240 research outputs found

    Pengembangan E-book Berbasis Discovery Learning Terintegrasi Keterampilan 4C Untuk Pembelajaran Fisika SMA

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    The problem found in the field is that the e-books available in schools do not contain the 4C skills that students should have in the 21st century. In addition, the existing e-books have not shown any learning model syntax that is in accordance with the 2013 curriculum. The e-books used have not been able to involve students effectively. directly in finding the concept of learning. So, it takes a discovery learning-based e-book that is integrated with 4C skills. The purpose of this research is to produce an e-book based on discovery learning integrated 4C skills in physics learning with valid, practical, and effective categories. This type of research is research and development. The e-book development uses the ADDIE development model which consists of the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. Research data in the form of preliminary study data, validation, practicality, and effectiveness. The research instrument consisted of a preliminary questionnaire, validation instrument, practicality instrument, and effectiveness instrument. Data analysis was carried out using the ADDIE development method which consisted of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation, including aspect of knowledge, attitudes, and 4C skills; critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills, and communication skills. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that the physics e-book based on discovery learning integrated 4C skills is valid, practical and effective. so that it can be used to improve student learning outcomes.The problem found in the field is that the e-books available in schools do not contain the 4C skills that students should have in the 21st century. In addition, the existing e-books have not shown any learning model syntax that is in accordance with the 2013 curriculum. The e-books used have not been able to involve students effectively. directly in finding the concept of learning. So, it takes a discovery learning-based e-book that is integrated with 4C skills. The purpose of this research is to produce an e-book based on discovery learning integrated 4C skills in physics learning with valid, practical, and effective categories. This type of research is research and development. The e-book development uses the ADDIE development model which consists of the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stages. Research data in the form of preliminary study data, validation, practicality, and effectiveness. The research instrument consisted of a preliminary questionnaire, validation instrument, practicality instrument, and effectiveness instrument. Data analysis was carried out using the ADDIE development method which consisted of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation, including aspect of knowledge, attitudes, and 4C skills; critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills, and communication skills. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that the physics e-book based on discovery learning integrated 4C skills is valid, practical and effective. so that it can be used to improve student learning outcomes

    E-Book Development Effectiveness Problem Based Learning with Quizing in Physics Learning

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    This research was based on observations made at one of the Dhamasrya public schools, SMAN 1 Koto Baru, which found several shortcomings in the learning system carried out, one of which was the lack of variation in the learning carried out and the lack of teaching materials based on the 2013 curriculum in study. The formulation of the problem that can be given is how to develop an E-Book Based on Problem Based Learning. Accompanied by Giving Quizzes to Class X High School Physics Learning. This research belongs to research with the type in this research is Research and Development and the development model used is the Plomp development model. The development analysis uses the stages of validation, practicality and effectiveness. Assessment of effectiveness using knowledge assessment test sheets, self-assessment for attitudes and skills assessment for performance and the N-Gain value of the achievement of student competencies. Analysis of the effectiveness using the N-Gain value and completeness of students who are above 80% of all students. The results obtained in this study are a product in the form of an E-Book Based on Problem Based Learning Accompanied by Giving Quizzes to Class X High School Physics Learning that is effective for use by students and for use by teachers. Analysis of the effectiveness assessment using cognitive learning outcomes with almost all completeness results or 80% of students who participated in the study were declared complete. The results of the affective assessment carried out using the self-assessment sheet obtained results in a good category and psychomotor learning outcomes assessed using the worksheets obtained results in a good category. In addition, using the N-Gain equation obtained high scores. Based on the results obtained, the developed E-Book can be declared effective.Penelitian ini berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan di salah satu sekolah negeri Dhamasrya yaitu SMAN 1 Koto Baru yang menemukan beberapa kekurangan dalam sistem pembelajaran yang dilakukan salah satunya adalah kurangnya variasi dalam pembelajaran yang dilakukan dan kurangnya bahan ajar. berdasarkan kurikulum 2013. dalam studi. Rumusan masalah yang dapat diberikan adalah bagaimana mengembangkan E-Book Berbasis Problem Based Learning Disertai Pemberian Kuis pada Pembelajaran Fisika Kelas X SMA.Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian dengan jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development dan model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model pengembangan Plomp. Model pengembangan plomp melewati lima tahap pengembangan, yaitu tahap investigasi awal, tahap desain dan prototyping dan tahap penilaian. Analisis pengembangan menggunakan tahapan validasi, kepraktisan dan efektivitas. Penilaian efektivitas menggunakan lembar tes penilaian pengetahuan, penilaian diri untuk penilaian sikap dan keterampilan untuk kinerja dan nilai N-Gain pencapaian kompetensi siswa. Analisis keefektifan menggunakan nilai N-Gain dan ketuntasan siswa yang berada di atas 80% dari seluruh siswa.Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah produk berupa E-Book Berbasis Problem Based Learning Disertai Pemberian Kuis pada Pembelajaran Fisika Kelas X SMA yang efektif untuk digunakan oleh siswa dan untuk digunakan oleh guru. Analisis penilaian efektivitas menggunakan hasil belajar kognitif dengan hasil hampir semua ketuntasan atau 80% siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran dinyatakan tuntas. Hasil penilaian afektif yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar penilaian diri diperoleh hasil dalam kategori baik dan hasil belajar psikomotorik yang dinilai dengan menggunakan LKS diperoleh hasil dalam kategori baik. Selain itu, dengan menggunakan persamaan N-Gain diperoleh skor yang tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, E-Book yang dikembangkan dapat dinyatakan efekti

