26 research outputs found

    フクシ キョウイク キャンプ ジッシュウ ゼンゴ ノ ガクセイ ノ キブン プロフィール ノ ヘンカ

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    本研究では、福祉教育キャンプ実習参加学生82名(男子学生51名、女子学生31名、平均年齢18.8 ± 0.2歳)を対象に、キャンプ実習体験が学生の気分・感情にどのような影響を及ぼすのかProfile of Mood States(POMS調査)を用いて検討した。実習前のPOMS得点は、男子学生および女子学生ともに陰性因子である「抑うつ」得点が一番高い値を示した。実習後の「活気」得点は実習前より高い値を示し有意差が認められた。実習前の5つの陰性気分の得点は、実習後有意に低下した。TMD得点は、男子学生および女子学生ともに実習前より実習後に低下し有意差が認められた。実習後のキャンプ効果得点は、男子学生および女子学生ともに「楽しさ」、「気分がよい」、「満足感」、「達成感」、「精神的疲労」、「睡眠」および「食事」の各得点が高い値を示した。これらの結果から、福祉教育キャンプ実習は、学生の陰性感情を低下させ陽性感情を高揚させる効果のあることが示唆された。The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of welfare education camp on the Profile of Mood States (POMS) in undergraduate students (51 males, 31 females, 18.8 ± 0.2 years of age). In the pre-camp practice, the depression-dejection score of the male and female students were the highest value. The vigor score in the post-camp practice was higher than that in the pre-camp practice. The other negative mood scores in the pre-camp practice were significantly low in the post-camp practice. The total mood disturbance score in the post-camp practice was significantly lower than that in the pre-camp practice. The camp scores of the post-camp practice indicated a high value in enjoyable, comfortable, satisfaction, sense of achievement, mental fatigue, sleeping and diet meal. These results suggest that welfare education camp effectively decreased negative mood score and increased positive mood score in the undergraduate students

    フクシ キョウイク キャンプ ジッシュウ ゼンゴ ニ オケル ジョウタイ フアン STAI ノ ヘンカ ウラワ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ フクシカ ノ キャンプ ジッシュウ ヨリ

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    本研究は、浦和大学短期大学部福祉科で実施されるキャンプ実習(スポーツ実技B)に参加した学生60名(男子学生7名、女子学生53名)を対象に、キャンプ実習の体験学習が学生の心理的側面にどのような影響を及ぼすのかSTAI日本語版X-1(状態不安)調査用紙を用いてキャンプの効用を明らかにした。その結果、 1)キャンプ実習前のSTAIは、学生全体の60.0%が高い不安得点であった。 2)キャンプ実習後のSTAIは、高い不安得点は全体の21.7%へと減少した。 3)キャンプ実習前後の不安得点の平均値は、実習前の45.2±9.8点から、実習後に35.8±8.6点へと有意に低下していた。The purpose of this study was to evaluate of anxiety in college students undergoing a camp program by using a State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) method. Sixty students (7 males and 53 females) undergoing the camp program in a series of four days included three nights were studied. We evaluated the change of students\u27 state anxiety pre-and post-camping with the STAI (Form X-1, Japanese Version) method, and investigated difference of students\u27 state anxiety pre and post camping by paired t-test. The results obtained were as follows: 1)In the pre-camp, 60% of the student body showed high state anxiety. 2)In the post-camp, the state anxiety significantly decreased (from 60% to 21.7%) compared with the pre-camp. 3)The anxiety score in the post-camp (35.8±8.6 points) was significantly lower than that in the pre-camp (45.2±9.8 points)

