15 research outputs found

    Poblado indígena de Tuco, Sierra del Perú

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    Poblado indígena de Tuco, Sierra del Perú

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    Avaliação do consumo alimentar de crianças pertencentes a uma creche filantrópica na Ilha de Paquetá, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Food intake assessment of children attending a philanthropic daycare center in the Ilha de Paquetá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    OBJETIVOS: comparar o consumo alimentar de pré-escolares, pertencentes a uma creche filantrópica, em dois períodos (no ato da matrícula e após seis meses), com base na proposta da Pirâmide Alimentar Infantil Norte-Americana e através do Índice de Alimentação Saudável (IAS). MÉTODOS: relativamente à avaliação dietética, foi utilizada a história alimentar da criança com o responsável, no ato da matrícula; após seis meses de frequência da criança, utilizou-se o método de pesagem de alimentos (na creche) e registro alimentar (na residência). Posteriormente, compararam-se as médias das porções consumidas nos dois períodos, de cada grupo alimentar, utilizando o teste "t" Student, a fim de se verificar a diferença estatística entre os grupos. Considerou-se o nível de significância de 5%. Igualmente, avaliou-se o IAS, nos dois períodos. RESULTADOS: observou-se uma diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre a média das porções de frutas e vegetais, com base na Pirâmide Alimentar Americana, e um escore satisfatório do Índice de Alimentação Saudável, após seis meses de frequência da criança na creche. CONCLUSÕES: a freqüência à creche parece trazer benefícios para a nutrição de crianças pertencentes à estratos socioeconômicos menos favorecidos.<br>OBJECTIVES: to compare the food intake of children in a philanthropic daycare center in two periods (at enrollment and following six months attendance) based on the North American Food Guide Pyramid through the Healthy Eating Index (HEI). METHODS: the children eating habits were informed by the parents or custodians at enrollment and following six months of children's attendance, the food weighing technique was performed (at the daycare center) and food checking (at home) as well. Following, averages of the portions eaten in the two periods were compared in each of the food intake groups through the "t" Student test to determine the statistical significance between the groups, with the significance rate established at 5%. HEI for the two periods was equally assessed. RESULTS: a significant difference (p<0,05) was determined in the average of fruit and vegetable portions consumed, based on the North American Food Pyramid, and a satisfactory scoring of the Healthy Eating Index following six months of the children's attendance of the day care center. CONCLUSIONS: child attendance of daycare centers may result in nutrition benefits for low income families' children

    Post-Partum Depression Lactating Rat Model for Evaluating Ketamine&rsquo;s Safety as a Pharmacotherapeutic Treatment: Roles in Cardiac and Urinary Function

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    Depression is one of the world&rsquo;s most common and mentally disabling illnesses. Post-partum depression is a subtype of depression that affects one in seven women worldwide. Successful pharmacological treatment must consider the consequences for both, since the mother&ndash;child bond is fundamental for the well-being of both mother and infant as well as the general development of the newborn. Changes in maternal physiology and/or behavior can significantly influence the development of breastfed infants. Ketamine has been extensively studied for use as an antidepressant due to its mixed mechanisms of action. Safety and efficacy studies in the cardiovascular and urinary systems of a lactating postpartum depression animal model are essential for contributing toward ketamine&rsquo;s clinical use in the respective patient population. Thus, this project aimed to study the implications of postpartum maternal exposure to ketamine during lactation on the cardiovascular system of female rats submitted to the depression induction model by maternal separation. This model promotes depressive effects through stress caused by the interruption of mother&ndash;infant bond early in the offspring&rsquo;s life. To achieve depression, each dam was separated from her offspring for 3 h per day, from post-natal day 2 (PND2) to PND12. Experimental groups received daily treatment with either 5, 10, or 20 mg/kg of ketamine intraperitoneally during the lactation period, from PND2 to PND21. Behavioral tests consisted of the maternal and aggressive maternal behavior tests, the olfactory preference test, and the forced swim test. A technique for the detection of catecholamines and indoleamines in the heart muscle was developed for the experimental model groups. The histopathological evaluation was performed on these animals&rsquo; cardiac muscles and urinary bladders. Our findings suggest that ketamine is safe for use in postpartum depression and does not induce cardiovascular and/or urinary systems toxicity