    The Development of Science Learning Media Etno-Vlog Fermentation Cencaluk in Riau

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    Ethno-Vlog is one of the innovations of learning media to convey material to students. The purpose of this study was to develop a product in the form of learning media and to know the quality of its development seen from its validity and practicality in science learning. This research is development research referring to the ADDIE development model, namely Design, development, implementation, and Evaluation. The media is validated by validators, namely media experts and material experts. The data obtained will be analyzed by descriptive percentage. Furthermore, a practical test was conducted on the validated ethno-vlog media, to educators and students as media users. Based on the questionnaire given, the average value of media validation is 86.6% and material validation is 91.6% which is included in the very good category. Furthermore, the practicality test obtained from the responses of educators and students obtained an average score of 85.6% and 87% with a very satisfied category. It can be concluded that the product resulting from this research in the form of ethnoscience integrated cencaluk fermentation ethnolog media is suitable for use in science learning

    Research Trends of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model in Science Courses in Universities

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    The PBL model has relevance and potential in developing 21st-century skills. This study uses the Systematic Literature Review method to identify PBL research trends in science courses at universities. A literature search using the app Publish or Perish with the Scopus database and data from journals indexed by SINTA (Science and Technology Index) in the last 10 years, from 2012 to 2021. In this study, there are 32 articles about PBL research in science lectures, including physics, chemistry, biology, and natural science.  The trend seen is a rise in publications addressing various facets of critical thinking abilities. Among research publications, quantitative research is the most common type. Quasi-Experimental designs are most often chosen by researchers, while RD designs are still little used. Chemistry is a subject that is most often chosen as a research subject. Meanwhile, the test is the most commonly used instrument for collecting data on 21st-century student skill

    Development of physics e-module based on integrated project-based learning model with Ethno-STEM approach on smartphones for senior high school students

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    Standard competency of graduate students of class XI in Physics learning is considered not optimal. One of the contributing factors is the unavailability of the Physics E-Module, which contains model steps and is integrated with a learning approach in order to direct students in active learning. This study aims to produce a Physics E-Module based on an integrated project-based learning model with an Ethno-STEM approach on smartphones for class XI high school students with valid, practical, and effective criteria. This is development research using the Plomp development model consisting of three stages: Preliminary Research, Development or Prototyping Phase, and Assessment Phase. The instruments used in this research include three questionnaires for preliminary study, validity and practicality, attitude observation sheets, written test sheets, and skills assessment sheets. The result obtained was a Physics E-Module based on an integrated project-based learning model with the Ethno-STEM approach on smartphones for class XI high school students who meet valid, practical, and effective criteria

    Akselerasi Teknologi Keolahragaan Melalui Inovasi

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    Inovasi adalah sebuah keharusan menuju ketercapaian tujuan. Dan Inovasi perlu akselerasi yang berkesinambungan. Salah satu inovasi didapat melalui pemanfaatan teknologi dalam ilmu keolahragaan merupakan sesuatu hal yang wajib diperhatikan oleh setiap praktisi serta akademisi keloahragaan. Pengukuran merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam setiap tahapan pembinaan olahraga. dalam pengukuran, pemanfaatan teknologi sangat dianjurkan dalam mencapai validitas data yang akurat dan tepat. selain itu, pelaksanaan tes harus pula dilakukan sesuai prosesur dan ketentuan yang terstandar, dan ini memerlukan tenaga ahli dan berpengalaman serta tersertfikasi. Hirilisasi hasil penelitian diharapkan mampu memberikan berbagai manfaat dan menjadi salah satu asset yang dapat digunakan Perguruan tinggi dalam hal pendapatan. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mengembangkan sebuah pusar layanan tes dan pengukuran kondisi fisik yang diharapkan mampu memberikan sumbangan nyata pada masyarakat dalam hal pemanfaatan teknologi keolahragaan. Selain itu, Kegiatan ini diharapkan mampu menjadi salah satu sector yang dapat memberikan pendapatan bagi PT. Produk yang ditawarkan dalam program ini adalah Penyewaan alat-alat keolahragaan, pelayanan tes dan pengkuruan keolahragaan dan penjualan produk-produk hasil penelitian dosen yang berkaitan produk inovasi keolahragaan. Metode kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan pola Kerjasama dan pola penjulaan langsung dan tidak langsung. Indikator keberhasilan dilihat dari pemasukan yang diperoleh selama 1 tahun pelaksanaan yang dilihat dan dilaporkan pertriwulan. BErdasarkan evaluasi serta perhitungan clasflow, diketahui program telah berhasil memperoleh benefit sesuai dengan prediks

