24 research outputs found

    Hitting all Maximal Independent Sets of a Bipartite Graph

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    We prove that given a bipartite graph G with vertex set V and an integer k, deciding whether there exists a subset of V of size k hitting all maximal independent sets of G is complete for the class Sigma_2^P.Comment: v3: minor chang


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    In the period 1990-1997 several thousand patients from Wrocław and Wałbrzych hospitals as well as inbabitmts of Wrocław city were examined for intestinal parasites. The presence of parasites was noted in 12.3% of 2173 patients from the District Hospital of Infectious Diseases in Wrocław, 3.2% of 599 from Wałbrzych Hospital and 39.3% (mostly Enterobius vermicularis) of 746 ambulatory examined persons in the Private Analytical Laboratory in Wrocław. Among the intestinal protozoa the most frequent was Giardia intestinalis (from 5.7 to 18.1%) and Entamoeba coli (0.5-0.6%); the remaining amoebas (E. histolytica, E. hartmanni, E. polecki and Endolimax nana) as well as Chilomonas mesnili was present only in single cases. Enterobiosis was observed in nearly half of the total nmnber of examined children (1808); the most rarely found helminths were Opisorchis felineus (! Adult patient), Strongyloides stercoralis (2) and Trichuris trichirua (8); Taenia saginata was found in 56 patients, wbich constituted 1.6% of the tota1 number of examined cases and Ascaris lumbricoides in 40 (1.2%)

    Pasozyty jelitowe u mieszkancow Wroclawia i Walbrzycha

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    In the period 1990-1997 several thousand patients from Wrocław and Wałbrzych hospitals as well as inbabitmts of Wrocław city were examined for intestinal parasites. The presence of parasites was noted in 12.3% of 2173 patients from the District Hospital of Infectious Diseases in Wrocław, 3.2% of 599 from Wałbrzych Hospital and 39.3% (mostly Enterobius vermicularis) of 746 ambulatory examined persons in the Private Analytical Laboratory in Wrocław. Among the intestinal protozoa the most frequent was Giardia intestinalis (from 5.7 to 18.1%) and Entamoeba coli (0.5-0.6%); the remaining amoebas (E. histolytica, E. hartmanni, E. polecki and Endolimax nana) as well as Chilomonas mesnili was present only in single cases. Enterobiosis was observed in nearly half of the total nmnber of examined children (1808); the most rarely found helminths were Opisorchis felineus (! Adult patient), Strongyloides stercoralis (2) and Trichuris trichirua (8); Taenia saginata was found in 56 patients, wbich constituted 1.6% of the tota1 number of examined cases and Ascaris lumbricoides in 40 (1.2%)

    Ocenka tekhnologicheskogo kachestva zerna gibridov ozimojj pshenicy na osnovanii vesa 1000 zaren, chisla padanija i koehfficienta sedimentacii

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    Relatively low dispersion and intermediate mean values were obtained for 1000 grain weight. About half of the F₁ hybrids showed low level of heterosis. In Kranich, Salzmftnder and Zorba F₂ hybrids a great number of transgressive segregates occurs. Diallel analysis in the F₂ showed complete dominance and relationship between high 1000 grain weight and dominant genes. Wide range of values for grain falling number were obtained in parental lines and their F₁ and F₂ generations, indicating good chances of isolating desirable genotypes. Calculated coefficients of sedimentation were treated as negatively correlated with flour yield. On the basis of the coefficients the lines formed three groups. In the F₁ desirable negative heterosis occurred and many transgressive segregates were found in the F₂. Heritability estimates were low for the studied traits and ranged from 17 do 36%.Вес 1000 зерен характеризуют средние величины с относительно небольшой дисперсией. Для около половины гибридов F₁ был отмечен невысокий гетерозис. Среди гибридов линии Kranich, Sal- zmunder и Zorba наблюдалось большое число трансгрессивных растений. Диаллельный анализ гибридов F₂ показал полное доминирование и зависимость больших величин веса 1000 зерен от доминирующих генов. Число падения характеризовали широкие пределы изменчивости как для линий так и для гибридов F₁ и F₂. Это создает большие возможности выбора генотипов с оптимальными качествами. Свойство передачи родительскими линиями низких качеств, подсказывает направления скрещивания. Вычисленные коеффициенты седиментации определялись как показатели отрицательно коррелирующие с обжей продуктивностью муки. 0ни делили анализируемые линии на 3 группы. Гибриды F₁ проявляли ожидаемый отрицательный гетерозис, а среди гибридов F₂ находились многочисленные трансгрессивные растения. Упомянутые три признака характеризовали низкие коэффициенты наследуемости, колеблющиеся в среднем от 17 до 36%

    Ocenka tekhnologicheskogo kachestva zerna gibridov ozimojj pshenicy na osnovanii obshhego belka, chisla sedimentacii i teoreticheskogo ob'joma khleba

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    Sedimentation value and protein content were intermediate in the six studied lines. Nearly all F₁ hybrids showed positive heterosis for protein content. In the F₂ generation a great number of transgressive segregants were observed for protein content and only few for sedimentation value. Heritability estimates were 21% for theoretical loaf volume, 36% for sedimentation value and 41% for protein content. Protein content in the F₂ was governed by overdominance whereas sedimentation value was controlled by partial dominance. Recessive genes acted in the direction of higher sedimentation values.У шести оцениваемых линий наблюдались средние величины числа седиментации и общего содержания белка. Почти все гибриды F₁ отличались положительным гетерозисом содержания белка. Среди гибридов F₂ было получено большое количество растений, проявляющих трансгрессию общего содержания белка и только незначительное количество, касающееся числа седиментации. Коэффициенты наследуемости составляли 21% для теоретического объёмa хлеба, 36% для числа седиментации и 41% для общего содержания белка. Содержание белка в F₂ определяет в небольшой степени сверхдоминирование генов, а число седиментации - частичное доминирование. Высокие величины числа седиментации обусловливают главным образом рецессивные гены