11 research outputs found


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    The permanence of the documents of a file is guaranteed thanks to the different processes that are applied to maintain their conservation through time, with the use of methods that promote the destruction of harmful agents that cause the deterioration. It is sometimes unknown that some of the activities belonging to the own filing activities may cause damage to the environment, an example of this, is the use of chemical products to eliminate the plagues that affect the collections. The objective of this research was to determine significant environmental aspects in Provincial Historical File from Granma. To fulfill this goal were selected the areas and the activities related to the environment revealing those that generate emissions, pouring, residuals, noise, consumptions, etc. identifying the impacts through the relation cause-effect with the development of matrixes. Also risky situations for the worker´s health related to the handling, storage and exposition to chemical products were identified. It is stood out the importance of these elements for the establishment of the Management Environmental System where it is showed the control of the security data of the chemical products used by the organization and the caution measures to be adopted in its handling, storage and general management. It is made emphasis, also, in the environmental education in the file as the favorable frame to contribute to the improvement of the environmental conditions towards a better conservation of the documentary patrimony and the workers´ health. La permanencia de los documentos de un archivo se garantiza gracias a los procesos que se le realicen para mantener su conservación en el tiempo, aplicando métodos que promuevan la destrucción de los agentes dañinos causantes del deterioro. En ocasiones, se desconoce que varias actividades propias de la organización archivística ocasionan daños al medio ambiente, ejemplo de ello es la utilización de productos químicos para eliminar plagas que afectan a las colecciones. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar aspectos ambientales significativos en el Archivo Histórico Provincial de Granma. Para ello se seleccionaron las áreas y las actividades relacionadas con el medio ambiente, relevándose aquellos que generan emisiones, vertidos, residuos, ruido, consumos, etc. identificándose los impactos a través de la relación causa-efecto con el desarrollo de matrices. Se identificaron además situaciones de riesgo para la salud de los trabajadores relacionado con la manipulación, almacenamiento y exposición a productos químicos. Se destaca la importancia de estos elementos para la implementación de un sistema de gestión ambiental, donde consigne el control de los datos de seguridad de productos químicos que la organización emplee y las medidas de precaución a adoptar en su manejo, almacenamiento y gestión en general. Se hace énfasis además en la educación ambiental en el archivo como marco propicio para tributar al mejoramiento de las condiciones ambientales hacia una mejor conservación del patrimonio documental y la salud de sus trabajadores

    Plant extracts of Cleome viscosa L. as biostimulants of the in vitro germination of two varieties of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    The aim of the work was to evaluate the biostimulant effect of plant extracts of Cleome viscosa L. on the in vitro germination of two varieties of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). A bioassay was set up on a completely randomized design with a control and 18 treatments with three samples each, evaluating the effect on the dynamics and percentage of germination, radicle length and hypocotyl length. The chemical families present in the extracts were determined by phytochemical characterization. For the length of the radicle and the hypocotyl, the extracts with the best potentialities in the Verano 1 variety are those obtained from the root and stem, although the concentrations with the best influence on both indicators are 1 and 3 of the root extracts. Differences in the richness of chemical families were verified in the extracts with the best results, although the best composition was obtained in those of the root and stem, showing the presence of free amino acids in all cases. Cleome viscosa is promising for obtaining products with a biostimulant effect on the varieties of pepper studied, obtaining a better effect when root, stem and whole plant extracts are applied

    Plant Diversity Study on Four Suburban Farms in Santiago de Cuba

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the diversity behavior of plants grown on four suburban farms in the province of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Lots of 100 m2 were made for species count. After identification, a floristic list was made. The plants within the same taxonomic category were counted, and the botanical composition was evaluated based on the number of individuals, family, genuses, and species. The group abundance criterion was used to include food plant species, and ecosystem, ornamental, and medicinal services, which were calculated as diversity indicators of alpha diversity (S), Berger-Parker Dominance (d), and general diversity (Shannon H´). For the Beta diversity, the Jaccard index (Ji), Sorenson index (SSi), and Ecological Dependence (ED) were taken into consideration. A total of 39 269 individuals from 45 families, 72 genuses, and 87 species were identified. The botanical composition varied, with an increasing tendency in the number of individuals of the ornamental and medicinal species; the most numerous families were Asteraceae, Leguminosae, Musaceae, Poaceae and Solanaceae. The alpha diversity underwent an increase from one season to another, with values within the set range for each indicator, except for the Shannon H´ index on La Caballería Farm in both periods. The similitude moved between low and dissimilitude, which evidenced the presence of very specific species adapted to the particular environmental conditions of each place