    フクシ キョウイク キャンプ ニ オケル キャンプ デノ セイカツ タイケン ガクシュウ ガ キャンプ ノ イメージ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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    本研究では、浦和大学短期大学部学生(117名)を対象とした、福祉教育キャンプにおけるキャンプでの生活体験学習がキャンブのイメージに及ぼす影響について検討した。実習前と比較して、実習後の刺激語(キャンプ)に対する反応語数は有意に増加した。実習前後の一般的な反応語は、テント、山、川およびキャンプファイヤー等であった。反応語の分類では、実習後に感情型、要素型、環境型が減少傾向を示した。一方、社交型(例えば、友達、友情、協力、笑顔など)は実習後有意に増加した。A study was carried out to examine the effects of welfare education camp on the image of camping in Urawa University Junior College students (n=117). The number of reactive words to the stimulus word (camp) in the post-camp significantly increased compared with the pre-camp. In the pre- and post-camp, common reactive words were the tent, the mountain, the river, and the campfire, etc. In the classification reaction words, the feelings type, the element type and the environmental type showed the decreasing tendency after practicing camping. On the other hand, the sociality type (for example, friend and friendship, cooperation, and smile, etc.) significantly increased in the post-camp

    Endothelial Dysfunction, Increased Arterial Stiffness, and Cardiovascular Risk Prediction in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: FMD‐J (Flow‐Mediated Dilation Japan) Study A

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    BackgroundThe usefulness of vascular function tests for management of patients with a history of coronary artery disease is not fully known.Methods and ResultsWe measured flow‐mediated vasodilation (FMD) and brachial–ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) in 462 patients with coronary artery disease for assessment of the predictive value of FMD and baPWV for future cardiovascular events in a prospective multicenter observational study. The first primary outcome was coronary events, and the second primary outcome was a composite of coronary events, stroke, heart failure, and sudden death. During a median follow‐up period of 49.2 months, the first primary outcome occurred in 56 patients and the second primary outcome occurred in 66 patients. FMD above the cutoff value of 7.1%, derived from receiver‐operator curve analyses for the first and second primary outcomes, was significantly associated with lower risk of the first (hazard ratio, 0.27; 95% confidence interval, 0.06–0.74; P=0.008) and second (hazard ratio, 0.32; 95% confidence interval, 0.09–0.79; P=0.01) primary outcomes. baPWV above the cutoff value of 1731 cm/s was significantly associated with higher risk of the first (hazard ratio, 1.86; 95% confidence interval, 1.01–3.44; P=0.04) and second (hazard ratio, 2.19; 95% confidence interval, 1.23–3.90; P=0.008) primary outcomes. Among 4 groups stratified according to the combination of cutoff values of FMD and baPWV, stepwise increases in the calculated risk ratio for the first and second primary outcomes were observed.ConclusionsIn patients with coronary artery disease, both FMD and baPWV were significant predictors of cardiovascular events. The combination of FMD and baPWV provided further cardiovascular risk stratification

    FMD, PWV, and Cardiovascular Events

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    Background The usefulness of vascular function tests for management of patients with a history of coronary artery disease is not fully known. Methods and Results We measured flow‐mediated vasodilation (FMD) and brachial–ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) in 462 patients with coronary artery disease for assessment of the predictive value of FMD and baPWV for future cardiovascular events in a prospective multicenter observational study. The first primary outcome was coronary events, and the second primary outcome was a composite of coronary events, stroke, heart failure, and sudden death. During a median follow‐up period of 49.2 months, the first primary outcome occurred in 56 patients and the second primary outcome occurred in 66 patients. FMD above the cutoff value of 7.1%, derived from receiver‐operator curve analyses for the first and second primary outcomes, was significantly associated with lower risk of the first (hazard ratio, 0.27; 95% confidence interval, 0.06–0.74; P=0.008) and second (hazard ratio, 0.32; 95% confidence interval, 0.09–0.79; P=0.01) primary outcomes. baPWV above the cutoff value of 1731 cm/s was significantly associated with higher risk of the first (hazard ratio, 1.86; 95% confidence interval, 1.01–3.44; P=0.04) and second (hazard ratio, 2.19; 95% confidence interval, 1.23–3.90; P=0.008) primary outcomes. Among 4 groups stratified according to the combination of cutoff values of FMD and baPWV, stepwise increases in the calculated risk ratio for the first and second primary outcomes were observed. Conclusions In patients with coronary artery disease, both FMD and baPWV were significant predictors of cardiovascular events. The combination of FMD and baPWV provided further cardiovascular risk stratification


