7 research outputs found

    Time-Varying Manual Control Identification in a Stall Recovery Task Under Different Simulator Motion Conditions

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    This paper adds data to help the development of simulator motion cueing guidelines for stall recovery training by identifying time-varying manual control behavior in a stall recovery task under different simulator motion conditions. A study was conducted with seventeen general aviation pilots in the NASA Ames Vertical Motion Simulator. Pilots had to follow a flight director through four stages of a high-altitude stall task. A time-varying identification method was used to quantify how pilot manual control parameters change throughout different stages of the task in both roll and pitch. Four motion configurations were used: no motion, generic hexapod motion, enhanced hexapod motion and full motion. Pilot performance was highest for the enhanced hexapod and full motion configurations in both roll and pitch, and the lowest without motion. In the roll axis, the pilot position gain did not significantly change throughout the stall task, but was the lowest for the condition with no motion. The pilot roll velocity gain was significantly different between motion conditions, the largest difference being found close to the stall point. The enhanced hexapod motion condition had the highest pilot roll velocity gain. In the pitch axis, the pilot position gain was significantly different between time segments but not between motion conditions. The pilot pitch velocity gain was highest for the full motion condition and increased close to the stall point, but did not change significantly for the other motion conditions. Overall, pilot control behavior under enhanced hexapod motion was most similar to that under full aircraft motion. This indicates that motion cueing for stall recovery training on hexapod simulators might be improved by using the principles behind the enhanced hexapod motion configuration

    Control Force Compensation in Ground-Based Flight Simulators

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    This paper presents the results of a study that investigated if controller force compensations accounting for the inertial force and moment due to the aircraft motion during flight have a significant effect on pilot control behavior and performance. Seven rotorcraft pilots performed a side-step and precision hovering task in light turbulence in the Vertical Motion Simulator. The effects of force compensation were examined for two different simulated rotorcraft: linear and UH-60 dynamics with two different force gradient of the lateral stick control. Four motion configurations were used: large motion, hexapod motion, fixed-base motion, and fixed-base motion with compensation. Control-input variables and task performance such as the time to translate to the designated hover position, station-keeping position errors, and handling qualities ratings were used as measures. Control force compensation enabled pilot control behavior and performance more similar to that under high- or medium-fidelity motion to some extent only. Control force compensation did not improve overall task performance considering both rotorcraft models at the same time. The control force compensation had effects on the linear model with lighter force gradient, but only a minimal effect on pilots? control behavior and task performance for the UH-60 model, which had a higher force gradient. This suggests that the control force compensation has limited benefits for controllers that have higher stiffness

    Refinement of Objective Motion Cueing Criteria Investigation Based on Three Flight Tasks

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    The objective of this paper is to refine objective motion cueing criteria for commercial transport simulators based on pilots' performance in three flying tasks. Actuator hardware and software algorithms determine motion cues. Today, during a simulator qualification, engineers objectively evaluate only the hardware. Pilot inspectors subjectively assess the overall motion cueing system (i.e., hardware plus software); however, it is acknowledged that pinpointing any deficiencies that might arise to either hardware or software is challenging. ICAO 9625 has an Objective Motion Cueing Test (OMCT), which is now a required test in the FAA's part 60 regulations for new devices, evaluating the software and hardware together; however, it lacks accompanying fidelity criteria. Hosman has documented OMCT results for a statistical sample of eight simulators which is useful, but having validated criteria would be an improvement. In a previous experiment, we developed initial objective motion cueing criteria that this paper is trying to refine. Sinacori suggested simple criteria which are in reasonable agreement with much of the literature. These criteria often necessitate motion displacements greater than most training simulators can provide. While some of the previous work has used transport aircraft in their studies, the majority used fighter aircraft or helicopters. Those that used transport aircraft considered degraded flight characteristics. As a result, earlier criteria lean more towards being sufficient, rather than necessary, criteria for typical transport aircraft training applications. Considering the prevalence of 60-inch, six-legged hexapod training simulators, a relevant question is "what are the necessary criteria that can be used with the ICAO 9625 diagnostic?" This study adds to the literature as follows. First, it examines well-behaved transport aircraft characteristics, but in three challenging tasks. The tasks are equivalent to the ones used in our previous experiment, allowing us to directly compare the results and add to the previous data. Second, it uses the Vertical Motion Simulator (VMS), the world's largest vertical displacement simulator. This allows inclusion of relatively large motion conditions, much larger than a typical training simulator can provide. Six new motion configurations were used that explore the motion responses between the initial objective motion cueing boundaries found in a previous experiment and what current hexapod simulators typically provide. Finally, a sufficiently large pilot pool added statistical reliability to the results