    Diversidad de plantas objeto de cultivo en cuatro fincas de la agricultura suburbana de Santiago de Cuba

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the diversity behavior of plants grown on four suburban farms in the province of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Lots of 100 m2 were made for species count. After identification, a floristic list was made. The plants within the same taxonomic category were counted, and the botanical composition was evaluated based on the number of individuals, family, genuses, and species. The group abundance criterion was used to include food plant species, and ecosystem, ornamental, and medicinal services, which were calculated as diversity indicators of alpha diversity (S), Berger-Parker Dominance (d), and general diversity (Shannon H´). For the Beta diversity, the Jaccard index (Ji), Sorenson index (SSi), and Ecological Dependence (ED) were taken into consideration. A total of 39 269 individuals from 45 families, 72 genuses, and 87 species were identified. The botanical composition varied, with an increasing tendency in the number of individuals of the ornamental and medicinal species; the most numerous families were Asteraceae, Leguminosae, Musaceae, Poaceae and Solanaceae. The alpha diversity underwent an increase from one season to another, with values within the set range for each indicator, except for the Shannon H´ index on La Caballería Farm in both periods. The similitude moved between low and dissimilitude, which evidenced the presence of very specific species adapted to the particular environmental conditions of each placeEl trabajo se realizó con el objetivo evaluar el comportamiento de la diversidad de plantas objeto cultivo en cuatro fincas de la agricultura suburbana de Santiago de Cuba. Se levantaron parcelas con una dimensión de 100 m2 para el conteo de las especies presentes en el área. Identificadas las especies se elaboró un listado florístico. Se contabilizaron aquellas que pertenecieron a una misma categoría taxonómica y se procedió a la evaluación de la composición botánica considerando número de individuos, familia, géneros y especies. Con el criterio de abundancia de grupo considerando especies para la alimentación y servicios ecosistémicos, ornamentales y medicinales, se calcularon como indicadores de diversidad Alfa Riqueza de especies (S), Dominancia de Berger-Parker (d) y Diversidad general (Shannon H´). En el caso de la diversidad Beta se tuvieron en cuenta los índices de Jaccard (Ij), Sorenson (Iss) y Subordinación Ecológica (SE). Se registraron 39 269 individuos pertenecientes a 45 familias, 72 géneros y 87 especies. La composición botánica mostró variación con tendencia al aumento del número de individuos en las especies ornamentales y medicinales siendo Asteraceae, Leguminosae, Musaceae, Poaceae y Solanaceae las familias botánicas más representadas. La diversidad alfa evidenció un aumento de una temporada a la otra con valores dentro del rango establecido para cada indicador excepto para el índice de Shannon H´ en la finca La Caballería en ambos períodos. La similitud osciló entre baja y la disimilitud lo que evidencia la presencia de especies muy específicas adaptadas a las condiciones ambientales de cada lugar. ABSTRACT This aim of this paper was to evaluate the diversity behavior of plants grown on four suburban farms in the province of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. The lots were raised 100 m2 for species count. After species identification, a floristic list was made. The plants within the same taxonomic category  were counted, and botanical composition was evaluated, considering the number of individuals, family, genuses, and species. The group abundance criterion was used to include species for consumption and ecosystem, ornamental, and medicinal services. They were calculated as diversity indicators Alpha Richness (S), Berger-Parker Dominance (d), and general diversity (Shannon H´). For the Beta diversity, the Jaccard index (Ji), Sorenson index (SSi), and Ecologic Subordination (ES) were taken into consideration. The botanical composition varied, with a tendency to increase the number of individuals of the ornamental and medicinal species; the most numerous families were Asteraceae, Leguminosae, Musaceae, Poaceae and Solanaceae. Alpha diversity underwent an increase from one season to another, with values within the set range for each indicator, except for the Shannon H´ index on La Caballería Farm in both periods. The similarity moved between low and dissimilarity, which evidences the presence of very specific species adapted to the particular environmental conditions of each place

    Diversidad de plantas objeto de cultivo en cuatro fincas de la agricultura suburbana de Santiago de Cuba

