Pasozyty jelitowe u mieszkancow Wroclawia i Walbrzycha


In the period 1990-1997 several thousand patients from Wrocław and Wałbrzych hospitals as well as inbabitmts of Wrocław city were examined for intestinal parasites. The presence of parasites was noted in 12.3% of 2173 patients from the District Hospital of Infectious Diseases in Wrocław, 3.2% of 599 from Wałbrzych Hospital and 39.3% (mostly Enterobius vermicularis) of 746 ambulatory examined persons in the Private Analytical Laboratory in Wrocław. Among the intestinal protozoa the most frequent was Giardia intestinalis (from 5.7 to 18.1%) and Entamoeba coli (0.5-0.6%); the remaining amoebas (E. histolytica, E. hartmanni, E. polecki and Endolimax nana) as well as Chilomonas mesnili was present only in single cases. Enterobiosis was observed in nearly half of the total nmnber of examined children (1808); the most rarely found helminths were Opisorchis felineus (! Adult patient), Strongyloides stercoralis (2) and Trichuris trichirua (8); Taenia saginata was found in 56 patients, wbich constituted 1.6% of the tota1 number of examined cases and Ascaris lumbricoides in 40 (1.2%)

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