается по-прежнему высоким


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    Radical cystectomy (RCE) is associated with a considerable number of early postoperative complications as before. Based on 10 years’ experience, this paper demonstrates the frequency (33.9 %) and types of early complications following RCE, as well as postoperative mortality (5.5 %) and its resulting causes. Although postoperative mortality is relatively low today, the frequency of early postoperative complications remains high as before