41 research outputs found


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     本研究の目的は、看護の視点から「高齢者の下肢浮腫」の概念を明らかにし、「高齢者の下肢浮腫」の特徴を整理し、下肢浮腫の軽減、予防に向けたケア実践の今後の課題を探ることである。方法はRodgers の手法を参考に分析を行った。分析の結果、概念の属性は【部位・程度は変動する】【下肢浮腫の評価方法】【健康レベルはさまざま】が抽出され、帰結として【持続する下肢浮腫のリスク】【下肢浮腫への認識】【日常生活への影響】【適切なケアの実践の必要性】の4 帰結が抽出された。以上に基づき、「高齢者の下肢浮腫は、全身疾患の症状として生じるだけではなく加齢に伴う身体機能の変化・日常生活状況などの多様な要因によって組織間隙に間質液が過剰に貯留した状態であり、高齢者の誰にでも生じる可能性のある身体症状である。下肢浮腫が持続することで二次的障害や日常生活へ影響をもたらすリスクがある。」と定義づけた

    療養病棟に勤務する看護師の上方移動援助時における環境整備・姿勢の安定性・動作の効率性の実態―TAMA ツールを用いて―

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     本研究では、療養病棟で行われている上方移動援助における環境の整備・姿勢の安定性・動作の効率性の実態を、「移動援助動作アセスメントツール」(以下「TAMA ツール」)を用いて明らかにした。研究者らは、臨床で行われている上方移動援助を傍らで観察し、TAMA ツールへ記入した。その後、ツールの項目における各選択肢の、項目合計に対する比率を算出した。32 名の看護師が行った292回の上方移動援助を分析対象とした。「補助具の使用」は「あり」が30.5%、「ベッドの高さ」は「看護師の身長の半分程度の高さ」が42.5%であった。看護師の前傾角度の大きさは、「前傾角度が45度以下」は56.8%、「看護師の胴のひねりや側屈」が「なし」が83.9%と高かった。看護師が意識して改善できる環境整備項目の実施率を高めていけるような教育が必要である。一方、深い前傾やひねり等の不良姿勢は少ない傾向が見られているため、今後もこの傾向が続くような教育が必要である


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     本研究の目的は乾熱法を用いた後頸部温罨法による心拍間隔時間と末梢皮膚温の変化を検討することである。成人女性15 名(29.2 ± 8.6 歳)に、後頸部温罨法を30 分間行い、心拍間隔時間(以下IBI値)、手足の表面皮膚温度の測定を行った。また、同一被験者に後頸部温罨法を行わない対照群を設定し、同様の測定を行った。IBI 値の分析において、群間では二元配置分散分析、群内では一元配置分散分析および多重比較を行った。表面皮膚温度の分析において、群間ではWilcoxon 符号順位検定、群内ではFriedman 検定および多重比較を行った。結果、IBI 値の増大が測定開始後、対照群は21 分のみで、実験群は12 分から27 分まで持続していた。後頸部温罨法の実施によりIBI 値が大きくなるまでの時間が早く現れ、IBI 値の増大が持続しているのは交感神経活動の抑制が考えられた

    Nursing Students’ Attitudes Towards Nursing Process / Diagnosis Instruction Across a Multi-Year Academic Curriculum

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    We performed a cross-sectional analysis of nursing students’ attitudes towards a curriculum that continuously incorporated opportunities to study the nursing process and nursing diagnosis (through lectures and unfolding case study practicums) from year 1 to the first semester of year 3 of their studies, and, having identified those attitudes, we investigated how best to educate students on these topics. Specifically, we determined nursing students’ awareness, self-assessed learning attainment, difficulties, and preparedness regarding the nursing process/nursing diagnosis, and then analyzed the associations between these constructs in order to determine the current state of instructional content. A self-administered anonymous questionnaire study was carried out a total of four times: once after the introductory course for first-year students (Group 1), once each before and after the intermediate course for secondyear students (Groups 2 and 3), and once after the applied course for third-year students (Group 4). We determined nursing students’ actual level of awareness, self-assessed learning attainment, self-assessed difficulties in studying, and preparedness regarding the nursing process/nursing diagnosis. Then, we analyzed the correlations among these measures. Regarding awareness, significantly greater percentages of respondents responded to items in such a way as to indicate that they were highly aware of the nursing process/nursing diagnosis in Groups 1 and 3 than in Groups 2 and 4. In Group 4, a significant positive correlation was found between preparedness and self-assessment. The poor awareness rate in Group 2 suggests that although learning about the nursing process and nursing diagnosis at a stage in which understanding remains at a purely theoretical level can boost student awareness, the effect is not long lasting. The results suggest that introducing nursing diagnosis while students are still learning about the nursing process might confuse them, thus pointing to the need for better integrated education of the nursing process and nursing diagnosis

    A Review of Educational Support Approaches According to the Characteristics of Candidate Diagnoses and Queries Considered during Nursing Diagnosis Case Study Review Meetings

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    In this study, we investigated candidate nursing diagnoses and queries raised during nursing diagnosis case study review meetings by considering the characteristics of the types of queries raised, their underlying circumstances, and the thought process involved. We also identified differences in queries between earlier and later case review meetings and trends during these two periods, and considered future approaches to educational support. We carried out analysis of summary records of discussions during case study review meetings held at Hospital A. The queries raised at the case study review meetings were classified according to thought processes rather than actual case contents. A total of 12 case studies were discussed, six during the first part and six during the second part of the study period. Fisher’s exact test was used to compare the types of queries raised during each period. The Egawa diagnosis-oriented process (E-DOP) was used as the conceptual model for investigating differences in the types of query and their characteristics, and issues in the thought process were isolated. We found that the types of queries raised concerned clinical assessments of patients’ conditions, interrelated diagnoses that might occur simultaneously, candidate diagnoses at the screening stage, diagnoses indicating similar mental and physical functions or conditions, the distinction between nursing diagnoses and medical problems (complications), how to understand self-care deficit, and diagnoses for which guidance with a view to hospital discharge or family intervention would be appropriate. Our results suggest that these queries were associated with stages 3 (interpretation), 5 (analysis), and 6 (integration) in the E-DOP. Our results suggest that conceptual learning connected to case studies and a review of the content of case studies may be necessary, together with support for integrated approaches that account for the characteristics of each medical institution


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     ベッド上での水平移動時の看護師の腕の差し入れの深さからみた作業効率性について明らかにすることを目的とした。研究デザインは準実験研究である。被験者は、女性看護師10 名とし、実験は1 名の被験者が3 名の模擬患者に、腕の差し入れの深い群と浅い群の2 種類についてベッドの右側へ引き寄せる水平移動を設定して実施した。測定項目は重心軌跡として、足底の荷重中心の軌跡を重心線の軌跡、仙骨部のマーカーを重心の上下の動きを反映するデータとして測定した。腕の差し入れの深い群のほうが浅い群に比べ、荷重中心の総軌跡長が有意( p < 0.05)に短く、所要時間は有意( p < 0.01)に短く、動作回数は有意( p < 0.05)に少なかった。また、腕の差し入れの深い群をやりやすいと選択した被験者が有意( p < 0.01)に多かった。これらの結果を得たことから腕の差し入れの深い群のほうが作業効率があがっていたことが明らかとなった