8 research outputs found

    De novo transcriptome dataset of Stevia rebaudiana accession MS007

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    Stevia rebaudiana (S. rebaudiana) is a herbaceous and perennial plant belonging to Asteraceae family. The genus stevia is well known as a natural producer of sweetener comprising non-caloric and non-carcinogenic steviol glycosides. In recent years, the capability in producing natural sweetner has increased the demand for S. rebaudiana as substitute of processed sugars. Flowering phase of S. rebaudiana has shown to affect the content of steviol glycosides in the leaves. Steviol glycosides level is the highest at the time of flower bud formation and lowest at time preceding and following flower bud formation. Therefore, sequencing and analysing the genes that are involved in flowering phase will provide platform for gene manipulation in increasing steviol glycosides content. The Stevia transcriptome data that include two stages of growth (before flowering and after flowering), were obtained using Illumina RNA-seq technology and can be accessed at NCBI Sequence Read Archive under Accession No. SRX6362785 and SRX6362784

    College students perception on physical education classes during their high school days

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    This purpose of this study is to identify and investigate whether there are similarities or differences between genders regarding the perceptions on physical activities of college university students in one of the largest University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The focus was on three main categories, namely general knowledge, physical education and scientific basis of physical activities. Each category contained questions which serve to evaluate their perceptions about physical activities. The questionnaire was adapted from a journal article on a study done by Mowatt, DePauw and Hulac (1988). This study investigates the perceptions of 113 students (55 males; 65 females) aged between 19 and 25 about physical activities, using the above-mentioned categories. Results of the t-test showed significant differences for general knowledge, t(23) = 3.9, p0.05 no significant differences in means were found between the male and female students

    The first Malay database toward the ethnic-specific target molecular variation

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    BACKGROUND:The Malaysian Node of the Human Variome Project (MyHVP) is one of the eighteen official Human Variome Project (HVP) country-specific nodes. Since its inception in 9(th) October 2010, MyHVP has attracted the significant number of Malaysian clinicians and researchers to participate and contribute their data to this project. MyHVP also act as the center of coordination for genotypic and phenotypic variation studies of the Malaysian population. A specialized database was developed to store and manage the data based on genetic variations which also associated with health and disease of Malaysian ethnic groups. This ethnic-specific database is called the Malaysian Node of the Human Variome Project database (MyHVPDb). FINDINGS:Currently, MyHVPDb provides only information about the genetic variations and mutations found in the Malays. In the near future, it will expand for the other Malaysian ethnics as well. The data sets are specified based on diseases or genetic mutation types which have three main subcategories: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), Copy Number Variation (CNV) followed by the mutations which code for the common diseases among Malaysians. MyHVPDb has been open to the local researchers, academicians and students through the registration at the portal of MyHVP ( http://hvpmalaysia.kk.usm.my/mhgvc/index.php?id=register ). CONCLUSIONS:This database would be useful for clinicians and researchers who are interested in doing a study on genomics population and genetic diseases in order to obtain up-to-date and accurate information regarding the population-specific variations and also useful for those in countries with similar ethnic background

    The role of conventional and molecular cytogenetics in the diagnosis of microdeletion syndromes

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    In this report we demonstrate the role of fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and conventional cytogenetic methods in clinically and cytogenetically confirmed cases of microdeletion syndromes. A total of nine cases were referred to the Cytopathology and Cytogenetic Unit, Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) from 2002 to 2004. They include three Prader-Willi syndrome, three DiGeorge syndrome, one Williams syndrome, one Miller-Dieker syndrome and one Kallmann syndrome. Blood samples from the patients were cultured and harvested following standard procedures. Twenty metaphases were analysed for each of the cases. FISH analysis was carried out for all the cases using commercial probes (Vysis, USA): SNRPN and D15S10 for Prader-Willi syndrome, LIS1 for Miller Dieker syndrome, ELN for Williams syndrome, KAL for Kallmann syndrome, TUPLE 1 and D22S75 for DiGeorge syndrome. Conventional cytogenetic analysis revealed normal karyotypes in all but one case with structural abnormality involving chromosomes 9 and 22. FISH analysis showed microdeletions in all of the nine cases studied. This study has accomplished two important findings ie. while the FISH method is mandatory in ruling out microdeletion syndromes, conventional cytogenetics acts as a screening tool in revealing other chromosomal abnormalities that may be involved with the diseas

    A Review of approaches in steviol glycosides synthesis

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    Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) is a commercially important plant worldwide. The leaves of Stevia rebaudiana contain steviol glycosides which are non-caloric, high-potency sweeteners. They are suitable for substituting sucrose and other artificial sweetening agents. Stevia rebaudiana also has many different therapeutic uses, with antidiabetic, anti-cariogenic, antimicrobial, anticancer and antioxidative properties. Rebaudioside A and stevioside are the major glycosides produced in its leaves. However, development of new varieties of Stevia rebaudiana with a greater content of rebaudioside A and decreased content of stevioside is the main concern lately. This is due to rebaudioside A having a more desirable sweet flavour taste than stevioside which possesses bitter aftertaste. In respect to that many biotechnological approaches are being used for the industrial improvement and manipulation of steviol glycosides content of Stevia rebaudiana. Transcriptome profiling has emerged as a useful tool to identify target genes involved in the steviol glycosides biosynthesis pathway. Understanding the mechanism and biosynthesis pathway of these compounds has further helped to improve the glycosides profile by up-regulating and down-regulating the desired genes. The aim of this paper is to describe the latest development in the transcriptome profiling in Stevia rebaudiana as well as to discuss the methods used in this endeavour

    Identification of Y chromosomal material in turner syndrome by Fluorescence in Situ Hybridisation (FISH)

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    Turner syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities affecting newborn females. More than half of patients with Turner syndrome have a 45X karyotype. The rest of the patients may have structurally abnormal sex chromosomes or are mosaics with normal or abnormal sex chromosomes. Mosaicism with a second X sex chromosome is not usually of clinical significance. However, Turner syndrome patients having a second Y chromosome or Y chromosomal material are at risk of developing gonadoblastoma later in life. The aim of this study is to compare the results of conventional (karyotyping) and molecular cytogenetics (FISH), and discuss the advantages and limitations in the diagnosis of Turner syndrome. We also aim to compare the degree of mosaicism identified using conventional cytogenetics and FISH techniques. Conventional cytogenetics and FISH analyses were performed on eight peripheral blood samples of patients with Turner syndrome collected between 2004 and 2006. From this study, two out of eight patients with Turner syndrome were found to have the sex determining region on the Y chromosome (SRY) gene by FISH analysis. Our results showed that the rate of detection of mosaic cases in Turner syndrome was also increased to 88% after using the FISH technique. We concluded that FISH is more superior to conventional cytogenetics in the detection of the Y chromosomal material. FISH is also a quick and cost effective method in diagnosing Turner syndrome and assessing the degree of mosaicis

    Ownership structure and financial distress

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    Caught in financial distress has never been an objective of any company.Nevertheless, many companies collapsed due to controllable and uncontrollable factors.There is inconclusive evidence as to whether changes in ownership attributes improve firms’ performance and therefore could reduce the likelihood of firms going through financial distress.This study attempts to understand whether type of ownership have significant relationship with companies that experienced financial distress.This study is useful to directors who can evaluate the existence of these factors in their companies and to authorities who can use this study to measure the effectiveness of government linked institutional investors in preventing distress