9 research outputs found

    Peculiaridades do comportamento do consumidor e seu impacto na qualidade de vida

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    The work features the relevance of the consumer behavior in the Russian economy and their impact on the life quality analysis. The research base on the Russia official statistical data and authors calculations. The authors reviewed a significant number of foreign studies on the life level and quality, as well as the study of consumer behavior. The authors conclusions are consistent with the results of international research teams. Factors that have a significant impact on consumer spending in the Russian economy, such as: cities population density, the access to services, the infrastructure development, a reduction (delay) in the salaries payoff – are singled out. Household consumer behavior in the Russian economy trends are shown, such as: the consumption rationalization, the constant expectation of higher food prices, an increased interest in e-commerce. A conclusion was drawn on the creation of favorable conditions for the development of import substitution in Russia.El trabajo presenta la relevancia del comportamiento del consumidor en la economía rusa y su impacto en el análisis de la calidad de vida. La base de investigación son los datos estadísticos oficiales de Rusia y los cálculos de los autores. Los autores revisaron un número significativo de estudios extranjeros sobre el nivel de vida y la calidad, así como el estudio del comportamiento del consumidor. Las conclusiones de los autores son consistentes con los resultados de los equipos internacionales de investigación. Los factores que tienen un impacto significativo en el gasto de los consumidores en la economía rusa, como la densidad de población de las ciudades, el acceso a los servicios, el desarrollo de infraestructura, una reducción (retraso) en el pago de salarios, se destacan. Se muestra el comportamiento de los consumidores domésticos en la economía rusa, como: la racionalización del consumo, la expectativa constante de precios más altos de los alimentos, un mayor interés en el comercio electrónico. Se llegó a una conclusión sobre la creación de condiciones favorables para el desarrollo de la sustitución de importaciones en Rusia.O artigo apresenta a relevância do comportamento do consumidor na economia russa e seu impacto na análise da qualidade de vida. A base de pesquisa é os dados estatísticos oficiais da Rússia e os cálculos dos autores. Os autores revisaram um número significativo de estudos estrangeiros sobre o padrão de vida e qualidade, bem como o estudo do comportamento do consumidor. As conclusões dos autores são consistentes com os resultados das equipes internacionais de pesquisa. Fatores que têm um impacto significativo sobre os gastos do consumidor na economia russa, tais como a densidade populacional das cidades, o acesso aos serviços, o desenvolvimento de infra-estrutura, a redução (atraso) no pagamento de salários, destacam-se Ele mostra o comportamento dos consumidores domésticos na economia russa, tais como: a racionalização do consumo, a expectativa constante de preços mais altos dos alimentos, um interesse maior no comércio eletrônico. Chegou-se a uma conclusão sobre a criação de condições favoráveis para o desenvolvimento da substituição de importações na Rússia

    Interval forecast of financial indicators of a company value based on a regression on principal components

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    © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved. The article emphasizes the need to forecast financial indicators in order to assess the value of a company in the interests of its owners and investors. This proves the need for using econometric models to measure quantitative economic interrelations of net profit as the main indicator of cash flow and internal factors of growth. The result of the study is an interval forecast estimate of the net profit of the trading company. The authors propose the construction of the forecast of net profit based on regression on the main components in the conditions of collinearity of regressors - indicators of the financial state of the company. Empirical results are obtained in Gretl's software environment in order to reveal the interrelationships of net profit and growth factors on the basis of specific economic data. The study confirmed the existence of a causal relationship between the net profit of the trading company and the turnover of inventory. In future research it is possible to apply the methodological approach presented in the article to obtain prognostic estimates of profit based on regression with non-financial indicators of the company and environmental factors, taking into account qualitative factors and territorial features of business

    Necessity and perspectives of formation of the state of food security

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    In the periods of positive dynamics of economic development it has usually dominated the attitudes towards the state non-interference in the economic processes, and upon occurrence of the next phase - the recession of production, particularly with the signs of stagflation, they have been replaced by the diametrically opposing views, which have tried to prove the need for the state active interference in the processes of sustainable economic reproduction. In the whole the states affect the agri-food complex, the market of agricultural products and the food supplies. However, the methods and tools of this influence depend on the purpose to be achieved with such a regulation. The world experience of development of market economy shows that the agriculture and the market of agricultural products are not the self-regulating systems due to the specific characteristics. It is explained primarily by the conservatism and inertia of agriculture as a production system, as well as a low elasticity of demand for the agricultural products and high price elasticity to them. The inability of market mechanism to direct the development of economic entities of different industries and regions into one common goal, calls for the state intervention in all spheres of the economy, one of the most important of which is the agriculture

    Modeling the assessment of the economic factors impact on the development of social entrepreneurship

