1 research outputs found

    Procedure before the Competition Agency

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    U radu se analizira postupak koji se vodi radi utvrđivanja narušenja tržišnog natjecanja. Takav je postupak u nadležnosti Agencije za zaštitu tržišnog natjecanja. Svrha takvog postupka je utvrditi je li došlo do sprječavanja, ograničavanja ili narušavanja tržišnog natjecanja. Postupak koji se vodi pred AZTN upravni je postupak. U tom smislu, predmetni se postupak suštinski ne razlikuje od “klasičnog” upravnog postupka, ali postoje neke razlike koje su baš zbog toga i posebno regulirane u Zakonu o zaštiti tržišnog natjecanja te se u radu želi ukazati na njih. U radu se daje cjelokupan i zaokružen prikaz postupka pred Agencijom za zaštitu tržišnog natjecanja potkrijepljen primjerima radi lakšeg razumijevanja. Rad se bazira na Zakonu o zaštiti tržišnog natjecanja te aktima Agencije za zaštitu tržišnog natjecanja. Na temelju takvog prikaza može se zaključivati je li opravdano što Agencija ima tako velike ovlasti u tim postupcima o čemu se spore mnogi teoretičari. Rad je koncipiran tako što je podijeljen u nekoliko cjelina gdje svaka predstavlja određeni stadij postupka. U prvoj cjelini govori se o načinu pokretanja postupka i osobama koje mogu biti stranke u takvom postupku. Sljedeća cjelina stavlja naglasak na prikupljanje podataka od strane Agencije što joj omogućuje donošenje ispravne odluke. Nakon toga slijedi obrada radnji koje prethode samoj usmenoj raspravi. U završnim cjelinama riječ je o odlukama koje Agencija može donositi te o sudskoj zaštiti. Na kraju rada iznose se zaključci i osobni osvrt na važnost djelotvorne primjene prava tržišnog natjecanja.In this thesis is analyzed the procedure for determinating violation of market competition. That kind of procedure is in the jurisdiction of Competition Agency. The purpose (point) of this procedure is to determine if there was prevention, restricition or violation of market competition. The procedure before the Competition Agency is administrative procedure. There for, the subject matter does not differentiate from the ''classic'' form of administrative procedure, but there are some differences that are specially regulated in the Law of protection of Market Competition and they are pointed out in this thesis. The thorough representation of the procedure before Competition Agency is given in this thesis substantiated with examples for easier understanding. The thesis is based on the Law of protection of Market Competition and Competition Agency's acts. Based on that representation, it can be concluded if the Agency's wide authority is justified in that kind of procedures, on which many theorists dispute. The thesis is conceived in several sections that represent specified parts of the procedure. In the first section is shown the inititaion and the presumptive parties of the procedure. Next section emphasize the gathering of information from the Agency itself, which enables it to provide the correctly decisions. After that section, follows processing of acts that precede the hearing. The final sections present possible Agency's decisions and the protection provided by court. At the end of thesis are drawn conclusions and the personal review of the importance of effective use of Right on Market Competition