122 research outputs found

    Evaluation efficiency of modern antidepressants by means of quantative pharmaco-EEG

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    An example perspective way to improve the pharmacotherapy of depression is to combine SSIRs with representatives of other groups of drugs. Great interest from this point of view is the hormone of pineal gland - melatonin (MT), which is an important element of the non-specific antistress system of body. Evaluation efficiency of the above regimes of pharmacotherapy of depressive frustration showed, that the application of valdoxan, and also combination fluoxetine+melaxen favorably affects the course of the disease and contributes to a more rapid normalization of bioelectric activity of brain than fluoxetine in isolation, both experimentally and clinicall


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    Purpose: Assessment of results of surgical treatment of patients with chronic anal cracks with violations of the psychoemotional sphere in the form of alarm and a depression, revealed by means of a hospital scale of alarm and HADS depression.Materials and methods: The hospital scale of HADS in the preoperative and postoperative period was used, the locking device of a rectum in the preoperative period for definition of a quantitative assessment of expressiveness sphincter spasm was investigated. In work results of surgical treatment of 98 patients were analyzed.Results: Psychopharmacotherapy application in the postoperative period for the purpose of correction of disturbing and depressive violations is recommended.Summary: The offered way of treatment of a chronic anal crack taking into account changes of the psychoemotional status and their correction in a complex with surgical and conservative treatment in the postoperative period leads to improvement of subjective health of patients, allows to influence results of surgical treatment, reducing terms of healing of a postoperative wound, reducing risk of emergence of recurrence of surgical treatment of such patients


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    Purpose: Based on the study of clinical features to identify diagnostic criteria for atypical anorexia nervosa (AN) for timely diagnosis and treatment in adolescent girls with oligo-amenorrhea.Materials and methods: I group - 18 patients with atypical AN, II group - 22 patients with a diagnosis of typical AN. The age of both groups 16 (18; 14) years. The body mass index I of group - 14,55 (17,34; 10,2), II - 15,6 (17,5; 11,6). Control group - 20 teenage girls.Conducted clinical-psychopathological, experimental psychological research, psychometric scaling. Results: differences in the typical and atypical clinic AN at different stages of the disease, higher efficiency of treatment was found in patients with typical AN.Summary: needs further search of objective criteria for atypical AN timely diagnosis and differential diagnosis of AN with other diseases associated with underweight and oligo-amenorrhea

    Assessment of the degree of restoration of the retinal structure and chorioretinal blood flow after surgical treatment of large-diameter macular holes

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    The aim: to evaluate the restoration features of the structural relationships of the retina and chorioretinal blood fl ow after surgical treatment of large-diameter macular hole (MH) using a modifi ed technology.Material and methods. A prospective study of 14 patients (14 eyes), 13 women and 1 man, with medium-and large-diameter MH was conducted. The mean age of the patients was 67.7 ± 5.38 (55–80) years. The study included patients with endto-end MH of the 3rd–4th stage according to the classifi cation of J. Gass. All patients underwent surgical treatment of macular rupture according to the proposed method of inverted fl ap of the internal limiting membrane (ILM) and fi lling it into a “pocket” formed between the retina and the ILM.Optical coherence tomography (OCT) was performed along with traditional research methods. The obtained images were used to measure manually the parameters of retinal MH, the thickness of the choroid in the projection of the rupture and the fovea zone before the operation and 1, 3 and 6 months after the operation. In the angio-mode, the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) was evaluated, as well as the density of capillaries of the superfi cial and deep retinal plexus in four quadrants, with the exception of the central zone.Results. In all patients, it was possible to achieve MH blocking. Visual acuity in the eyes with MH varied from 0.02 to 0.3, while in the comparison group, the best corrected visual acuity was from 0.3 to 1.0 (p = 0.002). An increase in the diameter of large choroidal vessels, as well as a pronounced decrease in the diameter of the posterior short ciliary artery, attracted attention. However, despite the improvement in visual acuity, patients retained a signifi cant expansion of the FAZ, which by 6 months exceeded the FAZ area of the paired eye by 25.8 % (p = 0.01).Conclusion. The results obtained indicate that the achievement of an anatomicalreconstructive effect and even a moderate improvement in visual acuity during surgical treatment of macular holes by the modifi ed inverted flap technology of the internal limiting membrane does not determine the restoration of retinal perfusion in full

