17 research outputs found

    <i>Anti</i>-Perovskite Li-Battery Cathode Materials

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    Through single-step solid-state reactions, a series of novel bichalcogenides with the general composition (Li<sub>2</sub>Fe)<i>Ch</i>O (<i>Ch</i> = S, Se, Te) are successfully synthesized. (Li<sub>2</sub>Fe)<i>Ch</i>O (<i>Ch</i> = S, Se) possess cubic <i>anti</i>-perovskite crystal structures, where Fe and Li are completely disordered on a common crystallographic site (3<i>c</i>). According to Goldschmidt calculations, Li<sup>+</sup> and Fe<sup>2+</sup> are too small for their common atomic position and exhibit large thermal displacements in the crystal structure models, implying high cation mobility. Both compounds (Li<sub>2</sub>Fe)<i>Ch</i>O (<i>Ch</i> = S, Se) were tested as cathode materials against graphite anodes (single cells); They perform outstandingly at very high charge rates (270 mA g<sup>–1</sup>, 80 cycles) and, at a charge rate of 30 mA g<sup>–1</sup>, exhibit charge capacities of about 120 mA h g<sup>–1</sup>. Compared to highly optimized Li<sub>1–<i>x</i></sub>CoO<sub>2</sub> cathode materials, these novel <i>anti</i>-perovskites are easily produced at cost reductions by up to 95% and, yet, possess a relative specific charge capacity of 75%. Moreover, these iron-based <i>anti</i>-perovskites are comparatively friendly to the environment and (Li<sub>2</sub>Fe)<i>Ch</i>O (<i>Ch</i> = S, Se) melt congruently; the latter is advantageous for manufacturing pure materials in large amounts

    Synthesis and Characterization of Cs<sub>1–<i>x</i></sub>Ti<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>2</sub>O (<i>x</i> ≈ 0.2): Electron Doping by Te Resulting in a Layered Metal

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    Reacting Cs<sub>2</sub>O<sub>1.3</sub>, TiTe, TiO<sub>2</sub>, and Te under inert conditions gives powders of Cs<sub>1–<i>x</i></sub>Ti<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>2</sub>O (<i>x</i> ≈ 0.2). Small single crystals of the same phase were obtained from a CsCl salt melt in closed ampoules. This cesium dititanium ditelluride oxide (<i>P</i>4/<i>mmm</i>, <i>a</i> = 4.0934(3) Å, <i>c</i> = 8.9504(9) Å) is isostructural to CeCr<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>2</sub>C and contains layers of face-sharing <i>trans</i>-TiTe<sub>4</sub>O<sub>2</sub> octahedra that are separated by Cs. As Ti occupies only one crystallographic site, its average oxidation state is +2.6, for the Cs deficit <i>x</i> = 0.2. The formally intermediate Ti valence state agrees well with the metallic conductivity and temperature-independent paramagnetic behavior. No superconductivity is observed down to 0.1 K in Cs<sub>0.8</sub>Ti<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>2</sub>O, but the fact that this structure type can accommodate Te<sup>2–</sup> suggests that electron doping of structurally closely related pnictide oxide superconductors, for example, BaTi<sub>2</sub>Bi<sub>2</sub>O, might be possible

    Crystal Chemistry and Physics of UCd<sub>11</sub>

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    In the phase diagram U-Cd, only one compound has been identified so farUCd11 (space group Pm3̅m). Since the discovery of this material, the physical properties of UCd11 have attracted a considerable amount of attention. In particular, its complex magnetic phase diagramas a result of tuning with magnetic field or pressureis not well-understood. From a chemical perspective, a range of lattice parameter values have been reported, suggesting a possibility of a considerable homogeneity range, i.e., UCd11–x. In this work, we perform a simultaneous study of crystallographic features coupled with measurements of physical properties. This work sheds light on the delicate relationship between the intrinsic crystal chemistry and magnetic properties of UCd11

    BaGe<sub>6</sub> and BaGe<sub>6‑x</sub>: Incommensurately Ordered Vacancies as Electron Traps

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    We report the high-pressure high-temperature synthesis of the germanium-based framework compounds BaGe<sub>6</sub> (<i>P</i> = 15 GPa, <i>T</i> = 1073 K) and BaGe<sub>6–<i>x</i></sub> (<i>P</i> = 10 GPa, <i>T</i> = 1073 K) which are metastable at ambient conditions. In BaGe<sub>6‑<i>x</i></sub>, partial fragmentation of the BaGe<sub>6</sub> network involves incommensurate modulations of both atomic positions and site occupancy. Bonding analysis in direct space reveals that the defect formation in BaGe<sub>6–<i>x</i></sub> is associated with the establishment of free electron pairs around the defects. In accordance with the electron precise composition of BaGe<sub>6‑<i>x</i></sub> for <i>x</i> = 0.5, physical measurements evidence semiconducting electron transport properties which are combined with low thermal conductivity

