5 research outputs found

    Figure 11 from: Yiu V, Jeng M-L (2018) Oculogryphus chenghoiyanae sp. n. (Coleoptera, Lampyridae): a new ototretine firefly from Hong Kong with descriptions of its bioluminescent behavior and ultraviolet-induced fluorescence in females. ZooKeys 739: 65-78. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.739.21502

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    The first Oculogryphus species with associated males and female was found in Hong Kong and is described as new: O. chenghoiyanae sp. n. Adults of both sexes were collected live in the field and their bioluminescent behavior is reported for the first time in the genus. The captive males emit weak and continuous light from a pair of light spots on abdominal ventrite 6 or do so when disturbed. The larviform (highly paedomorphic) females can glow brightly from a pair of light-emitting organs on the abdomen. The females of Oculogryphus and Stenocladius are to date the only documented representatives of paedomorphism in ototretine fireflies. The finding is consistent with the evidence from male morphology and bioluminescent behavior, supporting the close relationship between the two genera. A key to the Oculogryphus species is provided. The Oculogryphus females can fluoresce with a blue-green light through the whole body under ultraviolet illumination, a phenomenon reported in the Lampyridae for the first time. The co-occurrence of bioluminescence and fluorescence is rare in terrestrial ecosystems, previously known only in some millipedes (Diplopoda). The fluorescence and bioluminescence abilities of Oculogryphus females are functionally independent: abdominal light-emitting organs producing bright yellowish green light while the body wall fluoresces with blue-green light. In contrast, fluorescence and bioluminescence in millipedes are biochemically linked, like in some jellyfish (Cnidaria: Medusozoa)

    Oculogryphus chenghoiyanae sp. n. (Coleoptera, Lampyridae): a new ototretine firefly from Hong Kong with descriptions of its bioluminescent behavior and ultraviolet-induced fluorescence in females

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    The first Oculogryphus species with associated males and female was found in Hong Kong and is described as new: O. chenghoiyanae sp. n. Adults of both sexes were collected live in the field and their bioluminescent behavior is reported for the first time in the genus. The captive males emit weak and continuous light from a pair of light spots on abdominal ventrite 6 or do so when disturbed. The larviform (highly paedomorphic) females can glow brightly from a pair of light-emitting organs on the abdomen. The females of Oculogryphus and Stenocladius are to date the only documented representatives of paedomorphism in ototretine fireflies. The finding is consistent with the evidence from male morphology and bioluminescent behavior, supporting the close relationship between the two genera. A key to the Oculogryphus species is provided. The Oculogryphus females can fluoresce with a blue-green light through the whole body under ultraviolet illumination, a phenomenon reported in the Lampyridae for the first time. The co-occurrence of bioluminescence and fluorescence is rare in terrestrial ecosystems, previously known only in some millipedes (Diplopoda). The fluorescence and bioluminescence abilities of Oculogryphus females are functionally independent: abdominal light-emitting organs producing bright yellowish green light while the body wall fluoresces with blue-green light. In contrast, fluorescence and bioluminescence in millipedes are biochemically linked, like in some jellyfish (Cnidaria: Medusozoa)