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The article deals with the research of modern trends in the development of social entrepreneurship in Russia. The results of the research allow the authors to identify a system of factors that affect the development of entrepreneurship in the modern Russian economy. Moreover, the authors argue the regional specificity of the development of social entrepreneurship. The paper considers specific features and formulates the main limitations of the development of entrepreneurship and the competitive environment in the social sphere. The authors suggest an econometric model for assessing the influence of economic factors on the development of socially-oriented entrepreneurship and present an algorithm for calculating its components. The results of the econometric analysis identify the main factors of the change in the performance indicators of entrepreneurial activity and determine the degree of their impact on social entrepreneurship. The results and conclusions can serve as an estimation of the socioeconomic consequences of the sustainability disruption of the entrepreneurial potential realization in the social sphere

    Modeling the assessment of the economic factors impact on the development of social entrepreneurship

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The article deals with the research of modern trends in the development of social entrepreneurship in Russia. The results of the research allow the authors to identify a system of factors that affect the development of entrepreneurship in the modern Russian economy. Moreover, the authors argue the regional specificity of the development of social entrepreneurship. The paper considers specific features and formulates the main limitations of the development of entrepreneurship and the competitive environment in the social sphere. The authors suggest an econometric model for assessing the influence of economic factors on the development of socially-oriented entrepreneurship and present an algorithm for calculating its components. The results of the econometric analysis identify the main factors of the change in the performance indicators of entrepreneurial activity and determine the degree of their impact on social entrepreneurship. The results and conclusions can serve as an estimation of the socioeconomic consequences of the sustainability disruption of the entrepreneurial potential realization in the social sphere

    Necessity and perspectives of formation of the state of food security

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    In the periods of positive dynamics of economic development it has usually dominated the attitudes towards the state non-interference in the economic processes, and upon occurrence of the next phase - the recession of production, particularly with the signs of stagflation, they have been replaced by the diametrically opposing views, which have tried to prove the need for the state active interference in the processes of sustainable economic reproduction. In the whole the states affect the agri-food complex, the market of agricultural products and the food supplies. However, the methods and tools of this influence depend on the purpose to be achieved with such a regulation. The world experience of development of market economy shows that the agriculture and the market of agricultural products are not the self-regulating systems due to the specific characteristics. It is explained primarily by the conservatism and inertia of agriculture as a production system, as well as a low elasticity of demand for the agricultural products and high price elasticity to them. The inability of market mechanism to direct the development of economic entities of different industries and regions into one common goal, calls for the state intervention in all spheres of the economy, one of the most important of which is the agriculture

    Interval forecast of financial indicators of a company value based on a regression on principal components

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    © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved. The article emphasizes the need to forecast financial indicators in order to assess the value of a company in the interests of its owners and investors. This proves the need for using econometric models to measure quantitative economic interrelations of net profit as the main indicator of cash flow and internal factors of growth. The result of the study is an interval forecast estimate of the net profit of the trading company. The authors propose the construction of the forecast of net profit based on regression on the main components in the conditions of collinearity of regressors - indicators of the financial state of the company. Empirical results are obtained in Gretl's software environment in order to reveal the interrelationships of net profit and growth factors on the basis of specific economic data. The study confirmed the existence of a causal relationship between the net profit of the trading company and the turnover of inventory. In future research it is possible to apply the methodological approach presented in the article to obtain prognostic estimates of profit based on regression with non-financial indicators of the company and environmental factors, taking into account qualitative factors and territorial features of business

    Necessity and perspectives of formation of the state of food security

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    In the periods of positive dynamics of economic development it has usually dominated the attitudes towards the state non-interference in the economic processes, and upon occurrence of the next phase - the recession of production, particularly with the signs of stagflation, they have been replaced by the diametrically opposing views, which have tried to prove the need for the state active interference in the processes of sustainable economic reproduction. In the whole the states affect the agri-food complex, the market of agricultural products and the food supplies. However, the methods and tools of this influence depend on the purpose to be achieved with such a regulation. The world experience of development of market economy shows that the agriculture and the market of agricultural products are not the self-regulating systems due to the specific characteristics. It is explained primarily by the conservatism and inertia of agriculture as a production system, as well as a low elasticity of demand for the agricultural products and high price elasticity to them. The inability of market mechanism to direct the development of economic entities of different industries and regions into one common goal, calls for the state intervention in all spheres of the economy, one of the most important of which is the agriculture

    Necessity and perspectives of formation of the state of food security

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    In the periods of positive dynamics of economic development it has usually dominated the attitudes towards the state non-interference in the economic processes, and upon occurrence of the next phase - the recession of production, particularly with the signs of stagflation, they have been replaced by the diametrically opposing views, which have tried to prove the need for the state active interference in the processes of sustainable economic reproduction. In the whole the states affect the agri-food complex, the market of agricultural products and the food supplies. However, the methods and tools of this influence depend on the purpose to be achieved with such a regulation. The world experience of development of market economy shows that the agriculture and the market of agricultural products are not the self-regulating systems due to the specific characteristics. It is explained primarily by the conservatism and inertia of agriculture as a production system, as well as a low elasticity of demand for the agricultural products and high price elasticity to them. The inability of market mechanism to direct the development of economic entities of different industries and regions into one common goal, calls for the state intervention in all spheres of the economy, one of the most important of which is the agriculture