22 research outputs found

    Virtual and augmented reality

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    What is virtual and augmented reality? First of all, for a better understating what these two terms mean let me give you a definition. Virtual reality – is a simulated experience that can even be out of this world. When augmented reality is some addons to your life. Examples of virtual reality would be you with the help of technology to go out of this world (basically it has no effect on your real life). Examples of augmented reality can be some devices that would give you the opportunity to effect things in the real world

    Künstliche intelligenz

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    Künstliche Intelligenz hat sich im letzten Jahrzehnt von einem Science-Fiction-Traum zu einem kritischen Teil unseres Alltags entwickelt. Wir verwenden Künstliche-Intelligenz -Systeme, um mit unseren Handys über Siri zu interagieren, Autos wie Teslas zu interpretieren. Künstlich intelligente Algorithmen sind hier, sie haben unser Leben bereits zum Besseren oder Schlechteren verändert. Aber das ist nur der Anfang, und eines Tages werden wir 2019 auf Künstliche Intelligenz zurückblicken und darüber lachen, wie primitiv es war. In erster Linie sind KI-Systeme bereits darauf vorbereitet, Millionen von Jobs zu übernehmen. Jeder Job, bei dem ein Mensch Informationen von anderen Menschen herunternimmt und in ein System eingibt, wird wahrscheinlich veraltet. So sind Kassierer, Rezeptionisten, Telemarketer und Bankangestellte auf dem Weg. Da selbstfahrende Autos, selbstfahrende Drohnen und andere Förderer von A nach B komplexer werden, verlieren wir auch Jobs wie Lastwagenfahrer, Postangestellte, Kurierdienste und sogar die Lieferung von Pizza. Fabriken werden auch voll automatisiert, ebenso Autowaschanlagen und Kinos. Sogar ein Job als Journalist ist durch die schnelle Verbesserung von Nachrichtenalgorithmen bedroht, die Informationen sammeln und schneller und genauer liefern können

    Didactic Conditions of Distance Learning Optimization in Higher Education

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    У статті представлено систему принципів дистанційного навчання, що забезпечують формування професійно-творчих умінь майбутнього фахівця. Цей процес успішно здійснюється лише за певних дидактичних умов. Проаналізовано та розкрито сутність поняття «умови», «педагогічні умови», «дидактичні умови». З’ясовано дидактичні умови ефективної організації дистанційного навчання студентів у вищій школі: педагогічна готовність викладача університету до застосування комп’ютерних методів і засобів ДН у формуванні вмінь професійно-творчого характеру; застосування форм і методів дистанційного навчання у межах пізнавально-творчої (евристичної) навчальної технології; комплексна діагностика поточних і кінцевих результатів сформованості в дистанційному навчанні професійно-творчих умінь студентів. Виявлено особливості професійної підготовки викладачів у дистанційній освіті.The article defines the system of teaching principles for distance learning, leading to qualitative changes in all elements of educational systems. All these principles are interrelated and interdependent, supplemented by each other. Didactic system of distance learning, which operates under the open learning system, in addition to the general principles of teaching, also has specific didactic principles. These principles constitute the foundation for the process of the formation of professional and creative skills of the future specialist which can successfully take place only under certain conditions of teaching. The essence of the concept of «subject», «pedagogical conditions», «teaching conditions» is analyzed. The conditions for effective teaching of distance learning of students of higher school are defined and stipulated, namely: a) to provide pedagogical university lecturer willingness to use computer methods and means of distance education in the formation of professional and creative skills; b) to use the forms and methods of distance learning within the bounds of the cognitive and creative (heuristic) educational technology; c) to apply a comprehensive diagnosis of current and final results of formation in distance learning professional and creative skills of students. The features of professional training of the teachers in the new forms of education are analysed. One of the main conditions for teaching distance learning is to develop the ability to support the learning process as a tutor who provides methodological and organizational support to students within the bounds of a specific program of learning. Conditions for the effectiveness of didactic conditions of organizing of distance learning determine the development of the cognitive activity of students, level of formation of professional and creative skills of future professionals, the quality of teaching of distance learning courses, a mechanism of feedback of the student with the teacher, a high level of information competency of the teacher to perform the education process using information technology. Implementation of information technology in teaching students of higher schools can improve the quality of the educational process in general

    The Professional and Creative Skills of the Students and Peculiarities of Their Formation in Distance Learning