    Sleep medicine. Non-pharmacologic management of insomnias

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    There are represented the role of sleep for normal activity of human organism, consequences of sleep disorders for health in this review We have taken a close look at such widespread type of a sleep disorder as insomnia and described the most perspective approaches to non-pharmacologic management of primary and secondary insomnias. We have also paid attention to large efficiency of such methods


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    Частью проводимой политики государства в области обеспечения гарантий качества образования является более активная поддержка вузов на законодательном уровне, путем включения в показатели государственной аттестации и аккредитации вузов показателя «Результативность внутривузовской системы обеспечения качества». Существующие модели оценивания основаны на базовых принципах TQM и моделях совершенства EFQM. В то же время следует отметить, что различное применение моделей оценки, основанных на единых фундаментальных концепциях, затрудняет анализ реальной ситуации относительно результативности систем обеспечения качества образования, несмотря на наличие соответствующего показателя государственной аккредитации. Это сказывается на выработке регулирующими органами механизмов гарантии качества образования, главная задача которых - не обеспечение единообразия в подходах к СМК, а обеспечение уверенности в действенности СМК, посредством внедрения надежных и точных оценочных процедур и их адекватности реалиям сегодняшнего дня. В этой связи встает вопрос о выработке модели оценки, гарантирующей достоверность и точность оценки системы менеджмента качества вуза, которая должна учитывать лучший отечественный и зарубежный опыт применения моделей оценки для высшего образования, требования Стандартов и Директив ENQA и представления об открытых «мягких» системах, каковой является вуз.The article is considered national politics in the area of surety of quality educations guarantee, such as more active support for universities on legislative level. The authors are touched on question about output rating model, assuring authenticity and accuracy of estimate system of quality management in universities

    E7 proteins from oncogenic human papillomavirus types transactivate p73: role in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

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    In common with other E2F1 responsive genes such as p14ARF and B-myb, the promoter of p73 is shown to be positively regulated in cell lines and primary human keratinocytes by E7 proteins from oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16, 18, 31 and 33, but not HPV 6. Mutational analysis revealed that transactivation of the p73 promoter by HPV 16E7 requires association with pRb. Expression of p73 in normal cervical epithelium is confined to the basal and supra-basal layers. In contrast, expression in neoplastic lesions is detected throughout the epithelium and increases with grade of neoplasia, being maximal in squamous cell cancers (SCC). Deregulation of expression of the N-terminal splice variant p73Δ2 was observed in a significant proportion of cancers, but not in normal epithelium. The frequent over-expression of p73Δ2, which has recognized transdominant properties, in malignant and pre-malignant lesions suggests a role in the oncogenic process in cervical epithelium


