527 research outputs found

    Localization of Bulk Form Fields on Dilatonic Domain Walls

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    We study the localization properties of bulk form potentials on dilatonic domain walls. We find that bulk form potentials of any ranks can be localized as form potentials of the same ranks or one lower ranks, for any values of the dilaton coupling parameter. For large enough values of the dilaton coupling parameter, bulk form potentials of any ranks can be localized as form potentials of both the same ranks and one lower ranks.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, reference adde

    The Cardy-Verlinde Formula and Asymptotically Flat Charged Black Holes

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    We show that the modified Cardy-Verlinde formula without the Casimir effect term is satisfied by asymptotically flat charged black holes in arbitrary dimensions. Thermodynamic quantities of the charged black holes are shown to satisfy the energy-temperature relation of a two-dimensional CFT, which supports the claim in our previous work (Phys. Rev. D61, 044013, hep-th/9910244) that thermodynamics of charged black holes in higher dimensions can be effectively described by two-dimensional theories. We also check the Cardy formula for the two-dimensional black hole compactified from a dilatonic charged black hole in higher dimensions.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, references adde

    Dynamics of partially localized brane systems

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    We study dynamical partially localized brane solutions in higher dimensions. We give new descriptions of the relevant solutions of dynamical branes which are localized along both the overall and relative transverse directions. The starting point is a system of p_r-branes ending on a p_s-brane with a time-dependent warp factor. This system can be related to Dp_r-Dp_s brane system in string theory, where one brane is localized at the delocalized other brane. We then show that these give Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker cosmological solutions. Our approach leads to a new and manifest description of the brane configurations near the delocalized branes, and new solutions in the wave or KK-monopole background in terms of certain partial differential equations in D dimensions including ten and eleven dimensions.Comment: 61 pages; v3: minor correction

    Quantum Description for the Decay of NSNS Brane-Antibrane Systems

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    The stringy description for the instabilities in the RRRR charged DpDˉpD_{p}-\bar{D}_{p} pairs is now well understood in terms of the open string tachyon condensation. The quantum interpretation presumably via the stringy description for the instabilities in the NSNSNSNS-charged F1F1ˉF1-\bar{F1} and NS5NS5ˉNS5-\bar{NS5} pairs in IIA/IIB theories, however, has not been established yet. This would be partly because of the absence (for the F1F1ˉF1-\bar{F1} case) or our relatively poor understanding (for the NS5NS5ˉNS5-\bar{NS5} case) of their worldvolume (gauge theory) dynamics. In the present work, using the well-known quantum description for instabilities in the RRRR-charged DpDˉpD_{p}-\bar{D}_{p} systems and in the M-theory brane-antibrane systems and invoking appropriate string dualities, the stringy nature of the instabilities in the NSNSNSNS-charged F1F1ˉF1-\bar{F1} and NS5NS5ˉNS5-\bar{NS5} systems has been uncovered. For the annihilations to string vacua, the quantum, stringy interpretations are simple extensions of Sen's conjecture for those in RRRR-charged brane-antibrane systems.Comment: 22 pages, 4 eps figures, Latex, comments and references adde

    Bulk Fields in Delocalized Dilatonic p-Branes

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    We study localization properties of various bulk fields on a dilatonic p-brane which is delocalized along its transverse directions except one. We find that all the bosonic and fermionic bulk fields can be localized on the delocalized dilatonic p-brane in a strict sense, namely the Kaluza-Klein zero modes of the bulk fields are normalizable and are localized around the brane, for any values of the dilaton coupling parameter.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe

    A Note on Solitons in Brane Worlds

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    We obtain the zero mode effective action for gravitating objects in the bulk of dilatonic domain walls. Without additional fields included in the bulk action, the zero mode effective action reproduces the action in one lower dimensions obtained through the ordinary Kaluza-Klein (KK) compactification, only when the transverse (to the domain wall) component of the bulk metric does not have non-trivial term depending on the domain wall worldvolume coordinates. With additional fields included in the bulk action, non-trivial dependence of the transverse metric component on the domain wall worldvolume coordinates appears to be essential in reproducing the lower-dimensional action obtained via the ordinary KK compactification. We find, in particular, that the effective action for the charged (p+1)-brane in the domain wall bulk reproduces the action for the p-brane in one lower dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, LaTe

    Towards the entropy of gravity time-dependent models via the Cardy-Verlinde formula

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    For models with several time-dependent components generalized entropies can be defined. This is shown for the Bianchi type IX model. We first derive the Cardy-Verlinde formula under the assumption that the first law of thermodynamics is valid. This leads to an explicit expression of the total entropy associated with this type of universes. Assuming the validity of the Cardy entropy formula, we obtain expressions for the corresponding Bekenstein, Bekenstein-Hawking and Hubble entropies. We discuss the validity of the Cardy-Verlinde formula and possible extensions of the outlined procedure to other time-dependent models.Comment: 13 page