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    El trabajo se realizó con el objetivo evaluar el comportamiento de la diversidad de plantas objeto cultivo en cuatro fincas de la agricultura suburbana de Santiago de Cuba. Se levantaron parcelas con una dimensión de 100 m2 para el conteo de las especies presentes en el área. Identificadas las especies se elaboró un listado florístico. Se contabilizaron aquellas que pertenecieron a una misma categoría taxonómica y se procedió a la evaluación de la composición botánica considerando número de individuos, familia, géneros y especies. Con el criterio de abundancia de grupo considerando especies para la alimentación y servicios ecosistémicos, ornamentales y medicinales, se calcularon como indicadores de diversidad Alfa Riqueza de especies (S), Dominancia de Berger-Parker (d) y Diversidad general (Shannon H´). En el caso de la diversidad Beta se tuvieron en cuenta los índices de Jaccard (Ij), Sorenson (Iss) y Subordinación Ecológica (SE). Se registraron 39 269 individuos pertenecientes a 45 familias, 72 géneros y 87 especies. La composición botánica mostró variación con tendencia al aumento del número de individuos en las especies ornamentales y medicinales siendo Asteraceae, Leguminosae, Musaceae, Poaceae y Solanaceae las familias botánicas más representadas. La diversidad alfa evidenció un aumento de una temporada a la otra con valores dentro del rango establecido para cada indicador excepto para el índice de Shannon H´ en la finca La Caballería en ambos períodos. La similitud osciló entre baja y la disimilitud lo que evidencia la presencia de especies muy específicas adaptadas a las condiciones ambientales de cada lugar

    Diversidad de especies vegetales en fincas de la agricultura suburbana en Santiago de Cuba

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    La investigación tuvo lugar con el objetivo evaluar el comportamiento de la diversidad de especies arvenses y arbóreas y arbustivas en cuatro fincas de la agricultura suburbana de Santiago de Cuba. Se delimitaron parcelas de 100 m2 para el conteo de las especies presentes en el área. Identificadas las especies se elaboró un listado florístico y se calcularon los indicadores de diversidad Alfa Riqueza de especies (S), Dominancia (Simpson D) y Diversidad general (Shannon H´). En el caso de la diversidad Beta se tuvieron en cuenta los índices de Jaccard (Ij), Morisita-Horn (IM-H) y Subordinación Ecológica (SE). Se registraron62 509 individuos pertenecientes a 65 familias, 154 géneros y 183 especies. Para ambos grupos de especies los indicadores de diversidad Alfa mostraron una tendencia al aumento de un período al otro con valores dentro del rango establecido para cada indicador, excepto para la finca La Caballería donde el índice de Shannon H´  no estuvo dentro del establecido para una correcta diversidad y abundancia en la época poco lluviosa. Los indicadores de la diversidad Beta arrojaron disimilitud entre las muestras que se comparan lo que evidencia la presencia de especies específicas adaptadas a las condiciones ambientales del lugar.Plant diversity on farm of sub urban agriculture in Santiago de Cuba.  ABSTRACTThe research was carried out to   evaluate the performance of the diversity of weeds and tree and shrub species in four farms of suburban agriculture Santiago de Cuba. Plots of 100 m2 were sampled for counting the species. Identified plant species  list was developed and diversity indicators were calculated alfa (α) species richness (S), Dominance (Simpson D) and General Diversity (Shannon H'). In the case of the beta (β) diversity indices Jaccard (Ij), Morisita-Horn (IM-H) and Subordination Environment (SE) were taken into account. 62 509 individuals belonging to 65 families, 154 genera and 183 species were recorded. For both groups of species diversity indicators Alfa showed an increasing trend from one period to another with values within the range established for each indicator, except for the farm La Caballería where Shannon index H 'was not within the set for a correct diversity and abundance in the dry season. Beta indicators of diversity threw similarity between compared samples which showed the presence of specific species adapted to environmental conditions

    Salud ambiental, costos de salud y percepción de riesgos ambientales en el Consejo Popular El Valle, Bayamo

