18 research outputs found

    Fatty acid composition in cultured Amphiascoides neglectus (Copepoda: Harpacticoida)

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    This study investigates the effect of salinity on the fatty acid profile of a harpacticoid copepod Amphiascoides neglectus exposed to constant laboratory lighting and temperature (25-26oC) at pH7 for 40 days. The results were compared with those cultured in the common open hatchery environment which is almost the same as in the natural ecosystem. Different fatty acid levels were determined using Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Results showed that there were no significant differences (p>0.05) in fatty acid content for both 20ppt and 30ppt treatment but the percentage of EPA was higher in 20ppt. Harpacticoid copepods in the hatchery showed significantly (p<0.05) more fatty acids in 30ppt than 20ppt. EPA was also higher in harpacticoids cultured under 30ppt. Manipulation of salinity and temperature in combination of light factor for copepod rearing system could improve the deposition of fatty acids in their body

    Indeks Syariah Malaysia aspek perundangan

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    Kajian rintis untuk membina Indeks Syariah Malaysia telah dibuat pada tahun 2015 (ISM 2015). Usaha membina Indeks Syariah Malaysia bertujuan mewujudkan satu model tadbir urus berteraskan Maqasid Syariah untuk digunakan oleh semua jabatan dan agensi kerajaan. Secara umumnya, ISM membuat pengukuran tentang penggubalan dan pelaksanaan polisi dan undang-undang oleh Malaysia berjalan di atas landasan Maqasid Syariah yang merupakan tunjang kepada agama Islam

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in the sediments of East Coast Peninsular Malaysia

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    The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are pollutants of concern due to their persistent in the marine ecosystem, thus its can cause long-term adverse effect to the marine life. In this study the concentrations of PAHs in east coast Peninsular Malaysia sediments were determined. About ten stations along the east coast of the coastal area were selected to collect sediment samples using grab sampler. The PAHs from the sediment samples were soxhlet extracted using mixture of hexane and dichloromethane (DCM). Fractionation was done using the silica-alumina column. About 17 compounds of the PAHs were determined using the Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GCMS model QP5050A). The Σ PAHs was found in range between 0.26μg/g to 0.59μg/g dry weight. The data from the study signified that the main source of PAHs in the sediment of the east coast peninsular Malaysia is originated from the pyrolytic source

    Students’ Inclination towards English Language as Medium of Instruction in the Teaching of Science and Mathematics

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    AbstractMalay language, the national language of Malaysia has been the medium of instruction for Science and Mathematics for the past four and a half decades in Malaysia. The government however changed the medium of instruction of these subjects to English in January 2003. The “Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English” (PPSMI) policy was implemented in all primary and secondary schools. It aims to improve the English language proficiency among students as well as the learning and achievement level in science and mathematics. This paper presents findings of the study on students’ inclination towards English language as medium of instruction in teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics in Higher Learning Institutions in Malaysia. The respondents were 291 undergraduate students from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and Faculty of Education (FPEND) of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). A questionnaire pertaining to students’ inclination was used as research instrument. Using descriptive statistics, ANOVA and t-test, the study found that undergraduate students of FST and FPEND had an inclination towards English as medium of instruction in the teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics. Using the Post-Hoc test, it is found that Indian students and students from other races than Malay and Chinese have greater inclination towards English as medium of instruction in teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics in UKM for both faculties. However, FST students who studied in Mandarin and Tamil at pre-university level (STPM) had higher inclination compared to those who used Malay language or even English

    Buku panduan penggunaan dan pengisian buku rekod kesihatan ibu hamil

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    The usage of clinic based Antenatal Record Book in Malaysia was started in 1st June 1993. It supposedly contains the complete information on antenatal care received by a pregnant woman. This was later changed to home based record in 1997. Comprehensive review of this Antenatal Record Book were made in 2012 and again in 2019 in conjunction with the ever dynamic health technologies