    Komersialisasi Hasil Penelitian Melalui Pusat Layananan Pengukuran Kondisi Fisik

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    Pemanfaatan teknologi dalam ilmu keolahragaan merupakan sesuatu hal yang wajib diperhatikan oleh setiap praktisi serta akademisi keloahragaan. Pengukuran merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam setiap tahapan pembinaan olahraga. dalam pengukuran, pemanfaatan teknologi sangat dianjurkan dalam mencapai validitas data yang akurat dan tepat. selain itu, pelaksanaan tes harus pula dilakukan sesuai prosesur dan ketentuan yang terstandar, dan ini memerlukan tenaga ahli dan berpengalaman serta tersertfikasi. Hirilisasi hasil penelitian diharapkan mampu memberikan berbagai manfaat dan menjadi salah satu asset yang dapat digunakan Perguruan tinggi dalam hal pendapatan. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah mengembangkan sebuah pusar layanan tes dan pengukuran kondisi fisik yang diharapkan mampu memberikan sumbangan nyata pada masyarakat dalam hal pemanfaatan teknologi keolahragaan. Selain itu, Kegiatan ini diharapkan mampu menjadi salah satu sector yang dapat memberikan pendapatan bagi PT. Produk yang ditawarkan dalam program ini adalah Penyewaan alat-alat keolahragaan, pelayanan tes dan pengkuruan keolahragaan dan penjualan produk-produk hasil penelitian dosen yang berkaitan produk inovasi keolahragaan. Metode kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan pola Kerjasama dan pola penjulaan langsung dan tidak langsung. Indikator keberhasilan dilihat dari pemasukan yang diperoleh selama 1 tahun pelaksanaan yang dilihat dan dilaporkan pertriwulan. Berdasarkan evaluasi serta perhitungan clasflow, diketahui program telah berhasil memperoleh benefit sesuai dengan prediksi

    Pembuatan Set Eksperimen Gerak Jatuh Bebas Berbasis Mikrokontroler Dengan Tampilan Pc

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    Experiment of free fall motion is one of phenomena in physic. Parameters of free fall motion still measured by stopwatch and meter. The purpose of research is development of free fall motion experiment set based on microcontroller with personal computer display. This instrument have highest precision and accuration. Average of measured result is 9,821 ± 0,025 with average of precicion relative is 98,3% and average accuration is 0,992

    Sistem Pengontrolan Temperatur ON-OFF Menggunakan Mikrokontroler AT89C51 Dengan Pengindera Termokopel

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    Temperature control system was an important instrument to control temperature of an object at setpoint temperature and many applications in human life. Investigation of control system was required to get high quality of system. Purposes of this research was: to investigate relation between output voltage of sensor and signal processing circuits with temperature, to determine number that presented at digital display as function of temperature, and to determine accuracy and precision of temperature control system. The research can be classified into laboratory experimental research. Data collecting technique that used in this research was direct measurement. Variables that measured temperature, output voltage of sensor, and output voltage of amplifier circuits, while gradient of straight line and static characteristics were measured indirectly. The data that founded of measurement result was analyzed by using graph and error analysis. Graph analysis was used to determine measurement error, accuracy, and precision of control system. There were four main results of this research as follow: 1). Output voltage of sensor increase directly proportional with temperature and sensitivity of sensor was 0,042 Volt/oC, 2). Output voltage of differential and non inverting amplifier also directly proportional with temperature, each of it's gradient was 0,0091 Volt/oC and 0,0248 V/oC, 3). The number that displayed at seven segment before linearization process directly proportional with temperature and after processing the number at digital display was suitable with temperature that measured by standard digital thermometer, and 4). The average of accuracy and precision of temperature control system by using microcontroller with thermocouple sensing was high, each of it was 0,9967 and 0,997 in order of least significant scale was 1 oC
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