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    各種食品を加熱、冷却操作するクッキング装置などを設計するためには、食品の熱拡散率を求めておくことが必要となる。前報3)において、球状食品の熱拡散率の測定に関する研究を根菜類食品を例として行ってきた。本報では、平板状食品の熱拡散率の測定に関する研究をジャガイモを例として行った。ジャガイモの熱拡散率の値は、温度10~50℃において0.08cm²/minとなった。伝熱方程式を差分法で解いて、非線形最小二乗法を用いて熱拡散率を算出する本報で用いた方法5)は、従来からよく利用されている図表使用などによる方法よりも精度がよい値が得られることなどから優れているといえる。伝熱方程式を、前報で示したように解析法で解いて用いる場合には、初期、境界条件が固定される欠点があったが、本報で示したように差分法で解いていくと、任意の条件下に対応できるものとなる。試料表面に保護用の板などをつけると、試料表面温度が変化していき、非等温境界条件下での実験になると考えられるが、このような場合に対しても利用できるものとなる。参考のためとして、熱拡散率の概算磁を得るのに便利な中心温度変化曲線を前報と同様の形式に従って示した。本報で得られた各様条件下での測定結果ならびに熱拡散率の算出法に関する知見は、球状成型が困難な魚肉類のような軟質状食品を平板状成型をして、熱拡散率を求める場合に有用になると考えられる。In order to design various food heating or cooling processes such as cooking apparatuses and so on, it is necessary to measure the thermal diffusivity of the food materials. In a former paper3), we studied the thermal diffusivity for the spherical root vegetables. In this paper, we studied the same for the slab potatoes. The values of thermal diffusivity of potatoes are considered to be in average 0.08 cm² /min at a temperature range from 10 to 50°C. The results of the slab shape experiments are usuful for the softish foods such as fish and meat materials and so on which can not be cut in to spherical shape. The central temperature history in slab material is shown. This figure can be used in order to obtain the approximate thermal diffusivity from the experimental data. In this paper, we investigated a method which used the digital computer program in order to determine the thermal diffusivity. This method is more acculate and usuful than the other previous methods which used figures or tables

    30. Dynamic Response of Local Layer and Molecular Orientation in Smectic Liquid Crystals by Time Resolved X-ray Micro-Diffraction(poster presentation,Soft Matter as Structured Materials)

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    Serotyping of 800 Strains of Erysipelothrix Isolated from Pigs Affected with Erysipelas and Discrimination of Attenuated Live Vaccine Strain by Genotyping

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    Eight hundred Erysipelothrix strains isolated between 1992 and 2002 from swine with erysipelas in Japan were serotyped. Thirty-seven, 47, 73, and 643 strains were isolated from animals with acute septicemia, urticaria, chronic endocarditis, and chronic arthritis, respectively, of which 381, 146, 254, and 19 isolates belonged to serotypes 1a, 1b, and 2b and other serotypes, respectively. All serotype 1a isolates were further examined for acriflavine resistance and their genotypes to discriminate them from the attenuated live vaccine strain, defined as serotype 1a, which is resistant to 0.02% acriflavine and which shows low levels of pathogenicity in mice. Of the serotype 1a isolates, 64.6% were acriflavine resistant, with 98.4% of these acriflavine-resistant strains having been isolated from animals with chronic arthritis. By randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, almost all the acriflavine-resistant serotype 1a strains showed the 253-bp band characteristic of vaccine strains and were easily discriminated from all 113 strains of acriflavine-sensitive serotype 1a strains from animals with acute and subacute swine erysipelas. The incidence of acriflavine-resistant strains of the distinctive RAPD type 1-2 was markedly higher than that of the other RAPD types and serotypes. RAPD type 1-2 strains also included a specific group identifiable by restriction fragment length polymorphism DNA analysis. Furthermore, the pathogenicities of 29 isolates of RAPD type 1-2 for mice were lower than those of the 21 isolates of other RAPD types. Our results indicate that RAPD type 1-2 strains are live vaccine strains and that 37% of the cases of chronic swine erysipelas detected in the past 11 years in Japan have occurred as a side effect of live vaccine use