15 research outputs found

    Modelo de propagaciĂłn para exteriores mejorado para frecuencias de 50 MHz a 1.2 GHz

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    An enhanced upgrade of a model for outdoor propagation at frequencies from 50 MHz up to 1.2 GHz is presented. The model, as well as the original one are mathematical characterizations of the FCC propagation curves F(50,50) in a wider bandwith. Some limitations of the original model have been mastered in the improved version presented here, namely, the model has been extended for distances of more than 40 mi (64 Km) and antenna heights up to 1800 m. Like its predecessor, the new model allows for the estimation of the median path loss, received power or electrical field strength, which usually is sufficient in a vast majority of practical applications for which a deeper knowledge of channel dynamics is not necessary

    FILMAT 2.0 software de diseño de filtros de microondas en tecnología microtira para aplicaciones docentes

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    The aim of the work presented here is the development of an educational free microwave design filter tool. The software called FILMAT 2.0, is based on a previous program developed by our group for lumped elements filter design. The application presented here has been implemented under MATLAB environment. The graphic interface and functionality have been improved using the latest versions of toolboxes provided with MATLAB. Moreover, an independent application has been generated, allowing the software to be functional without the requirement of having a MATLAB license, just accompanied with a free runtime. Results are comparable in quality with the commercial simulators. The application presented here has been developed under “user friendly” philosophy, is easy to use and could be operated for users at any level

    Las TICs aplicadas a la enseñanza universitaria del EEES

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    This paper outlines the background of a long term project developed by the University of Cantabria during eight consecutive years, in order to make the Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) available to Spanish academic community. The development of a European higher education space, and the adaptations that this implies, and demands some changes within the teaching methods and planning, where the ICTs has a prominent role for both students and teachers. E-learning platforms, complemented with nonpresential communication technologies, like videoconferencing and a constant formation of all the involved sectors, will be the key for a successful convergence of the imminent European Higher Education Area (EHEA)

    Image Easy Sonar: software para el procesado digital de imĂĄgenes sonar con aplicaciones docentes

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    Usually, the knowledge about digital images provided by onboard sidescan sonar in unmanned undersea vehicles (UUVs), is far away of educational purposes. In this communication authors demonstrate that this target is possible at affordable cost. This kind of images are usually poor in their resolution if are compared with optical images. There are two commercial expensive solutions for this trouble: the first one is the use of high resolution multibeam sidescan sonar, the second one consists in the use of bathymetric sonar. It is evident that for a spanish university these solutions exceeds the economical education budget and needs a generous external support. This work shows an economical solution for this problem by using digital image processing techniques under MATLAB environment. Results are comparable in quality with the commercial expensive hardware solutions. The application presented here is easy to use and has been developed under “user friendly” philosophy and could be operated for users at any level. This work is the first step for future lines of work in underwater recognition of objects

    SLIDEFINDER: herramienta docente para clasificar, buscar y compartir imĂĄgenes en soporte electrĂłnico

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    This paper outlines the joint project developed by the University of Cantabria and the Non Government Association “Educación para la Solidaridad Grupo Brezo” in order to develop a software tool to classify, search and find images thru the World Wide Web. The main idea of the project implies the digitalization, storage and sharing of more than 80,000 slides of different themes (landscapes, people, folklore, history, natural disasters, etc.) made along 40 years by the members of Brezo all over the word. This kind of images can be of interest for educational, E-learning and research purposes. An open source platform based in PHP and MySQL has been chosen in order to develop the application shown here, the engine has been implemented under “friendly user” philosophy and it is self-explicative, the above mentioned features make the software an interesting tool easy to use by users at any level

    OBSTAGUIA 2: software de anĂĄlisis de obstĂĄculos en guĂ­a de onda para laboratorios docentes

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    This work is devoted to simplify the knowledge by the student of the electrical lumped elements equivalent circuit of the different obstacles used to develop passive microwave devices inside a waveguide. The software presented here OBSTAGUIA2 is based on previously reported works, and has been developed under friendly user philosophy and is selfexplicative. The able to simulate all types of obstacles, coupled with the graphical and mathematical capacities of MATLABÂź makes this software an interesting tool easy to use by users at any level. The second objective of this work is the use of the computing routines developed, into more ambitious software capable to design waveguide filters from the user specifications, this software is now under development

    Software de procesado de imĂĄgenes procedentes de un sonar de barrido lateral en exploraciĂłn submarina

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    Digital images provided by onboard sidescan sonar in an unmanned undersea vehicle (UUV), are usually poor in their resolution. There are two commercial expensive solutions for this trouble: the first one is the use of high resolution multibeam sidescan sonar, the second one consists in the use of bathymetric sonar. It is evident that for spanish university these solutions exceeds the economical budget and needs a generous external support. This work shows an economical solution for this problem by using digital image processing techniques under MATLAB environment. Results are comparable in quality with the commercial expensive hardware solutions. The application presented here is easy to use and has been developed under “user friendly” philosophy and could be operated for users at any level. This work is the first step for future lines of work in underwater recognition of objects

    Software docente para el reconocimiento de objetos sumergidos fabricados por el hombre mediante el procesado de imagen de un sonar de barrido lateral de simple haz

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    The knowledge about digital images provided by onboard sidescan sonar in unmanned undersea vehicles (UUVs), usually, is far away of educational purposes. Our research team demonstrates in previous papers that this target is possible at affordable cost. This communication shows how the educational software developed by our team, have been enhanced in terms of implementation the state of the art in underwater recognition techniques, including manmade submerged objects, to improve the skills or our students. This work shows an economical solution for this problem by using digital image processing techniques under MATLAB environment. Results are comparable in quality with the commercial expensive hardware solutions. The application presented here is easy to use and has been developed under “user friendly” philosophy and could be operated for users at any level

    Mejora de la red inalĂĄmbrica de la UC para una plena integraciĂłn con la iniciativa EduRoam

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    Wireless technologies are recently introduced in the Spanish universities and that action has supposed an improvement of the services offered to the users mainly, in the aspect of mobility: within the campus, and between different institutions. Since, the conventional protection techniques used with Wi-Fi networks, like Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP) are obsolete, new solutions are needed in order to ensure the adequate network protection. This communication summarizes the ambitious project developed by the University of Cantabria in order to improve the security of the wireless network that exist in our University, and the adjust of those procedures to the pan-european EduRoam (Education Roaming) initiative. Being part of eduroam allow users visiting another institution connected to eduroam to log on to the WLAN using the same credentials (username and password) the user would use if he were at his home institution

    Modelado eficiente de obstĂĄculos en guĂ­a de onda rectangular para simuladores comerciales utilizando cĂłdigo Verilog-A

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    This paper reports the modelling of classical obstacles (post, iris, screw, etc.) within rectangular waveguide in terms of electrical lumped elements equivalent circuit using Verilog-A language code. This ability, allows making possible the enabling of the digital computer interaction and simulation using standard CAD simulation tools. Furthermore, the paper shows the simplicity and friendly technique of modelling passive microwave devices using Verilog-A code. Several examples have been studied under different commercial simulators: Agilent ADS and GENESYS. A comparison between the results obtained from Verilog-A based simulations and full 3-D electromagnetic simulation is shown, too