

Key to species of <i>Pteroptyx</i> from SE Asia using males <p>(Figs 7–32)</p> <p> 1. Light organ in V7 entire; flanges present on ventral surface of tergite 8; MFC absent; aedeagal sheath lacking paraprocts; lateral lobes of aedeagus separated for most of their dorsal length; having orange pronotum and dark brown elytra............................................................................................................ <i>amilae</i> Satô</p> <p>- Light organ in V7 bipartite; flanges usually absent on the ventral surface of tergite 8; MFC present (e.g. Fig. 22); aedeagal sheath with paraprocts (Figs 15, 16); lateral lobes of aedeagus separated along their dorsal length for less than half their length (Fig. 14); colour often pale brownish yellow with black elytral apices...................................................... 2</p> <p> 2. V7 with slender incurving hair bearing lobes along its posterior margin between PLP and MPP (arrowed in Figs 9, 10); LOs in V7 restricted to very small anterolateral plaques; PLP of V7 narrowed and considerably produced beyond the posterior margin of the MPP; T8 prolonged apically beyond MPP with margins converging posteriorly (Figs 9, 10)......... <i>macdermotti</i> McLean</p> <p>- V7 lacking slender incurving hair bearing lobes along its posterior margin between PLP and MPP of that ventrite; LOs in V7 never restricted to very small anterolateral plaques; if posterolateral processes of V7 narrowed then not produced far beyond the posterior margin of MPP if at all; T8 not as above.............................................................. 3</p> <p>3. Tergite 8 bearing slender elongate lobes along its posterior margin to either side of the posterior median emargination (Figs 7, 13); flanges on ventral surface of tergite 8 absent; basitarsi of legs 2 excavated in its inner margin (Fig. 11)............... 4</p> <p>- Tergite 8 lacking slender elongate lobes along its posterior margin to either side of the median posterior emargination (e.g. Figs 8, 17, 19, 24); flanges may be present on ventral surface of tergite 8............................................... 7</p> <p> 4. Posterior margin of tergite 8 strongly asymmetrical especially when viewed from above; posterior margin of tergite 7 broadly and shallowly emarginate; elytral apices broadly rounded (C> A or B); all FS simple; posterolateral corners of V7 produced and rounded............................................................................. <i>asymmetria</i> Ballantyne</p> <p> - Posterior margin of tergite 8 symmetrical or nearly so (Figs 7, 19, 24); if any asymmetry present this is in the paired lobes arising at each side of the median posterior emargination, and not an asymmetry of the entire posterior margin; elytral apices rounded or margin B obliquely truncate; flagellar segment 1 slightly expanded in median area in <i>decolor</i>; posterolateral corners of V7 produced and rounded, or not produced and angulate; posterior margin of tergite 8 deeply emarginated in middle area with posterolateral corners produced and rounded, or barely and very narrowly emarginated in median line only..................... 5</p> <p> 5. Posterolateral processes of V 7 angulate, not or scarcely produced posteriorly (Figs 7, 12); posterior margin of V7 between PLP and MPP slightly sinuate; posterior margin of T7 with narrowed angulate corners and a small shallow median emargination (margin appears trisinuate); elytral apices obliquely truncate across most of their anterior (outer) margin (C)...... <i>tener</i> Olivier</p> <p>- Posterolateral processes of V7 rounded obtuse, and produced posteriorly; posterior margin of V7 between PLP and MPP with moderately deep and rounded emarginations; posterior margin of tergite 7 deeply emarginated in middle area with posterolateral corners produced and rounded; posterior margin of T7 not appearing trisinuate; elytral apices C rounded or truncate......... 6</p> <p> 6. Dorsal surface entirely pale coloured except for dark markings at tip of elytra, head and anterior margin of scape pale yellow with labrum dark brown; elytral apices rounded.................................................... <i>decolor</i> Olivier</p> <p> - Elytra pale brown, semitransparent, with lateral margin paler than rest; if elytra pale then at least base and apex brown; head pale brown, with labrum slightly darker; elytral apex B obliquely truncate................................ <i>similis</i> Ballantyne</p> <p> 7. Deflexed elytral apex shortened (wider than long) (Fig. 23); tibiae 3 not expanded; basitarsi 3 not swollen; fine ventrally directed flanges on ventral surface of tergite 8 absent; PLP separated from MPP by moderately deep circular emarginations (Fig. 18); apices of PLP broad, flat, slightly obliquely truncate; posterior margin of T7 not emarginated and posterolateral corners not produced; lateral margins of tergite 8 rounded.................................................... <i>truncata</i> Ballantyne</p> <p>- Deflexed elytral apex not shortened (i.e. about as wide as long); tibiae 3 often expanded at apex and basitarsi 3 may be swollen (Fig. 26); fine ventrally directed flanges may be present on the ventral surface of tergite 8 (Fig. 17); PLP separated from MPP by moderately deep circular emarginations or not; apices of PLP sometimes flat, slightly obliquely truncate; posterior margin of T7 usually emarginated and posterolateral corners produced; lateral margins of tergite 8 rounded or straight and converging anteriorly..................................................................................................8</p> <p> 8. Posterior end of elytra dimpled (Figs 20, 21); wide deep emarginations separating elongate narrow PLP from MPP; apices of PLP narrow and rounded; posterolateral corners of T8 angulate and lateral margins converge anteriorly; posterolateral corners of T7 narrowed and may project and are often visible from beneath in the emarginations between PLP and MPP (Fig. 19)............................................................................................ <i>gelasina</i> Ballantyne</p> <p>- Posterior end of elytra not dimpled; either wide emarginations separating elongate PLP from MPP, or emarginations scarce; apices of PLP often slightly oblique, or PLP broadly rounded and scarcely produced; posterolateral corners of T8 angulate and lateral margins converge anteriorly or corners and lateral margins rounded; posterolateral corners of T7 not usually visible from beneath in the emarginations between PLP and MPP........................................................... 9</p> <p>9. Posterolateral corners of V7 rounded or angulate, scarcely produced; MPP of V7 broad and apex almost squarely truncate or slightly rounded in ventral view and perpendicular to horizontal plane; median dorsal surface of MPP may be narrowly prolonged and apically emarginated.......................................................................... 10</p> <p> - PLP of V7 elongate, longer than wide, produced and apically obliquely truncated; MPP of V7 narrower and apex emarginated (emargination visible from beneath); median dorsal surface of MPP not developed (Figs 24, 25)........................................................................................... <i>masatakai</i> Kawashima, <i>malaccae</i> (Gorham) 1</p> <p> 10 Dorsal surface of MPP of V7 strongly prolonged and apically narrowly emarginated......................................................................... <i>sulawesiensis</i> Kawashima; <i>valida</i> Olivier <b>sensu</b> Ballantyne (2001 Group 2:81) 2</p> <p>- Dorsal surface of MPP either lacking a median posterior projection or with a slight projection......................... 11</p> <p> 11. Elytral apices strongly deflexed (Fig. 32); posterior margin of outer area of elytral apex grooved; LO in V7 well separated in the middle (Figs 27, 31)............................................ <i>valida</i> Olivier <b>sensu</b> Ballantyne (2001) Groups 1, 3 3</p> <p> - Elytral apices not strongly deflexed (Fig. 2); posterior margin of outer area of elytral apex not grooved; LO in V7 contiguous in the middle (Fig. 2)........................................................................... <i>maipo</i> <b>sp. nov.</b></p>Published as part of <i>Ballantyne, Lesley, Fu, Xin Hua, Shih, Chun-Hat, Cheng, Chui-Yu & Yiu, Vor, 2011, Pteroptyx maipo Ballantyne, a new species of bent-winged firefly (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) from Hong Kong, and its relevance to firefly biology and conservation, pp. 8-34 in Zootaxa 2931</i> on pages 11-12, DOI: <a href="">10.5281/zenodo.278036</a&gt

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