17 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Daerah Penangkapan Ikan Cakalang Pada Musim Barat Di Perairan Teluk Bone

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    The purpose of this study was to characterize potential fishing ground for the skipjack tuna using the oceanographic conditions of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentrations and catch data, and to describe the level of primary productivity around the skipjack fishing grounds in the Bone Bay. This study used a survey method by collecting primary tuna catch and MODIS satellite image data. The data were analyzed using Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF). The model outputs were visualized using ArcGIS spatial analyst. The results showed that the potential skipjack tuna fishing grounds during the west monsoon ( December -February ) were well characterized by the environmental conditions of SST and chlorophyll- a concentration ranged from 29.9 to 31.0 °C and from 0.12 to 0.22 mg m3, respectively. The highest catches for skipjack were found in February in the specific areas of 120°E121°E and 3°S-4°S where the levels of primary production ranged from 5.30 to 11.62 g C/m/ month during the west monsoon

    Dinamika Perubahan Suhu Dan Klorofi-a Terhadap Distribusi Ikan Teri (Stelophorus SP) Di Perairan Pantai Spermonde, Pangkep

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    The distribution of anchovies (Stelophorus spp) in the Spermonde coastal waters, Pangkep, was studied from satellite remotely sensed environment and catch data, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Generalized Additive Model (GAM). The goal of this preliminary study was to investigate the relationship between sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration (SSC), and anchovies distribution. To describe their relationship, SST and SSC derived from Aqua/MODIS satellite were overlain with the positions of experimental fishing by local fishermen's lift net (“Bagan perahu”). The experimental lift net operations were conducted in April to May 2008. The findings of this study showed that most of the anchovies distribution occurred in the coastal area. Anchovies distribution tended to be highest in the specific temperature of 28.8 - 29.3C and chlorophyll-a of 1.5 ‒2.5 mg.m . Furthermore, the SST and SSC in the coastal waters of Spermonde play a great role in determining the variability of the anchovies quantitative distribution in the study area. The results were supported by GAM prediction. Due to lack of robust data, there is no detailed information on the optimum habitat preference of anchovies. Future work is needed to reveal the preferred habitat of anchovies with the consideration of more oceanographic parameters

    Keragaan Biologi Populasi Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Yang Tertangkap Dengan Purse Seine Pada Musim Timur Di Perairan Laut Flores

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    Biological performance of skipjack tuna has been done in the Flores Sea during the southeast monsoon (June - August, 2013). The objective of the research was to analyze biological performance of skipjack tuna captured by purse seine: including size composition,age classes, growth rate, food habit, gonad maturity and suitable length for capture. The data for length structure and age class, the growth rate, food habit, gonad maturity, and volumetric fecundity estimation were analyzed using Bhattacharya, Von Bertalanffy, propendance index, histological and volumentric methods, respectively. The results showed that (1) the size structure and age class were different according to the fishing ground location and the fishing season, (2) the average size of fishes captured in the western part of Flores Sea was greater than the eastern one, (3) the average length of fishes catched by purse seine without fish aggregation device (FAD, rumpon) was longer than that of with FAD, (4) the growth rate of skipjack tuna was slow where the growth coefficient was less than 0,5 per year, and the asymptotic length was 106,0 cm FL, (5) the skipjack tuna achieved the mature stage at 45 cm and at 50 cm length for female and male, respectively, and ready to spawn at 55 cm and 60 cm for male and female , respectively, (6) it was more than 80 % of fishes captured by fishermen in the Flores Sea which were not yet suitable size for fishing

    Karakteristik Daerah Penangkapan Ikan Cakalang Pada Musim Barat di Perairan Teluk Bone

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    The purpose of this study was to characterize potential fishing ground for the skipjack tuna using the oceanographic conditions of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentrations and catch data, and to describe the level of primary productivity around the skipjack fishing grounds in the Bone Bay. This study used a survey method by collecting primary tuna catch and MODIS satellite image data. The data were analyzed using Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF). The model outputs were visualized using ArcGIS spatial analyst.  The results showed that the potential skipjack tuna fishing grounds during the west monsoon ( December -February ) were well characterized  by  the environmental conditions of SST and chlorophyll- a concentration ranged from 29.9 to 31.0 °C and from 0.12 to 0.22 mg m3, respectively. The highest catches for skipjack were found in February in the specific areas of 120°E121°E and 3°S-4°S where the levels of primary production ranged from 5.30 to 11.62 g C/m/ month during the west monsoon.

    Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PPMU-PKM) Kelompok Nelayan “Bakau” Penangkap Rajungan di Dusun Lantebung, Kelurahan Bira, Kecamatan Tamalanrea, Makassar

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    The Community Service Activity (PPMU-PKM) aims to carry out one of the Tridarma duties of Higher Education. The main activity in community service is to provide knowledge and modeling for fishing communities, improve the ability of fishermen to manage crab resources sustainably. This activity was held from July to October 2018 in Lantebung Hamlet, Bira Village, Tamalanrea District, Makassar. There are 2 main activities carried out, namely counseling on fishermen from KUB members "Bakau" and ranching the egg-laying crabs caught by fishermen until the crabs release their eggs. It is expected that these eggs will increase the crab population in the waters around the service location.Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PPMU-PKM) ini bertujuan untuk  melaksanakan salah satu tugas Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi.  Pokok kegiatan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberi pengetahuan dan percontohan bagi masyarakat nelayan, meningkatkan kemampuan nelayan dalam melakukan pengelolaan sumberdaya rajungan secara lestari dan berkesinambungan.  Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli hingga Oktober 2018 di Dusun Lantebung, Kelurahan Bira, Kecamatan Tamalanrea Makassar.  Ada 2 kegiatan utama yang dilakukan, yaitu penyuluhan pada nelayan anggota KUB “Bakau” dan penangkaran induk rajungan bertelur yang ditangkap oleh nelayan hingga rajungan tersebut melepaskan telurnya.  Diharapkan telur-telur tersebut akan meningkatkan populasi rajungan di perairan sekitar lokasi pengabdian.   Kata Kunci:  rajungan bertelur, penangkaran, Lantebung, Makassa

    Analisis Spasial Dan Temporal Hasil Tangkapan Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Dan Thermal Front Pada Musim Peralihan Di Perairan Teluk Bone

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    The main problem facing by fishermen for capturing skipjack tuna is limited information of potential skipjack fishing areas such as the frontal locations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the spatial and temporal skipjack tuna distributions and thermal fronts, and to determine the effect of climate change on their distribution and abundance during transitional seasons. We used a survey method, in which catch and fishing position data were collected by following pole and line fishing operations. This study also collected secondary data that consisted of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and chlorophyll-a derived from Aqua / MODIS. Fronts were determined by calculating SST gradient, SSTs preferences, chlorophyll-a, bathymetry and distance from coastline, whereas SST anomaly was calculated from the difference between monthly SST and mean SST. We mapped satellite and field data using ArcGIS 10.0. The results showed that the highest catch of skipjack tuna with an average of 205 fish/set were found inOctober 2013, which occurred in the areas of 4 o40'S-5o10'S and 120o40'E-121oE. The locations had a temperature gradient of 0.4oC and chlorophyll-a density from 0,15 to 0,23 mg m-3. Potential fishing areas may associate with negative SST anomalies of -2.1373 - -0.6469oC, reflecting that skipjack tuna tend to be at thermal fronts with relatively lower SST compared with an average of seven years