20 research outputs found

    DeficiĂȘncias minerais em plantas de bertalha ( Basella alba, L.)

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    Basella alba is used as a major food on the Amazon region, north Brazil for its high mineral and vitamins content. The purpose of the present work was: a) obtain a clear picture of the macronutrient deficiency; b) growth of the plants in function of (1); c) analyptical levels found in the leaves. Young Basella alba plants (bertalha in Portuguese) were cultivated in pots containing fine pure quartz and irrigated by percolation with different nutrient solutions lacking one of the element at the time. Clear cut symptoms were obtained for all macronutrients. Only the omission of nitrogen and potassium affect the dry matter production of plants. The range in dry matter for unhealthy and healthy leaves were: N% = 1.25--3-55; P% = 0.17-0.36; K% = 0.46-3.55; Ca% = 0,62-1.78; Mg% = 0.37-0.80; S% = 0.19-0.13.Plantas de bertalha (Basella alba, L.) INPA-1 foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação em quartzo moĂ­do, irrigadas com soluçÔes nutritivas conforme SARRUGE (1975) e submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: completo, omissĂŁo de N, omissĂŁo de P, omissĂŁo de K, omissĂŁo de Ca, omissĂŁo de Mg e omissĂŁo de S, com o objetivo de: (a) obter sintomas de deficiĂȘncia dos ma cronutrientes; (b) analisar o crescimento das plantas atravĂ©s da produção de matĂ©ria seca; (c) determinar a concentração dos macronutrientes nas folhas e caules das plantas cultivadas nos diversos tratamentos. Os sintomas visuais de deficiĂȘncia foram identificados e descritos. As plantas foram coletadas e separadas em raiz, caule, folhas e determinaram-se os teores dos macronutrientes minerais neste material. Os resultados obtidos mostram: - os sintomas visuais de deficiĂȘncia sĂŁo bem definidos e de fĂĄcil caracterização para todos os nutrientes; - sĂł foi possĂ­vel detectar efeito na produção de matĂ©ria seca das folhas e caules para omissĂŁo de nitrogĂȘnio e para omissĂŁo de potĂĄssio nos caules; - os nĂ­veis de deficiĂȘncia e adequação obtidos nas folhas foram respectivamente: N% = 1,25 e 2,63; P% = 0,17 e 0,36; K% = 0,46 e 3,55; Ca% = 0,62e 1,78; Mg% = 0,37 e 0,80; s%= 0,19 e 0,23. - os nĂ­veis de deficiĂȘncia e adequação obtidos nos caules foram respectivamente: N% = 0,67 e 0,98; P% = 0,13 e 0,31; K% = 0,73 e 2,67; Ca% = 0,11 e 0,64; Mg% = 0,08 e 0,20; S% = 0,15 e 0,20

    Microwave Remote Sensing for Monitoring Forest Vitality.

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    Reduced forest tree vitality and reduced canopy biomass are often a consequence of disadvantageous stand conditions like lack of water supply and low nutrient availability in the soil. We assume that a direct relationship exists between the stand vitality and the variations of the tree water status and the canopy density. Based on these relations we are investigating the relationship between forest vitality and radar backscatter by combining ground truth measurements, radar signatures from various airborne and spaceborne sensors and model calculations

    Monitoring Central European Forests Using SIR-C/X-SAR Data.

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    During the two SIR-C/X-SAR missions two deciduous and coniferous forests were observed in the area of Oberpfaffenhofen. First steps toretrieve bio-physical information about these forests from multifrequency and polarimetric data are presented. Starting with the description of the test sites and the collected ground truth data, the paper mainly deals with the results of attenuation measurements, model calculations (MIMICS) and SAR data analysis

    Forest Monitoring with SIR-C/X-SAR.

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    Two forests - a beech and a spruce stand - were under investigation during the SIR-C/X-SAR missions in April and October 1994. Methodology, ground truth sampling, measurements of dielectric constants, results of attenuation measurements, comparison with modeling (MIMICS) and SAR image analysis were presented

    Multifrequency and Polarimetric Analysis of Forests in SIR-C SAR Data.

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    In April and October 1994 the Space Shuttle Endeavour flew the SIR-C/X-SAR missions, where the Earth was observed for the first time with three radar frequencies from space - polarimetric L- and C-band and vertrical polarized X-band. During the two missions extensive ground truth campaigns took place at the Oberpfaffenhofen super test site, where mature, homogeneous and even aged forest stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and European beech (Fagus silvatica) on flat terrain were under investigation

    Multifrequency and Polarimetric Analysis of Forests with SIR-C/X-SAR Data.

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    The potential of multifrequency and polarimetric data to monitor deciduous and coniferous forests is presented. A remarkable increase of the backscatter can be noticed from spring to autumn for both forest types. Backscatter derived from data reasonably agrees with model calculations. A dominance of volume scattering from the crown is verified by decomposition model calculations

    Calibration and Performance Analysis of the X-SAR System.

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    Our institute is responsible for the calibration of all X-SAR data products. SAR calibration includes internal calibration of the sensor measurement of the antenna pattern and determination of the absolute calibration factor. This paper includes a detailed description of the X-SAR calibration algorithms, procedures and preliminary results of the first mission

    Evaluating the Potential of ERS SAR in Forest Monitoring.

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    In reply to the second ERS announcement of opportunity we proposed anexperiment comprising three major parts: 1. Ground truth collection including a) tree architecture b) continuous monitoring of dielectric constants, water flux, soil moisture and micro climate c) microwave attenuation through the canopz, water content, and water potential. 2. Review and validation of existing radar backscatter models. 3. Comparative and synergistic analysis of data from SIR-C/X-SAR, ERS-1/2, JERS-1 and DLR's airborne E-SAR in order to derive optimum frequency/polarization combinations to retrieve stand vitality parameters

    Microwave Remote Sensing for Monitoring Forest Vitality.

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    The physiological activity of a forest stand is influenced by the vitality and health status of the trees. We assume that a direct relationship exists between the variations of the tree water status and the canopy density, stand vitality and forest decline. Since the dielectric constant of water is much higher than of other tree constituents, microwave signatures contrain direct information on the water status of forest canopies