311 research outputs found

    The candidates of long-periodic variable sources in 6.7 GHz methanol masers associated with four high-mass star-forming regions

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    Results of the long-term monitoring observations of the 6.7 GHz Class II methanol masers associated with the four high-mass star-forming regions by Hitachi 32-m radio telescope are presented. We detected periodic flux variability in G06.795-0.257, G10.472+0.027, G12.209-0.102, and G13.657-0.599 with the periods of 968, 1624, 1272, and 1266 d, respectively, although the detected period is tentative due to the short monitoring term relative to the estimated period. The facts that the flux variation patterns show the symmetric sine curves and that the luminosities of the central protostar and periods of maser flux variation are consistent with the expected period-luminosity (PL) relation suggest that the mechanisms of maser flux variability of G10.472+0.027 and G12.209-0.102 can be explained by protostellar pulsation instability. From the PL relation, central stars of these two sources are expected to be very high-mass protostars with a mass of 40 M and to have the mass accretion rate of 2*10-2 M yr-1. On the other hand, G06.795-0.257 and G13.657-0.599 have the intermittent variation patterns and have luminosities that are an order of magnitude smaller than those expected from PL relation, suggesting variation mechanisms of these sources originated from binary system. Since almost all the maser features vary with the same period regardless of its geometry, periodic accretion model may be appropriate mechanisms for flux variability in G06.795-0.257 and G13.657-0.599.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2301.0143

    Josephson junction in cobalt-doped BaFe2As2 epitaxial thin films on (La, Sr)(Al, Ta)O3 bicrystal substrates

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    Josephson junctions were fabricated in epitaxial films of cobalt-doped BaFe2As2 on [001]-tilt (La,Sr)(Al,Ta)O3 bicrystal substrates. 10m-wide microbridges spanning a 30-degrees-tilted bicrystal grain boundary (BGB bridge) exhibited resistively-shunted-junction (RSJ)-like current-voltage characteristics up to 17 K, and the critical current was suppressed remarkably by a magnetic field. Microbridges without a BGB did not show the RSJ-like behavior, and their critical current densities were 20 times larger than those of BGB bridges, confirming BGB bridges display a Josephson effect originating from weakly-linked BGB

    Biaxially textured cobalt-doped BaFe2As2 films with high critical current density over 1 MA/cm2 on MgO-buffered metal-tape flexible substrates

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    High critical current densities (Jc) > 1 MA/cm2 were realized in cobalt-doped BaFe2As2 (BaFe2As2:Co) films on flexible metal substrates with biaxially-textured MgO base-layers fabricated by an ion-beam assisted deposition technique. The BaFe2As2:Co films showed small in-plane crystalline misorientations (delta fai BaFe2As2:Co) of ~3o regardless of doubly larger misorientaions of the MgO base-layers (delta fai MgO = 7.3o), and exhibited high self-field Jc up to 3.5 MA/cm2 at 2 K. These values are comparable to that on MgO single crystals and the highest Jc among iron pnictide superconducting tapes and wires ever reported. High in-field Jc suggests the existence of c-axis correlated vortex pinning centers.Comment: Published in Appl. Phys. Let

    Flap Reconstruction for Esophageal Perforation Following Anterior Cervical Plate Fixation

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    Anterior cervical plate fixation is a common surgical treatment for cervical spine trauma, disc herniation, or cervical spondylosis. Esophageal perforation following anterior cervical plate fixation is a rare but serious complication. Management of esophageal perforation is controversial; however, we suggest treating most cases surgically because this condition is slow to heal and often fatal. We managed 2 cases of esophageal perforation following anterior cervical plate fixation by flap reconstruction with the pectoralis major muscle in one case and a jejunal free flap in the other. Here, we report our experience and review the surgical indications

    Effect of Starvation on Immunological Function of Chicks : I. Effect on Humoral Immunity

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    隔日絶食による長期間の飢餓状態におけるニワトリヒナのGRBC及びBAに対する抗体産生能力を調べることにより,液性免疫機能に及ぼす飢餓の影響について試験した. 本試験において得られた結果は以下のようである. (1)絶食期間中,ヒナの体重増加はまったく認められず,強度の飢餓状態にあると思われた. (2)飢餓状態にあるヒナでは,抗GRBC,抗BA共に抗体価が上昇する傾向が示された. (3)血中のγ-グロブリン総量及び産生された抗体中のIgM比率については,対照との間に差が認められなかった. (4)飢餓状態のヒナにより産生される抗GRBC抗体の半減期は,対照に比べ有意に長いことが示された. 以上の結果から,長期にわたる飢餓にさらされたヒナでは,産生される抗体の血中からの消退が遅延し,その結果,抗体価が上昇するものと思われた. これは,抗体産生の亢進によるものではなく,産生された抗体の分解遅延に起因するものと思われた

    Tsukuba 32-m VLBI Station

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    The Tsukuba 32-m VLBI station is operated by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. This report summarizes activities of the Tsukuba 32-m VLBI station in 2012. More than 200 sessions were observed with the Tsukuba 32-m and other GSI antennas in accordance with the IVS Master Schedule of 2012. We have started installing the observing facilities that will be fully compliant with VLBI2010 for the first time in Japan

    Laparoscopic extra-abdominal suturing technique for the repair of Larrey’s diaphragmatic hernia using the port closure needle (Endo Close®): A case report

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    AbstractIntroductionMorgagni’s or Larrey’s diaphragmatic hernias are relatively uncommon. If the defect is too large for primary closure, the use of a mesh is inevitable. Although primary closure is adaptable for relatively small defects, it is difficult to suture the hernial orifice in which the anterior rim is absent. Herein, we present the case of a patient with Larrey’s diaphragmatic hernia that was easily and securely repaired using the recently developed laparoscopic extra-abdominal suturing technique via the port closure needle (Endo Close®; Medtronic, Minneapolis, USA).Presentation of caseAn 89-year-old woman complaining of vomiting was transferred to our hospital. Computed tomography scan showed Larrey’s diaphragmatic hernia. Laparoscopic repair was performed after gastric decompression. We diagnosed Larrey’s hernia on the left side of the falciform ligament. The transverse colon was herniated through the defect. Since the hernial defect was located below the substernal space, there was no tissue to stitch at the anterior rim of the hernial orifice. We performed the extra-abdominal suturing technique, suturing the posterior rim of the hernia to the full thickness of the anterior abdominal wall using the port closure needle (Endo Close®) without the need for a mesh. The patient was discharged on the 8th postoperative day. There was no evidence of recurrence at 8 months postoperatively.DiscussionThe recently developed extra-abdominal suturing technique using Endo Close® to suture the full thickness of the anterior abdominal wall achieved secure mattress suture and easy extra-abdominal tying.ConclusionThis method may be useful in terms of easiness and security of suture