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    Key to species of <i>Pteroptyx</i> from SE Asia using males <p>(Figs 7–32)</p> <p> 1. Light organ in V7 entire; flanges present on ventral surface of tergite 8; MFC absent; aedeagal sheath lacking paraprocts; lateral lobes of aedeagus separated for most of their dorsal length; having orange pronotum and dark brown elytra............................................................................................................ <i>amilae</i> Satô</p> <p>- Light organ in V7 bipartite; flanges usually absent on the ventral surface of tergite 8; MFC present (e.g. Fig. 22); aedeagal sheath with paraprocts (Figs 15, 16); lateral lobes of aedeagus separated along their dorsal length for less than half their length (Fig. 14); colour often pale brownish yellow with black elytral apices...................................................... 2</p> <p> 2. V7 with slender incurving hair bearing lobes along its posterior margin between PLP and MPP (arrowed in Figs 9, 10); LOs in V7 restricted to very small anterolateral plaques; PLP of V7 narrowed and considerably produced beyond the posterior margin of the MPP; T8 prolonged apically beyond MPP with margins converging posteriorly (Figs 9, 10)......... <i>macdermotti</i> McLean</p> <p>- V7 lacking slender incurving hair bearing lobes along its posterior margin between PLP and MPP of that ventrite; LOs in V7 never restricted to very small anterolateral plaques; if posterolateral processes of V7 narrowed then not produced far beyond the posterior margin of MPP if at all; T8 not as above.............................................................. 3</p> <p>3. Tergite 8 bearing slender elongate lobes along its posterior margin to either side of the posterior median emargination (Figs 7, 13); flanges on ventral surface of tergite 8 absent; basitarsi of legs 2 excavated in its inner margin (Fig. 11)............... 4</p> <p>- Tergite 8 lacking slender elongate lobes along its posterior margin to either side of the median posterior emargination (e.g. Figs 8, 17, 19, 24); flanges may be present on ventral surface of tergite 8............................................... 7</p> <p> 4. Posterior margin of tergite 8 strongly asymmetrical especially when viewed from above; posterior margin of tergite 7 broadly and shallowly emarginate; elytral apices broadly rounded (C> A or B); all FS simple; posterolateral corners of V7 produced and rounded............................................................................. <i>asymmetria</i> Ballantyne</p> <p> - Posterior margin of tergite 8 symmetrical or nearly so (Figs 7, 19, 24); if any asymmetry present this is in the paired lobes arising at each side of the median posterior emargination, and not an asymmetry of the entire posterior margin; elytral apices rounded or margin B obliquely truncate; flagellar segment 1 slightly expanded in median area in <i>decolor</i>; posterolateral corners of V7 produced and rounded, or not produced and angulate; posterior margin of tergite 8 deeply emarginated in middle area with posterolateral corners produced and rounded, or barely and very narrowly emarginated in median line only..................... 5</p> <p> 5. Posterolateral processes of V 7 angulate, not or scarcely produced posteriorly (Figs 7, 12); posterior margin of V7 between PLP and MPP slightly sinuate; posterior margin of T7 with narrowed angulate corners and a small shallow median emargination (margin appears trisinuate); elytral apices obliquely truncate across most of their anterior (outer) margin (C)...... <i>tener</i> Olivier</p> <p>- Posterolateral processes of V7 rounded obtuse, and produced posteriorly; posterior margin of V7 between PLP and MPP with moderately deep and rounded emarginations; posterior margin of tergite 7 deeply emarginated in middle area with posterolateral corners produced and rounded; posterior margin of T7 not appearing trisinuate; elytral apices C rounded or truncate......... 6</p> <p> 6. Dorsal surface entirely pale coloured except for dark markings at tip of elytra, head and anterior margin of scape pale yellow with labrum dark brown; elytral apices rounded.................................................... <i>decolor</i> Olivier</p> <p> - Elytra pale brown, semitransparent, with lateral margin paler than rest; if elytra pale then at least base and apex brown; head pale brown, with labrum slightly darker; elytral apex B obliquely truncate................................ <i>similis</i> Ballantyne</p> <p> 7. Deflexed elytral apex shortened (wider than long) (Fig. 23); tibiae 3 not expanded; basitarsi 3 not swollen; fine ventrally directed flanges on ventral surface of tergite 8 absent; PLP separated from MPP by moderately deep circular emarginations (Fig. 18); apices of PLP broad, flat, slightly obliquely truncate; posterior margin of T7 not emarginated and posterolateral corners not produced; lateral margins of tergite 8 rounded.................................................... <i>truncata</i> Ballantyne</p> <p>- Deflexed elytral apex not shortened (i.e. about as wide as long); tibiae 3 often expanded at apex and basitarsi 3 may be swollen (Fig. 26); fine ventrally directed flanges may be present on the ventral surface of tergite 8 (Fig. 17); PLP separated from MPP by moderately deep circular emarginations or not; apices of PLP sometimes flat, slightly obliquely truncate; posterior margin of T7 usually emarginated and posterolateral corners produced; lateral margins of tergite 8 rounded or straight and converging anteriorly..................................................................................................8</p> <p> 8. Posterior end of elytra dimpled (Figs 20, 21); wide deep emarginations separating elongate narrow PLP from MPP; apices of PLP narrow and rounded; posterolateral corners of T8 angulate and lateral margins converge anteriorly; posterolateral corners of T7 narrowed and may project and are often visible from beneath in the emarginations between PLP and MPP (Fig. 19)............................................................................................ <i>gelasina</i> Ballantyne</p> <p>- Posterior end of elytra not dimpled; either wide emarginations separating elongate PLP from MPP, or emarginations scarce; apices of PLP often slightly oblique, or PLP broadly rounded and scarcely produced; posterolateral corners of T8 angulate and lateral margins converge anteriorly or corners and lateral margins rounded; posterolateral corners of T7 not usually visible from beneath in the emarginations between PLP and MPP........................................................... 9</p> <p>9. Posterolateral corners of V7 rounded or angulate, scarcely produced; MPP of V7 broad and apex almost squarely truncate or slightly rounded in ventral view and perpendicular to horizontal plane; median dorsal surface of MPP may be narrowly prolonged and apically emarginated.......................................................................... 10</p> <p> - PLP of V7 elongate, longer than wide, produced and apically obliquely truncated; MPP of V7 narrower and apex emarginated (emargination visible from beneath); median dorsal surface of MPP not developed (Figs 24, 25)........................................................................................... <i>masatakai</i> Kawashima, <i>malaccae</i> (Gorham) 1</p> <p> 10 Dorsal surface of MPP of V7 strongly prolonged and apically narrowly emarginated......................................................................... <i>sulawesiensis</i> Kawashima; <i>valida</i> Olivier <b>sensu</b> Ballantyne (2001 Group 2:81) 2</p> <p>- Dorsal surface of MPP either lacking a median posterior projection or with a slight projection......................... 11</p> <p> 11. Elytral apices strongly deflexed (Fig. 32); posterior margin of outer area of elytral apex grooved; LO in V7 well separated in the middle (Figs 27, 31)............................................ <i>valida</i> Olivier <b>sensu</b> Ballantyne (2001) Groups 1, 3 3</p> <p> - Elytral apices not strongly deflexed (Fig. 2); posterior margin of outer area of elytral apex not grooved; LO in V7 contiguous in the middle (Fig. 2)........................................................................... <i>maipo</i> <b>sp. nov.</b></p>Published as part of <i>Ballantyne, Lesley, Fu, Xin Hua, Shih, Chun-Hat, Cheng, Chui-Yu & Yiu, Vor, 2011, Pteroptyx maipo Ballantyne, a new species of bent-winged firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) from Hong Kong, and its relevance to firefly biology and conservation, pp. 8-34 in Zootaxa 2931</i> on pages 11-12, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/278036">10.5281/zenodo.278036</a&gt