    Successive Phase Transitions in Fe<sup>2+</sup> Ladder Compounds Sr<sub>2</sub>Fe<sub>3</sub>Ch<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (Ch = S, Se)

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    Small single crystals of Sr<sub>2</sub>Fe<sub>3</sub>Ch<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (Ch = S, Se) have been synthesized by flux methods, and bulk materials have been obtained by solid state reactions. Both compounds are isostructural to the compound Sr<sub>2</sub>Co<sub>3</sub>S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (space group <i>Pbam</i>), which contains a novel hybrid spin ladder: a combination of a 2-leg rectangular ladder and a necklace ladder. The 2-leg ladder acts as a well-defined magnetic entity, while intimate magnetic coupling to the necklace ladder induces three successive phase transitions in the range of 40–120 K in each composition (Ch = S or Se), as revealed by Mössbauer spectroscopy, thermodynamics, and magnetometry. The complex magnetic behaviors can be explained by the unique spin–lattice topology

    BaGe<sub>6</sub> and BaGe<sub>6‑x</sub>: Incommensurately Ordered Vacancies as Electron Traps

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    We report the high-pressure high-temperature synthesis of the germanium-based framework compounds BaGe<sub>6</sub> (<i>P</i> = 15 GPa, <i>T</i> = 1073 K) and BaGe<sub>6–<i>x</i></sub> (<i>P</i> = 10 GPa, <i>T</i> = 1073 K) which are metastable at ambient conditions. In BaGe<sub>6‑<i>x</i></sub>, partial fragmentation of the BaGe<sub>6</sub> network involves incommensurate modulations of both atomic positions and site occupancy. Bonding analysis in direct space reveals that the defect formation in BaGe<sub>6–<i>x</i></sub> is associated with the establishment of free electron pairs around the defects. In accordance with the electron precise composition of BaGe<sub>6‑<i>x</i></sub> for <i>x</i> = 0.5, physical measurements evidence semiconducting electron transport properties which are combined with low thermal conductivity

    Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of Ternary Phases around the Composition Cu<sub>5</sub>Sn<sub>2</sub>Se<sub>7</sub> with Tetrahedral Coordination of Atoms

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    A new monoclinic selenide Cu<sub>5</sub>Sn<sub>2</sub>Se<sub>7</sub> was synthesized, and its crystal and electronic structure as well as thermoelectric properties were studied. The crystal structure of Cu<sub>5</sub>Sn<sub>2</sub>Se<sub>7</sub> was determined by electron diffraction tomography and refined by full-profile techniques using synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction data: space group <i>C</i>2, <i>a</i> = 12.6509(3) Å, <i>b</i> = 5.6642(2) Å, <i>c</i> = 8.9319(4) Å, β = 98125(4)°, <i>Z</i> = 2; <i>T</i> = 295 K. Thermal analysis and high-temperature synchrotron X-ray diffraction indicated the decomposition of Cu<sub>5</sub>Sn<sub>2</sub>Se<sub>7</sub> at 800 K with formation of the tetragonal high-temperature phase Cu<sub>4.90(4)</sub>Sn<sub>2.10(4)</sub>Se<sub>7</sub>: space group <i>I</i>4̅2<i>m</i>, <i>a</i> = 5.74738(1) Å, <i>c</i> = 11.45583(3) Å; <i>T</i> = 873 K. Both crystal structures are superstructures to the sphalerite type with tetrahedral coordination of the atoms. In agreement with chemical bonding analysis and band structure calculations, Cu<sub>5</sub>Sn<sub>2</sub>Se<sub>7</sub> exhibits metal-like electronic transport behavior

    Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of Two Zintl Phases around the Composition SrLiAs