    Peranan diversifikasi terhadap hubungan pendedahan modal intelek dengan nilai firma

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    Kajian ini menguji pengaruh diversifikasi terhadap hubungan pendedahan modal intelek (modal intelek keseluruhan, modal dalaman, modal luaran dan modal insan) dengan nilai firma keatas 233 buah firma yang tersenarai di papan utama bursa Malaysia pada 31 Disember 2007. Kajian lepas membuktikan terdapat hubungan positif antara pendedahan modal intelek dengan nilai firma. Kajian lepas juga mendapati berdiversifikasi yang dilihat lebih mampu membangun dan melabur dalam modal intelek lebih cenderung membuat pendedahan sukarela.Namun,teori dan bukti empirikal mengenai kesan diversifikasi keatas nilai firma adalah tidak konsisten.Hasil ujian regresi berganda menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara pendedahan modal intelek dengan nilai firma.Hasil kajian ini juga menunjukkan diversifikasi mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan keatas hubungan antara pendedahan modal intelek dengan nilai firma. Hubungan tersebut didapati semakin kukuh bagi firma yang tinggi tahap diversifikasinya. Keputusan ini mencadangkan diversifikasi mempunyai peranan sebagai penyederhana dalam hubungan antara pendedahan modal intelek dengan nilai firma. Seterusnya kajian ii melaporkan firma yang tinggi tahap diversifikasinya serta tinggi tahap pendedahan modal luaran akan menunjukkan pengurus firma yang tinggi tahap diversifikasinya harus memberi lebih perhatian terhadap pendedahan maklumat modal luaran bagi memastikan nilai firma mereka tidak terkurang nilai

    Customer service quality in a public agency in Malaysia: towards a customer- focused public organization

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    This study focuses on customer service quality in a public agency in Malaysia. The role of this agency is to provide technical advice to government departments ondevelopment of projects. However, there are many government departments that implement projects on their own and do not always prefer this agency as their main implementer of projects. This shows the inability of this agency in meeting its customer needs. An awareness program towards improvement in customer service was introduced in 2007 but progress was rather slow. This study attempts to determine the gap between customer expectation and customer perception of the current service quality and the perceived service quality of the agency. Data were collected from various government agencies usingSERVQUAL questionnaire survey. Results showed that dimension of reliability werethe most critical area of improvement for the agency. Overall, service quality was perceived to be moderate

    An Update on Vitamin D Deficiency Status in Malaysia

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    Vitamin D is essential for maintaining serum calcium levels, ensuring sufficient bone mineralization, immunomodulatory properties, and a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, renal disease, cancer, as well as in pregnancy. Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent worldwide, and it is not related to a country’s development index. However, the data on vitamin D deficiencies are primarily taken from out-of-date, small-scale studies on target age groups or specific diseases, rather than from large-scale, population-based surveys. In Malaysia, for the past 16 years, studies were conducted involving adult men and women, pregnant women, postmenopausal women, adolescent, and children especially with specific diseases such as spina bifida, epilepsy, chronic liver disease, and atopic dermatitis. Only a few large surveys were conducted involving children and adolescents. Across the specific target population studied, vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency were seen particularly among females, Indians, and those of Malay ethnicity. This is related to widely known causes of vitamin D deficiency such as skin type (melanin) and sun avoidant lifestyles that include covering clothes, largely practiced by Malay Muslims in Malaysia. Other related causes or the high-risk groups are breastfed infants, the elderly, the obese, those on medications, and those characterized by fat malabsorption and geophysical factors. Vitamin D deficiency can be managed with pharmacological or non-pharmacological approaches, depending on the severity. The objective is to raise serum vitamin D to a normal level, hence, relieving the symptoms and reducing the adverse health outcomes. Despite no clear guidelines in treating vitamin D deficiency in Malaysia, this condition can be prevented with taking adequate vitamin D in food resources, sun exposure, or supplementation. Special attention should be given to high-risk groups including infants, obese patients, and the elderly