81 research outputs found

    Studi Registrasi Point Cloud Pada Pemrosesan Data Terrestrial Laser Scanner (Tls) (Studi Kasus : Jembatan Gading Batavia, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara)

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    In measurement method by using Terestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) technology, registration process hugely affected in determining the quality of geometry model and the accuracy of data produced. If once the registration is good, the geometry shape and measurement dimension of an object observed will reflect the real condition and also data accuracy will pass tolerance accuracy that has been determined.In this research, Terrestrial Laser Scanner measurement method used for scrutinizing of Gading Batavia Bridge located on Gading Batavia street, Kelapa Gading, East Jakarta. Acquisition of the data processed with Leica Scan Station C10 whereas Cyclone Version 8.1 used as data processor. Acquisition of field data and data processing executed into two methods, target to target registration method and cloud to cloud registration method.This research results Gading Batavia Bridge model space for each measurement method. Both methods show different RMS score, 0.0015 m for target to target registration method and 0.009 m for cloud to cloud registration method. Examination of model space for each method executed by comparing the distance between the bridge of Electronic Total Station result. Average error term of the comparison the distance between the bridge through both methods are 0.00581m for target to target method and 0.0084 m for cloud to cloud method

    Studi Deformasi Waduk Pendidikan Diponegoro Tahun 2016

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    According to SNI No. 1731-1989 dam is any artificial barrier, urugan type or any other type that can hold or store water both natural and artificial. In addition to benefits are very much dams also have a high risk because has the potential danger of collapse that could result in the loss of life and material losses, therefore it needs to be observed deformation to determine the condition of the dam.In this research will be observation of the deformation of Pendidikan Diponegoro dam, with GPS (Global Positioning System) observation methods will be observed of 9 monitoring points deformation (bench mark) spread around the body of the dam, the GPS observed data will be processing using scientific software GAMIT 10.6, deformation monitoring points were also observed changes in distance and height from the control points are placed outside the body of the dam, deformation observations carried out from April to June 2016, with twice the period of observation.The results of GPS observations during the observation period showed deformation monitoring points change the coordinate value with ranging from 0.06 cm to 1.4 cm for the X axis, 0.03 cm to 1.9 cm for the Y axis, and 0.4 cm to 1.3 cm for the Z axis. Distance and height changes based on total station and waterpass measurement during the observation period ranging from 0.09 mm to 1.7 mm and 0.15 mm to 1.8 mm. From the result of the dam deformation observation by GPS observation methods, total station, and waterpass shows deformation of the deformation monitoring points during the observation period, but based on the statistical test with 95% confidence level showed that there is no deformation of all the deformation monitoring points

    Analisis Pengukuran Bidang Tanah Menggunakan Gnss Rtk-radio Dan Rtk-ntrip Pada Stasiun Cors Undip

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    Survey and mapping of land use is a part of land registry activities in Indonesia, one of which aims to guarantee legal certainty and the protection of the rights of a holder to land parcels that are expressed in the form of the certificate. Normaly theodolite, total station are the tools used. Related on to the development and advancement of information technology and the current survey of the activities of navigation and mapping areas of land can be done by using the method of GNSS RTK (Real Time Kinematic) surveying to kinds of RTK-Radio or RTK-NTRIP.In this research is the measurement of several land parcels with an area of the field criteria using RTK GNSS RTK-Radio and RTK-NTRIP method along with the influence of the baseline length. The location of this research is in the area Mulawarman with baseline length of 1.5 km and in the Marina area with length baseline 11 km from UNDIP CORS station. Then the measurement results calculated value linear error, fault distance, elevation error, vast differences, and obstruction test, meanwhile the test range only for RTK-Radio. To validate the measurement results are compared with the results of measurements by electronic total station.The results of the measurements of land using GNSS RTK-Radio method with a long baseline < 400 m and with a total area of field < 520 m2 wide accuracy obtained with a standard deviation around ± 1,986 m2 meanwhile for RTK-NTRIP with long baseline 1.5 – 11 km wide accuracy obtained with standard deviation ranges between ± 2,622 to ± 4,075 m2, to test the range of the RTK-Radio obtained the maximum range as far as 420 m, for the obstruction test with mild obstruction and medium obstruction category obtained a fix measurement solutions meanwhile for moderate to severe obstruction such as buildings and tall buildings acquired measurement solutions float and even autonomous. And the accuracy test meets the standard map production with a scale of 1: 500

    Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Pemetaan Inventaris Aset Tanah Dan Bangunan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum Dan Perumahan Rakyat Direktorat Jendral Sumber Daya Air Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Bengawan Solo (Studi Kasus : Kabupaten Wonogiri)

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    Wonogiri District, geographically located in the southeast part of Central Java, had Gajah Mungkur DAM well-known as one of notable icons which was being responsible by Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Bengawan Solo (BBWSBS) under Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum and Perumahan Rakyat Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air. Not only does Gajah Mungkur DAM, the locations and conditions of supported offices, heavy equipment warehouses, field assets, and other buildings are also needed to be mapped. Inventory of field and building assets of Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Bengawan Solo can be conducted by Geographic Information System (GIS). By sophistication of mapping and information technologies, GIS appears as a modern mapping system which is enable to create the distribution of information system. According to the result, it was known that the distribution of asset location was divided into five districts. Those distributed field and building were categorized into three types; proper, slight broken, and weight broken. GIS has an important roles in order to invest the BBWSBS\u27 asset particularly in Wonogiri District. It is related to display the location map of field asset\u27s distribution in order to easily analyze the condition of monitoring and asset