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    The environmental health includes those aspects of the human health which are determined by physical environmental factors, chemical, biological and social. In this work was evaluated the population´s perception of that problem in one popular council at Bayamo city, about its community actions and its effects in the human health, united with the cost´s analysis that gravitates over the health system for these causes. The Popular council “El Valle” in Bayamo Municipality has several economic and social activities that make impacts in environment through its activities like: cafeterias, shops, bushier, gastronomical units, bakers, agricultural markets, four educational centers, 25 family´s medical consultations, one polyclinic, one optical center, and one pharmacy,  furthermore there are 7074 living units occupied with 18 996 peoples. Are shown data in relation with contaminant focuses in waters and airs and the presence of vectors in relation with human diseases like cholera, dengue, and parasitism and breath´s chronically diseases. Added to said before, it mean the cost´s analysis of medicines, consultations, sputa´s proofs, feces proofs, and social security payment. There is a low risk perception by population in general. Is recommended to take place an action plan where the environmental education becomes to basically tool to improve the situation of water´s and residual´s treatment in order to improve the environmental health in this popular council.La salud ambiental comprende aquellos aspectos de la salud humana que son determinados por factores ambientales físicos, químicos, biológicos y sociales. En este trabajo se evaluó la percepción que tiene la población de un consejo popular bayamés acerca de su accionar en la comunidad y su efecto en la salud ambiental, unido a un análisis de costos que gravitan al sistema de salud por estas causas. El Consejo Popular El Valle del municipio Bayamo posee entidades económicas y sociales que impactan en el medio ambiente a través de sus actividades, se destacan: cafeterías, bodegas, carnicerías, unidades de gastronomía, panaderías, mercados agropecuarios, cuatro centros educacionales, 25 consultorios del médico de la familia, un policlínico, una óptica y una farmacia, además de 7074 unidades de alojamiento donde residen 18996 personas. Se presentan datos relacionados con focos contaminantes de agua y aire y presencia de vectores en relación con enfermedades relacionadas con la salud ambiental como: dengue, cólera, parasitismo e infecciones respiratorias agudas. Se une a lo anterior el análisis de costos por concepto de medicamentos, consultas, pruebas de esputo, heces fecales y pago de la seguridad social. La percepción de riesgo de la población en general es baja. Se recomienda llevar a cabo un plan de acción donde la educación ambiental sea una herramienta básica en aras de mejorar la situación del tratamiento del agua y los residuales hacia la mejora de la salud ambiental del consejo popular

    Application of earthworm humus and Bradyrhizobium japonicum in Glycine max (L.) Merrill

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    The experiment was developed in the Granma University's productive area, with the objective of evaluating the alone and combined earthworm humus application effect with Bradyrhizobium japonicum on G7R-315 variety soybean cultivation. Six treatments were evaluated: T1 Control, T2 B. japonicum, T3 earthworm humus (6 t ha-1), T4 B. japonicum + earthworm humus (6 t ha-1), T5 earthworm humus (8 t ha-1), T6 B. japonicum + earthworm humus (8 t ha-1) on a brown soil. A randomized block design was used with three replicas. The evaluated variables were: number per plant leguminous; weigh from 100 seeds and agricultural yield. The data obtained were processed by double classification variance analysis, applied a Turkey's multivariate statistical analysis. It was found that treatments that included the earthworm humus, the evaluated variables shown superior significantly results and it differed of the control treatment and to the aloneB. japonicum application

    Medicinal potentials of the weed flora in suburban farms of Santiago de Cuba

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    The objective of the work was to identify the medicinal potential of the existing weed flora in suburban farms of Santiago de Cuba taking into account the perception of the inhabitants of the communities near these productive systems. The study area was divided into four geographical zones according to the layout of the farms. An ethnobotanical study was carried out grouping the answers according to consensus among the informants. To some extent, 59 of the weed species are used as medicinal. Roots and leaves are the most commonly used (decoction) organs, attributing anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic and anticatarral effects

    Productive response of Glycine max to different doses of organic fertilizers in Cambisol soil

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    To know the effects of different doses of earthworm humus and bovine manure on the main performance indicators of the soybean crop, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, variety Incasoy-27, an experiment was developed in the spring season (April -July 2012) on a Cambisol soil of the Bayamo municipality. In harvest maturity a sample of 10 plants per plot was taken and were evaluated the following indicators: number of pods per plant, number of grains per plant, weight of 100 seeds (g) and agricultural yield was estimated (t ha-1). The data were processed by analysis of variance of double classification and, in case of significant difference between treatments; the Tukey test was used in the comparison of the means. The results showed a positive effect of the different doses of both fertilizers applied, reflected in the yield and its components, highlighting the earthworm humus in the dose of 6 t ha-1 with increases of the yield of 1.77 t ha-1 respect to the control