579 research outputs found

    Toward Multi-Level, Multi-Theoretical Model Portfolios for Scientific Enterprise Workforce Dynamics

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    Development of theoretically sound methods and strategies for informed science and innovation policy analysis is critically important to each nation's ability to benefit from R&D investments. Gaining deeper insight into complex social processes that influence the growth and formation of scientific fields and development over time of a diverse workforce requires a systemic and holistic view. A research agenda for the development of rigorous complex adaptive systems models is examined to facilitate the study of incentives, strategies, mobility, and stability of the science-based innovation ecosystem, while examining implications for the sustainability of a diverse science enterprise.Agent-Based Model, Complexity, Innovation, Science Studies, Diversity

    The Gravel-Bed River Reach Properties Estimation in Bank Slope Modelling

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    Sediment Distribution of the River Boundary Layer

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    The movement of particles on the river boundary layer is a complexphenomena which can be never solved by a deterministic approach. Theunsteady non uniform conditions in flow boundary layer show the result ofwater surface and bed stream changing with time and location of particles.To determine the movement of boundary layer particles other new theoriesabout stochastic processes using the theory of probability and statistics inriver alluvial channels will give better results

    River Plume in Sediment-Laden Rivers

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    Fractal dimension, which is a measure for the degree of complexity or that of fractals, is given for the erosion and sedimentation of fluvial beds. An alternative to fractal dimension is ht-index, which quantifies complexity in a unique way while sediment particles begin to move if a situation is eventually reached when the hydrodynamic force exceeds a certain critical value. Back to question, the physical meaning of fractal dimension is that many natural and social phenomena are nonlinear rather than linear, and are fractal rather than Euclidean. We need a new paradigm for studying our surrounding phenomena, not Newtonian physics for simple systems, but complexity theory for complex systems, not linear mathematics such as calculus, Gaussian statistics, and Euclidean geometry, but online mathematics including fractal geometry, chaos theory, and complexity science in general

    General Hydraulic Geometry

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    Employing bed load formulae hydraulic geometry relations were derived for stream width, meander wave length, and bed slope. The relations are in terms of friction factor, bed load discharge, bed load diameter, and water discharge. The bed load formulae are those of Engelund and Hansen (1966) [1], Einstein (1950) [2], Shields (1936) [3], and Meyer-Peter and Muller (1948) [4]

    Empirical Studies in Alluvial Streams

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    Meander flow takes place in one single channel which oscillates more orless regularly with amplitudes that tend to increase with time. Meandersare found in beds of fine sediments with gentle slopes. In this study, effortwill be made to investigate meanders’ turbulent boundary layer and toimprove the present knowledge about the river meandering phenomena. Itis assumed that the development of the perturbations which develop intomeanders or braids, is longer than the width of the channel. Interaction between the flow and mobile boundaries produces channel patterns which areclassified as meandering or braided. It is therefore long compared with theripples or dunes which cover the bed of such a channel and whose wavelength is shorter than the width of the channel. The variation of resistance toflow and rate of transport of bed material with velocity are discussed brieflyand taken into account. Meander flow and meander shear stress distribution of the channel are described. The basis is a steady, two-dimensionalmodel of flow in an alluvial channel with variable curvature. The meanderdevelopment is described by forcing a travelling, small-amplitude channelalignment wave on the system, and determining the growth characteristicsof the wave. Laboratory data are used to verify the formulas

    Applications in New River-meander Model

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    If the sediment transport behaves as bed-load, the sediment surface at meandering channel will deform into transverse waves.This investigation is a new model for prediction of river-meander models in nature.The aim of this research is to give a precise method whose bed forms can have a variety of scales ranging from ripples through small dunes to fully developed dunes or sandwaves.Its mathematical model will be investigated

    Development of River Meander Model

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    In the studies of open-channel flow with suspended sediments, used aconstant of Von Karman κ in a model for velocity profile. The augmentation parameters have been added by various researchers in more recentdevelopment of the boundary-layer theory of meander development. In thisresearch new parameters will be included because of the existence of theturbulent flow region in meandering channels because of boundary-layertheory

    Formation the Capitalist Economy Perspective of the Turkish Conservative

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    Turkey's modernization process can be traced back to the mid-18th century. Turkey is precisely in this process (since the early 19th century) began to enter into an intense relationship with the capitalist countries. However, this form of relationship develops within the framework of unilateral dependence. These relations transformed with the Republic Revolution; new Turkey's relations with the capitalist countries, has established within the framework of the modern rules. Conservative thinking has also been heavily influenced by these historical conditions. In Turkey, we can talk about two central conservative veins, which developed in the 100 to 150 years: The center-right that adopts the rules of capitalism and the radicals against capitalism

    Discussion at Maximum Sediment Discharge Theory

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    It is observed the gravel river sediment discharge with existing empiricalregime relationships. The aim of the research is to give a mathematicalmodel about the stable cross-section geometry and to determine a modelfor the stable slope of an alluvial channel which is in nature seldom stable.In an alluvial channel to reach an equilibrium condition, it changes its planegeometry until to have a stable condition in plane configuration. There arethree different parameters in plan configuration about river behavior: width,depth and slope