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    Artykuł ukazuje problemy jakie napotkali studenci I i II roku anglistyki, którym postawiono za zadanie przetłumaczyć z języka polskiego na angielski, fragment uchwały Sądu Najwyższego dotyczącej wykonania Europejskiego Nakazu Aresztowania. Autor – czynny zawodowo prawnik – prokurator Prokuratury Rejonowej – analizuje ok. 20 zwrotów prawniczych pochodzących z tej uchwały i, odnosząc się do oficjalnego tłumaczenia tekstu, dokonuje analizy tłumaczeń zaproponowanych przez studentów (w sumie 108 wersji) przedstawiając i opisując zaistniałe błędy. Przeanalizowane przykłady ukazują specyfikę języka prawnego i prawniczego oraz zawiłości i pułapki leksykalno-syntaktyczne, jakie czyhają na polskiego tłumacza zajmującego się przekładem prawniczych tekstów z języka polskiego na język angielski lub odwrotnie. Omówione przykłady wskazują na potrzebę wysoce profesjonalnego szkolenia studentów neofilologii w zakresie przekładu tekstów specjalistycznych.The article illustrates problems which were encountered by students of the first and second year of English Philology, who had been given a task of translating from Polish into English a passage from a Supreme Court act, concerning the European Arrest Warrant execution. The author who is an active lawyer – working as a prosecutor of the District Prosecutor’s Office – analyzes almost twenty legal phrases coming from the original text and, comparing them with the official version of translation, examines the students’ versions (108 translations altogether) which are then accompanied by descriptions and comments on the mistakes made. The analyzed examples show the uniqueness of the legal language and its pitfalls as well as lexical and syntactic dilemmas which create linguistic traps for a Polish translator who is preoccupied with translation of legal texts from Polish into English or vice versa. Moreover, the discussed cases indicate the need for a highly professional training of philology students, especially in the area of ESP (English for Special Purposes)

    Low Energy Supersymmetry in Warped Brane Worlds

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    We discuss physical implications of the four-dimensional effective supergravity, that describes low-energy physics of the Randall--Sundrum model with moduli fields in the bulk and charged chiral matter living on the branes. Cosmological constant can be cancelled through the introduction of a brane Polonyi field and a brane superpotential for the 4d dilaton. We deduce a generalization of the effective 4d action to the case of a general, not necessarily exponential, warp factor. We note, that breakdown of supersymmetry in generic warped models may lead to the stabilization of the interbrane distance.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, Talk given at SUSY'01, June 11-17 2001, Dubna, Russi

    Dynamical mass scale and approximate scaling symmetry in the Higgs sector

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    We investigate basic consequences of the assumption that the mass scale of the perturbative sector responsible for the spontaneous symmetry breaking is generated dynamically in a theory with a large UV scale. It is assumed that in addition to an elementary scalar there exists an additional scalar, a modulus, which controls the dynamical hierarchy of scales in the manner similar to that of supersymmetric gaugino condensation. It is shown that a light degree of freedom appears that couples to the gauge bosons and to charged fermions in a specific way which is different from the couplings of the dilaton of the exact scale invariance.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Student Profiles: Clare Strockbine, Scranton University

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