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    Timely diagnosis and efficacious pharmacotherapy of depressive disorders are of immediate concern to the medical practice. The quantitative pharmaco-electroencephalography method enables differential evaluation of the affective disorder treatment efficacy. The aim of the study was to perform comparative evaluation of pharmacological  activity of two treatment regimens for moderate somatization disorders in patients with gastrointestinal pathology: monotherapy with fluoxetine — an antidepressant  of the selective serotonin  reuptake  inhibitors  class, and combination  therapy  with melatonin-containing medicine.  Methods: the severity of the depressive disorder and the efficacy of the treatment regimens were assessed using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS-17). The quantitative  pharmaco-electroencephalography (pharmaco-EEG) was used both before and during the treatment to analyse the effect of the medicinal products on the functional state of the brain in the patients with depressive disorder. Results: it was shown that the combination  of fluoxetine and melatonin  results in a more rapid regression of depressive symptoms according to the HDRS-17 scale. The quantitative pharmaco-EEG method helped to reveal specific differences between the effect of fluoxetin as monotherapy and in combination  with melatonin  on the bioelectrical activity on the patients brain. Conclusions: the analysis of the relative power of the patient brain rhythms by pharmaco-EEG demonstrated a more rapid restoration  of normal EEG rhythms in the patients who received the combination  of fluoxetine and melatonin, than in those patients who received fluoxetine monotherapy which did not result in complete remission of the existing depressive episode in a number of patients after the 42-day treatment course.Своевременная диагностика и эффективная фармакотерапия депрессивных расстройств  является  актуальной проблемой в медицинской практике. Метод количественной фармако-электроэнцефалографии позволяет дифференцированно оценить  эффективность лечения  данного  аффективного расстройства.  Цель работы: проведение  сравнительного анализа  фармакологической активности двух схем лечения  соматизированного депрессивного расстройства  средней степени  тяжести у пациентов с патологией  желудочно-кишечного тракта: монотерапии антидепрессантом из группы селективных  ингибиторов обратного захвата серотонина — флуоксетином и его комбинированного применения с лекарственным препаратом, содержащим  мелатонин. Методы: с помощью  шкалы  Гамильтона  (HDRS-17) проводилась оценка  степени  тяжести депрессивного расстройства  у пациентов и эффективности применения обозначенных схем фармакотерапии. Методом  количественной фармако-электроэнцефалографии  (фармако-ЭЭГ),  использовавшимся как до начала лечения,  так и на фоне проведения соответствующего  режима фармакотерапии, осуществлялся анализ влияния вышеуказанных лекарственных средств на функциональное состояние головного  мозга пациентов с депрессивным  расстройством. Результаты: показано, что комбинация флуоксетина с мелатонином способствует  более быстрому регрессу депрессивной симптоматики согласно шкале HDRS-17. Метод количественной фармако-ЭЭГ позволил выявить  характерные  различия  во влиянии флуоксетина при монотерапии или комбинированном применении с мелатонином на биоэлектрическую активность  головного  мозга пациентов. Выводы: проведенный анализ  относительного значения мощности ритмов головного мозга пациентов методом количественной фармако-ЭЭГ показал,  что восстановление нормальных значений ритмов ЭЭГ на фоне комбинации флуоксетина с мелатонином происходит быстрее, чем при монотерапии флуоксетином, прием  которого  не привел  к полной  ремиссии  текущего депрессивного эпизода у ряда пациентов при лечении в течение 42 сут

    Overexpressed TP73 induces apoptosis in medulloblastoma

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    Abstract Background Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor of childhood. Children who relapse usually die of their disease, which reflects resistance to radiation and/or chemotherapy. Improvements in outcome require a better understanding of the molecular basis of medulloblastoma growth and treatment response. TP73 is a member of the TP53 tumor suppressor gene family that has been found to be overexpressed in a variety of tumors and mediates apoptotic responses to genotoxic stress. In this study, we assessed expression of TP73 RNA species in patient tumor specimens and in medulloblastoma cell lines, and manipulated expression of full-length TAp73 and amino-terminal truncated ΔNp73 to assess their effects on growth. Methods We analyzed medulloblastoma samples from thirty-four pediatric patients and the established medulloblastoma cell lines, Daoy and D283MED, for expression of TP73 RNA including the full-length transcript and the 5'-terminal variants that encode the ΔNp73 isoform, as well as TP53 RNA using quantitative real time-RTPCR. Protein expression of TAp73 and ΔNp73 was quantitated with immunoblotting methods. Clinical outcome was analyzed based on TP73 RNA and p53 protein expression. To determine effects of overexpression or knock-down of TAp73 and ΔNp73 on cell cycle and apoptosis, we analyzed transiently transfected medulloblastoma cell lines with flow cytometric and TUNEL methods. Results Patient medulloblastoma samples and cell lines expressed full-length and 5'-terminal variant TP73 RNA species in 100-fold excess compared to non-neoplastic brain controls. Western immunoblot analysis confirmed their elevated levels of TAp73 and amino-terminal truncated ΔNp73 proteins. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed trends toward favorable overall and progression-free survival of patients whose tumors display TAp73 RNA overexpression. Overexpression of TAp73 or ΔNp73 induced apoptosis under basal growth conditions in vitro and sensitized them to cell death in response to chemotherapeutic agents. Conclusion These results indicate that primary medulloblastomas express significant levels of TP73 isoforms, and suggest that they can modulate the survival and genotoxic responsiveness of medulloblastomas cells