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    Two atomic arrangements were found near the equiatomic composition in the strontium–lithium–arsenic system. Orthorhombic <i>o</i>-SrLiAs was synthesized by reaction of elemental components at 950 °C, followed by annealing at 800 °C and subsequent quenching in water. The hexagonal modification <i>h</i>-SrLi<sub>1–<i>x</i></sub>As was obtained from annealing of <i>o</i>-SrLiAs at 550 °C in dynamic vacuum. The structures of both phases were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction: <i>o</i>-SrLiAs, structure type TiNiSi, space group <i>Pnma</i>, Pearson symbol <i>oP</i>12, <i>a</i> = 7.6458(2) Å, <i>b</i> = 4.5158(1) Å, <i>c</i> = 8.0403(3) Å, <i>V</i> = 277.61(2) Å<sup>3</sup>, <i>R</i><sub>F</sub> = 0.028 for 558 reflections; <i>h</i>-SrLi<sub>1–<i>x</i></sub>As, structure type ZrBeSi, space group <i>P</i>6<sub>3</sub>/<i>mmc</i>, Pearson symbol <i>hP</i>6, <i>a</i> = 4.49277(9) Å, <i>c</i> = 8.0970(3) Å, <i>V</i> = 141.54(1) Å<sup>3</sup>, <i>R</i><sub>F</sub> = 0.026 for 113 reflections. The analysis of the electron density within the framework of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules revealed a charge transfer according to the Sr<sup>1.3+</sup>Li<sup>0.8+</sup>As<sup>2.1–</sup>, in agreement with the electronegativities of the individual elements. The electron localizability indicator distribution indicated the formation of a 3D anionic framework [LiAs] in <i>o</i>-SrLiAs and a rather 2D anionic framework [LiAs] in <i>h</i>-SrLi<sub>1–<i>x</i></sub>As. Magnetic susceptibility measurements point to a diamagnetic character of both phases, which verifies the calculated electronic density of states

    Cluster Formation in the Superconducting Complex Intermetallic Compound Be<sub>21</sub>Pt<sub>5</sub>

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    ConspectusMaterials with the crystal structure of γ-brass type (Cu<sub>5</sub>Zn<sub>8</sub> type) are typical representatives of intermetallic compounds. From the electronic point of view, they are often interpreted using the valence electron concentration approach of Hume–Rothery, developed previously for transition metals. The γ-brass-type phases of the main-group elements are rather rare. The intermetallic compound Be<sub>21</sub>Pt<sub>5</sub>, a new member of this family, was synthesized, and its crystal structure, chemical bonding, and physical properties were characterized.Be<sub>21</sub>Pt<sub>5</sub> crystallizes in the cubic space group <i>F</i>4̅3<i>m</i> with lattice parameter <i>a</i> = 15.90417(3) Å and 416 atoms per unit cell. From the crystallographic point of view, the binary substance represents a special family of intermetallic compounds called complex metallic alloys (CMA). The crystal structure was solved by a combination of synchrotron and neutron powder diffraction data. Besides the large difference in the scattering power of the components, the structure solution was hampered by the systematic presence of very weak reflections mimicking wrong symmetry. The structural motif of Be<sub>21</sub>Pt<sub>5</sub> is described as a 2 × 2 × 2 superstructure of the γ-brass structure (Cu<sub>5</sub>Zn<sub>8</sub> type) or 6 × 6 × 6 superstructure of the simple bcc structural pattern with distinct distribution of defects. The main building elements of the crystal structure are four types of nested polyhedral units (clusters) with the compositions Be<sub>22</sub>Pt<sub>4</sub> and Be<sub>20</sub>Pt<sub>6</sub>. Each cluster contains four shells (4 + 4 + 6 + 12 atoms). Clusters with different compositions reveal various occupation of the shells by platinum and beryllium. Polyhedral nested units with the same composition differ by the distance of the shell atoms to the cluster center.Analysis of chemical bonding was made applying the electron localizability approach, a quantum chemical technique operating in real space that is proven to be especially efficient for intermetallic compounds. Evaluations of the calculated electron density and electron localizability indicator (ELI-D) revealed multicenter bonding, being in accordance with the low valence electron count per atom in Be<sub>21</sub>Pt<sub>5</sub>. A new type of atomic interactions in intermetallic compounds, cluster bonds involving 8 or even 14 atoms, is found in the clusters with shorter distances between the shell atoms and the cluster centers. In the remaining clusters, four- and five-center bonds characterize the atomic interactions. Multicluster interactions within the polyhedral nested units and three-center polar intercluster bonds result in a three-dimensional framework resembling the structural pattern of NaCl. Be<sub>21</sub>Pt<sub>5</sub> is a diamagnetic metal and one of rather rare CMA compounds revealing superconductivity (<i>T</i><sub>c</sub> = 2.06 K)