    Objective Motion Cueing Criteria Investigation Based on Three Flight Tasks

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    This paper intends to help establish fidelity criteria to accompany the simulator motion system diagnostic test specified by the International Civil Aviation Organization. Twelve air- line transport pilots flew three tasks in the NASA Vertical Motion Simulator under four different motion conditions. The experiment used three different hexapod motion configurations, each with a different tradeoff between motion filter gain and break frequency, and one large motion configuration that utilized as much of the simulator's motion space as possible. The motion condition significantly affected: 1) pilot motion fidelity ratings, and sink rate and lateral deviation at touchdown for the approach and landing task, 2) pilot motion fidelity ratings, roll deviations, maximum pitch rate, and number of stick shaker activations in the stall task, and 3) heading deviation after an engine failure in the takeoff task. Significant differences in pilot-vehicle performance were used to define initial objective motion cueing criteria boundaries. These initial fidelity boundaries show promise but need refinement

    Effects of Eye Measures on Human Controller Remnant and Control Behavior

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    The aim of the current research was to investigate the possible relation between changes in eye activity parameters, variations in human remnant at the perceptual level and changes in human operator model parameters. Fourteen subjects performed a pitch tracking task, in which the display brightness was varied by changing the background color around a simplified primary flight display, in order to create a controlled, quasilinear change in the pupil diameter through the pupillary light reflex. Pupil diameter, blink, eye opening, and opening and closing amplitudes and speeds were recorded using an eye tracker. Participants controlled single integrator-like and double integrator-like dynamics. The variation in pupil diameter did not introduce significant differences in neither remnant characteristics nor the human operator model parameters. An interesting effect occurred in the human controllers time delay for the single integrator task, where the time delay was significantly higher for the darkest brightness compared to the other levels of brightness. This effect was not observed for the double integrator dynamics. Data suggested that the more difficult controlled dynamics induced a squinting effect, visible in smaller eye opening, and smaller eye opening and closing amplitudes. These results suggest that performance, and control behavior are invariant to the display brightness. Moreover, monitoring changes in the eye activity could represent a method of predicting variations in human remnant characteristics and human controller model parameters, introduced by task difficulty

    Objective Motion Cueing Criteria for Commercial Transport Simulators

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    This paper adds data to establish fidelity criteria for the simulator motion system diagnostic test now required during commercial aircraft simulator approval in the United States. Nineteen airline transport pilots flew three tasks under six different motion conditions in an experiment on the NASA Vertical Motion Simulator. The motion conditions allowed refinement of the initial fidelity criteria developed in previous experiments. In line with these previous experiments, the motion condition significantly affected (1) false motion cue pilot ratings, and sink rate and longitudinal deviation at touchdown in the approach and landing task, (2) false motion cue pilot ratings, roll deviations, and maximum pitch rate in the stall task, and (3) false motion cue pilot ratings, heading deviation, and pedal reaction time after an engine failure in the take-off task. Combining data from three experiments, significant differences in pilot-vehicle performance were used to define objective motion cueing criteria boundaries. These fidelity boundaries suggest that some hexapod simulators can possibly produce motion cues with improved fidelity in several degrees of freedom

    Training for Long-Duration Space Missions: A Literature Review into Skill Retention and Generalizability

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    In long-duration space missions, skill retention and generalizability become ever more important as mission length increases, for it is through these capabilities that astronaut crews achieve autonomy. A framework is proposed for future research based on three types of training commonly found in operational scenarios: initial training, refresher training, and just-in-time training. One of the key points of interest identified from the body of literature is the need for a structured and quantifiable approach to characterize skill decay. Such an approach would allow gaining a deeper understanding of the mechanisms through which skill decay operates. Because simulators are used extensively in all types of training, the effects of simulator fidelity on skill retention and generalizability are paramount to understand. Some common fidelity types are defined and their effects on the human operator are discussed. From a review of the literature on all these topics, several research gaps were identified that led to three key opportunities for future research: (1) developing skill decay functions provides theoretical insights into skill decay and allows for several practical applications, such as planning refresher training, (2) the effects of simulator fidelity on skill decay functions should be investigated empirically, and (3) investigating the generalizability of skills learned in initial training to other tasks could provide space crews with greater autonomy. A cybernetic approach might give new insights