406 research outputs found

    A Study on Local Knowledge in Adaptation to Landslide Disasters in Sri Lanka

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    Natural disasters are unforeseen events which occur at hydrologic, geologic, and atmospheric origins. The Policy-makers still rely on mitigation strategies based on scientific approaches. However, many scholars had emphasized the importance of incorporating local knowledge and related practices for disaster risk management. In that context, this study investigates the local knowledge in adaptation to mitigate the landslides disaster situations by studying a village in Sri Lanka which is located at the central region of Sri Lanka which is vulnerable for landslide disasters. Landslides is one of the severe types of disasters in hilly terrains and which cause to loss of lives and property damages especially in Asia region. This study employed the field surveys, questionnaire surveys and semi structured interviews for data collection. The findings of the research indicate how the local knowledge-based practices in settlement layout & planning, landscaping had enhanced disaster adaptation level of the community. Further the local knowledge-based value systems act as a strong mechanism in identifying early signs of landslide disasters. Finally, the paper discusses the possibilities of upscaling such local practices for mainstream disaster management practices

    Various Types of Wisconcin Card Sorting Test and lts Clinical Applications for Developmental Disorders

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    New Trends in Neuropsychological Study for Children with ADHD and Autism

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    発達障害児における神経心理学的検査の応用に関する研究は未だ乏しい。そこで注意欠陥多動性障害(ADHD)や自閉症などの発達障害の領域における神経心理学的検査実施の動向を調査し,その臨床応用について考察することを目的とした。ADHDや自閉症の原因として脳の中でも特に未解明な部分が多い前頭葉の機能が注目されている。そこで文献研究に基づいて, 前頭葉損傷がもたらす影響について明らかにし,さらに,前頭葉機能に焦点を当てているとされる各種神経心理学的検査の特性についての検討を行った。その結果,発達障害児を対象とした神経心理学的検査に求められる今後の課題として,小児における検査の標準化,実施法の簡便化,適用基準の明確化などが挙げられた。障害児教育の現場において個々の障害児の各種認知過程に関する正確な情報が必要とされているが,このような視点から神経心理学的検査の有用性について考察した

    Psychological Stress Induced by Prone Positioning among Adults with Severe Cerebral Palsy

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological impact of various positionings in subjects with cerebral palsy (CP). The participants were 17 individuals with severe motor and intellectual disability due to CP. They began in a sitting position in their wheelchair, and were placed consecutively in prone or supine positions, with no intervals between placements. Physiological observations were made in each position, and included salivary α-amylase activity, pulse, percutaneous oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, learance or not of airway secretions, and occurrence or not of adverse events. Salivary α-amylase activity values were higher in the prone position than in the baseline and supine positions (p<0.05). Clearance of airway secretions was significantly more prevalent in the prone position than in the baseline and supine positions (p <0.05). The participants’ pulse was significantly lower in the supine and prone positions than in the baseline position (p<0.05). Greater prevalence of airway secretion clearance and significantly higher stress levels as indicated by saliva amylase were observed in the prone position than in the other two positions. Therefore, when such patients are placed in a prone position, close attention to airway management and the potential for psychological stress may be necessary

    Current Research Findings on Autism

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    Current Research Findingson AD/HD

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    Morphological Markers of Chromosomal Instability

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    Cancer is characterized by genomic complexity and chromosomal instability (CIN). Atypical mitosis and nuclear atypia such as micronuclei have been reported as morphological characteristics of chromosomal instability. An atypical mitotic figure is defined as anything other than the typical form of normal mitosis, including multipolar, ring, dispersed, asymmetrical, and lag-type mitoses. A micronucleus is defined as the small nucleus that forms whenever a chromosome or its fragment is not incorporated into one of the daughter nuclei during cell division. A telomere plays a key role in chromosomal instability. Telomere dysfunction induces fusion of chromatids and chromosome missegregation and this phenomenon can be observed as abnormal mitotic figures and micronuclei. Detection of morphological markers of chromosomal instability using pathological specimens, even small biopsy or cytological specimens, may provide valuable information concerning the prognosis of cancers. Here, we discuss morphological assessment of chromosomal instability using routine pathological specimens