21 research outputs found

    Normative-legal mechanism of state management of vocational (voation-and-technical) education’s development: historical retrospective

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    У статті наведено періодизацію розвитку професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти в Україні, визначено особливості використання інструментарію державного управління на кожному з етапів її розвитку; розглянуто потенціали нормативно-правового механізму державного управління у формуванні сучасної системи професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти незалежної України.The article contains periodization of vocational (vocation-and-technical) educa-tion’s development in Ukraine, there are determined peculiarities of applying state man-agement instruments on each stage in its development; potential of normative-legal mechanism of state management in respect of forming a modern system of vocational (vocation-and-technical) education of independent Ukraine is viewed

    Study on viscosity reduction mechanism of warm-mixed rubber modified asphalt: A green sustainable perspective

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    Owing to the large viscosity and mixing temperature of crumb rubber modified asphalt (CRMA), possesses high construction costs, the addition of warm-mix agent can reduce the viscosity and mixing temperature of CRMA. In this study, the Sasobit or DWMA-1 warm-mix agent was added into CRMA to prepare the warm-mix crumb rubber modified asphalt (WRMA). Rotational viscosity (RV) measurement revealed that viscosity of WRMA reduced significantly with the increasing temperature. Dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) showed that Sasobit and DWMA-1 have similar effects on the viscoelasticity of WRMA at the actual pavement temperature (64 °C). Phase separation test showed that the addition of warm-mix agent enlarged the softening point difference, and DWMA-1 had better anti-segregation effect than Sasobit. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses revealed that there was a chemical reaction after mixing the warm-mix agent and produced new functional groups at 1368 cm−1∼735 cm−1. Fluorescence microscope (FM) and polarizing microscope (PM) analyses indicated that warm-mix agents could improve the solubility between rubber and asphalt. DWMA-1 had a lesser impact on the surface roughness of WRMA compared to another warm-mix agent or composite agent. In addition, preparation method and viscosity reduction mechanism of WRMA was elaborated. This study could be of potential interest for engineering applications of WRMA

    Entwicklung eines Linearprüfstands für die Griffigkeitsuntersuchung im Labor

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    Entwicklung eines Linearprüfstands für die Griffigkeitsuntersuchung im Labor

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    Laboratory Study of Porous Asphalt Mixture Made with Rubber Bitumen

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    Laboratory Study of Porous Asphalt Mixture Made with Rubber Bitumen

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    Influence of Adhesion on the Tire-Road Friction Process Regarding Asphalt Type and Sliding Speed

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