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    У статті окреслено наукові підходи до визначення професійно-творчих умінь. Виявлено нові кваліфікаційні характеристики професійних умінь творчого характеру, які складають основу фахової компетентності фахівців, стають засобом самореалізації творчого потенціалу особистості. Для успішного формування вмінь у дистанційному навчанні виокремлено основні умови: готовність викладача для використання інноваційних можливостей дистанційного навчання; організація пізнавально-творчої діалогової взаємодії дистантних учнів із викладачем; компетентна педагогічна діагностика продуктів професійно-творчої діяльності студентів.In the article the new approaches to defining the professional and creative skills of the students are outlined. The researchers define the essence of the concept the «skill» differently, but they think that skills are formed during the certain activities. The new qualifying characteristics of professional skills of creative nature are discovered. In our research the following professional and creative skills are singled out: 1) diagnostic: the ability to perform critical analysis and evaluation of the professional situation and results of the activity; 2) prognostic: the ability to formulate a professional problem, a purpose and professional creative tasks that need to be solved to achieve a resultgoal; 3) organizational: the ability to demonstrate creative and executive leadership, to organize the creative life activity of collectives; 4) didactic: the ability to transfer knowledge to others, use innovative teaching opportunities of applied educational technology and realize the basic teaching principles. It is determined that the professional and creative skills are the basis of professional competence and means of the creative abilities realization. To succeed in their formation in distance learning the basic conditions are singled out: 1) willingness of the teachers to use innovative distance learning opportunities; 2) organization of cognitive and creative dialogue interaction of the students with the teacher by means of distance learning; 3) competent pedagogical diagnostics the products of students’ professional and creative activity. The interaction between the participants of the learning process is a key element of any educational program. Most of the time, the students work remotely on their own. If they have a need to ask the teacher questions, they can use e-mail. This contributes to a more serious attitude to learning. Based on the analysis of general and methodological literature the essence and didactic possibilities of distance learning are determined: interaction between a teacher and a student in a specific educational environment via telecommunication technologies. The use of modern technology of distance and heuristic learning in the university educational system provides the successful formation of basic professional and creative skills of future specialists. In the article a system of principles of distance learning is presented which provides the formation of professional and creative skills of future specialists

    The Organization of Distance Learning in the High School: Experience of Germany

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    У статті розглянуто тенденції розвитку дистанційного навчання як інноваційної технології, яка дозволяє бажаючим отримати знання в будь-якій сфері без постійного відвідування навчального закладу. Ця форма навчання широко поширена 'у Німеччині, країнах Заходу, стрімко розвивається в Україні.The article deals with the tendencies of distance education developments as an innovative technology which affords the people who wants to get knowledge in any sphere without constant visiting the establishment. This form of teaching is widely spread in Germany, West countries, is rapidly developing in Ukraine

    Professional and Creative Skills of the Future Teachers as the Basis of their Professional Competence

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    У статті окреслено наукові підходи до визначення професійно-творчих умінь як основи професійної компетентності майбутнього педагога, показано актуальність вивчення даного феномену. Виявлено нові кваліфікаційні характеристики професійних умінь творчого характеру як показника готовності до професії сучасного педагога. Розглядаються умови ефективного формування професійних компетентностей майбутніх учителів в умовах дистанційного навчання.In the article the scientific approaches to the definition of professional and creative skills as the basis of professional competence of a future teacher are denoted, the relevance of the study of this phenomenon is pointed out. It is identified new qualifications of professional skills of creative nature as an indicator of readiness for the profession of a modern teacher. It is considered the conditions of effective formation of professional competencies of future teachers in distance learning. In our research the following professional and creative skills are singled out: 1) diagnostic: the ability to perform critical analysis and evaluation of the professional situation and results of the activity; 2) prognostic: the ability to formulate a professional problem, purpose and professional creative tasks that need to be solved to achieve a result-goal; 3) organizational: the ability to demonstrate creative and executive leadership, to organize the creative life activity of collectives; 4) didactic: the ability to transfer knowledge to others, use innovative teaching opportunities of applied educational technology and realize the basic teaching principles. It is determined that the professional and creative skills are the basis of professional competence and means of creative abilities realization. In order to succeed in their formation in distance learning the basic conditions are singled out: 1) willingness of teachers to use innovative distance learning opportunities; 2) organization of cognitive and creative dialogue interaction of students with the teacher by means of distance learning; 3) competent pedagogical diagnostics of the products of students’ professional and creative activity. Based on the analysis of general and methodological literature the essence and didactic possibilities of distance learning are determined – interaction between the teacher and the student in a specific educational environment via telecommunication technologies. With the use of modern technology of distance and heuristic learning in the university education system is provided the successful formation of basic professional and creative skills of future specialists. In the article the system of principles of distance learning is presented, that provides the formation of professional and creative skills of future specialists