4 research outputs found

    Retention of a resin-based sealant and a glass ionomer used as a fissure sealant in children with special needs

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    Objectives: The aim of this research is to evaluate the retention of sealants of resin and resin-modified ionomeric glass pits and fissures, on first permanent molars of special patients. Material and Methods: The sample was comprised by 32 children. The ages were between 7 and 18 years. The sealing procedure was made with the relative isolation of the molars to be sealed, through the use of cotton rolls. Two molars were sealed with Clinpro Sealant 3M Dental and the others with Vitremer. Checking of the sealants was made after 3 and 6 months of their placement, evaluating with 3 values: TR: Totally Restrained; PR: Partially Restrained; and CL: Completely Lost. Results: 67.18% of the resinous sealants, and 70.31% of the glass ionomer sealants were successful after three months. After six months, 57.81% of the resin-based sealants and 51.56% of the glass ionomer sealants were successful. When performing the Chi-square statistical analysis ( P <0.05) no statistical significance was observed after 6 months. Conclusions: The retention of the resin sealant was similar to that of the glass ionomer cement at the end of six months and the retention of sealants on maxillary teeth was higher than on mandibular teeth

    Clinical prevalence of drooling in infant cerebral palsy

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence and severity of drooling in infant cerebral palsy (ICP) and analyze the possible surgical, pharmacological, myofunctional and novel alternative approaches to treatment of this disorder. Methods: A clinical study is made of a group of patients with ICP (cohort) and aged between 4 and 34 years, visiting a dental clinic for disabled patients. The classification of Thomas-Stonell and Greenberg was used to assess the presence and severity of drooling. Results: Of the total of 50 patients evaluated (52% males and 48% females), 58% presented drooling (mild in 44.4% and moderate to severe in 27.7%). Conclusion: Over half of the patients with ICP presented drooling. Effective options are therefore needed for the treatment of this problem, which poses a series of negative effects for both patients and their care givers

    Periodontal disease associated to systemic genetic disorders

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    A number of systemic disorders increase patient susceptibility to periodontal disease, which moreover evolves more rapidly and more aggressively. The underlying factors are mainly related to alterations in immune, endocrine and connective tissue status. These alterations are associated with different pathologies and syndromes that generate periodontal disease either as a primary manifestation or by aggravating a pre-existing condition attributable to local factors. This is where the role of bacterial plaque is subject to debate. In the presence of qualitative or quantitative cellular immune alterations, periodontal disease may manifest early on a severe localized or generalized basis ? in some cases related to the presence of plaque and/or specific bacteria (severe congenital neutropenia or infantile genetic agranulocytosis, Chediak-Higiashi syndrome, Down syndrome and Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome). In the presence of humoral immune alterations, periodontal damage may result indirectly as a consequence of alterations in other systems. In connective tissue disorders, bacterial plaque and alterations of the periodontal tissues increase patient susceptibility to gingival inflammation and alveolar resorption (Marfan syndrome and Ehler-Danlos syndrome). The management of periodontal disease focuses on the control of infection and bacterial plaque by means of mechanical and chemical methods. Periodontal surgery and even extraction of the most seriously affected teeth have also been suggested. There are variable degrees of consensus regarding the background systemic disorder, as in the case of Chediak-Higiashi syndrome, where antibiotic treatment proves ineffective; in severe congenital neutropenia or infantile genetic agranulocytosis, where antibiotic prophylaxis is suggested; and in Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome, where an established treatment protocol is available

    Representaciones que poseen los profesionales del área de la salud respecto de sus prácticas de enseñanza de las asignaturas disciplinarias en el aula

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    Antecedentes. Las prácticas de enseñanza de los profesionales de la salud han sido escasamente estudiadas a partir de la transposición didáctica de los contenidos disciplinarios tanto en Chile, como en América latina. La lógica del objeto de saber y la lógica del acto de enseñanza convergen dialécticamente en las aulas universitarias. Objetivo. Describir analíticamente las representaciones que poseen los profesionales del área de la salud respecto de sus prácticas de enseñanza de las asignaturas disciplinarias en el aula. Materiales y Métodos. Se planteó un diseño cualitativo descriptivo, en base a la teoría fundamentada, método comparativo constante, y los principios de triangulación y convergencia. Las técnicas de recolección de información fueron: entrevistas semiestructuradas, lectura textos y las observaciones etnográficas. Desde la codificación abierta emergieron diez categorías: a) Relevancia del conocimiento pedagógico b) Finalidad de la enseñanza c) Valoración de la evaluación diagnóstica, d) Usabilidad de la didáctica, e) Resultados de aprendizajes y enseñanza, f) Dominio del contenido disciplinario, g) Perfeccionamiento, h) Estilo de enseñanza, i) Criterios de efectividad de una clase, j) Conocimiento base para la enseñanza. Para el procesamiento de data verbal se utilizó el software para el análisis cualitativo de datos Atlas-ti versión 6.0. Resultados. Los docentes requieren de conocimientos pedagógicos para mejorar la calidad de enseñanza. Los conceptos de didáctica son atribuidos principalmente al aspecto metodológico y al uso de recursos tecnológicos. La estrategia didáctica más utilizada en el proceso de enseñanza en el aula, es la clase expositiva que se centra en el docente aproximándose al modelo conductista. Conclusión. El modelo pedagógico dominante, está centrado en el docente y se aproxima al modelo conductista, por lo que las prácticas de los docentes no constituyen una labor pedagógica sistemática ni enmarcada en paradigmas actuales de la educación