    Pembuatan Peta Zona Nilai Ekonomi Kawasan Pantai Parangtritis Berdasarkan Willingness To Pay Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis

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    Kabupaten Bantul memiliki daerah wisata alam yang banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan. Salah satu wisata alam yang saat ini banyak dikunjungi adalah Pantai Parangtritis. Pantai Parangtritis merupakan salah satu ikon pariwisata Kabupaten Bantul yang memberi pendapatan terbesar dari sektor pariwisata bagi Kabupaten Bantul. Suasana hangat dari pantai, panorama matahari tenggelam, beserta segala hal mistis yang ada di Pantai Parangtritis inilah yang menarik perhatian wisatawan untuk datang mengunjunginya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka perlu dibuat Peta ZNEK untuk mengetahui nilai ekonomi kawasan berdasarkan metode TCM (Travel Cost Method) dan CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) pada kawasan tersebut.Metode penarikan responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian tugas akhir ini adalah sampling non probability sampling dengan teknik sampling insidental, yaitu responden yang ditemui secara kebetulan datang berkunjung di Pantai Parangtritis. Data yang digunakan adalah 60 responden untuk TCM dan CVM, serta 10 responden tambahan masing-masing untuk validasi model TCM dan CVM. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda dan perhitungan menggunakan software Maple 17. Serta dilakukan juga uji asumsi klasik (normalitas, heteroskedastisitas, autokorelasi, dan multikolinearitas), validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan SPSS 23.Dalam penelitian tugas akhir ini, uji asumsi klasik menunjukkan semua data berdistribusi normal, tidak terjadi heteroskedastisitas, terbebas dari autokorelasi dan tidak memiliki multikolineritas. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas menunjukan hasil valid dan reliabel pada model yang digunakan. Pada validasi model, hasil pengujian menunjukan nilai RMSE sebesar 0,091061337 pada TCM dan 0,066100981 pada CVM. Hasil perhitungan nilai total ekonomi didapatkan nilai DUV sebesar Rp. 24.768.055.550.000, nilai EV sebesar Rp. 32.875.953.030 sehingga diperoleh nilai total ekonomi objek wisata Pantai Parangtritis sebesar Rp 24.800.931.503.030

    Pembuatan Peta Zona Nilai Ekonomi Kawasan Pantai Parangtritis Berdasarkan Willingness To Pay Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis

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    Kabupaten Bantul memiliki daerah wisata alam yang banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan. Salah satu wisata alam yang saat ini banyak dikunjungi adalah Pantai Parangtritis. Pantai Parangtritis merupakan salah satu ikon pariwisata Kabupaten Bantul yang memberi pendapatan terbesar dari sektor pariwisata bagi Kabupaten Bantul. Suasana hangat dari pantai, panorama matahari tenggelam, beserta segala hal mistis yang ada di Pantai Parangtritis inilah yang menarik perhatian wisatawan untuk datang mengunjunginya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka perlu dibuat Peta ZNEK untuk mengetahui nilai ekonomi kawasan berdasarkan metode TCM (Travel Cost Method) dan CVM (Contingent Valuation Method) pada kawasan tersebut.Metode penarikan responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian tugas akhir ini adalah sampling non probability sampling dengan teknik sampling insidental, yaitu responden yang ditemui secara kebetulan datang berkunjung di Pantai Parangtritis. Data yang digunakan adalah 60 responden untuk TCM dan CVM, serta 10 responden tambahan masing-masing untuk validasi model TCM dan CVM. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda dan perhitungan menggunakan software Maple 17. Serta dilakukan juga uji asumsi klasik (normalitas, heteroskedastisitas, autokorelasi, dan multikolinearitas), validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan SPSS 23.Dalam penelitian tugas akhir ini, uji asumsi klasik menunjukkan semua data berdistribusi normal, tidak terjadi heteroskedastisitas, terbebas dari autokorelasi dan tidak memiliki multikolineritas. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas menunjukan hasil valid dan reliabel pada model yang digunakan. Pada validasi model, hasil pengujian menunjukan nilai RMSE sebesar 0,091061337 pada TCM dan 0,066100981 pada CVM. Hasil perhitungan nilai total ekonomi didapatkan nilai DUV sebesar Rp. 24.768.055.550.000, nilai EV sebesar Rp. 32.875.953.030 sehingga diperoleh nilai total ekonomi objek wisata Pantai Parangtritis sebesar Rp 24.800.931.503.030

    Analisis Pengolahan Data GPS Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Rtklib

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    GPS (Global Positioning System) is a navigation and positioning system using satellites. One of accuration factors using GPS is data processing strategy. By following the GPS demands in human life, GPS observation data can be processed using a variety of the softwares. RTKLIB is one of the softwares using for GPS observations data processing.This research observation uses points observations using GPS Dual Frequency by static method so that it is known a characteristics and the result of software processing. This result is then analyzed using RTKLIB and Topcon Tools software. The result of those softwares then compares to the result of processing Bernesse scientific software.The results of this research show that there is a difference between the deviation standard value of RTKLIB software and the deviation standard value of Topcon Tools software, with the mean value of σN and σE amounting -0.0011 and -0.0026 m respectively. RTKLIB has a better deviation standard accuracy and closer to the value of secondary data, that is the result of Bernesse. According to statistical test with 95% confidence interval, it is concluded that there is no significant differences between the result of RTKLIB and Topcon Tools software
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