22 research outputs found

    Alışveriş davranışlarının algılanmasına cinsiyet faktörünün rolü

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Neden ah~veri~ yapanz?" Bu soruya herkes farkh cevaplar verec:ektir. <;:iinkii ah~veri~lYapmak herkes isoin farkh anlamlar taw. Tiiketici davranI~lan iizerinde yapilan soah~malardan en sook ilgisoeken yonlerden biri de ah~veri~te kadm ve erkek analizleridir. Ah~veri~, kadlll ve erkekler isoin farkhanlamlara geldigi gibi degi~ik ya~ ve degi~ik gelir gruplan isoindeki insanlar isoinde farkh anlamlar ifadeetmektedir.Bu soah~manm amaCl, ah~veri~ davralll~lannlll algllanmasmda cinsiyet faktOriiniin rolUnii saptamak veah~veri~ olgusuna bal(J~ta kadlllla.rla erkekler arasmda ne!iir farkhhklar oldugunu ortaya koymaktlr. Bubaglamda soah~mmlln amasolanlll ~u ~ekilde ifade etmek miimkiindiir:a) Batm alma davralll~lannda kadllliarla erkeklerin farkhhklan nelerdir?b) Kadmlar, ah~veri~te kendilerini ve erkekleri nasil goriiyorlar?c) Erkekler, ah~veri~te kendilerini ve kadlllian nasll gorUyorlar?Bu sorulann cevaplanmaslllda anket yontemi kullanIlml~tJr. Anket sorulannda ki~ilere kendiah~veri~ davral1l~lannm yanlllda kadllliann ve erkelderin genel ah~veri~ davranI~lan ile ilgilisorular yoneltilerek ah~veri~e bakl~ asoilan saptanmaya soah~ilml~tlr. Ki~ilerin ya~, meslek, gelirgibi demografik ozelIiklerin ah~veri~ davranI~lanna etkisi incelenmi~tir. Elde edilen bulgularsonucunda kadmlann ah~veri~ten tiiketimin aynlmaz bir parsoasl oldugu, milk satm alma kararlarlllsoogunun kadmlar tarafmdan verildigi ortaya SOlkml~tJr. Bunda en biiyiik etkenin de kadmlann artlktoplum isoindeki roliiniin yava~ yava~ degi~meye ba~lamasl oldugu goriiliiyor. Ancak ara~tJrmadanSOlkan en onemli sonuSO da kadllllarm ya~amlan degi~se de kadmlara ah~veri~ yapmaktan hiSOvazgesomeyecek gibi goriiniiyor. Dolaylslyla, kadmlar pazarlama aSOlsmdan farkh bir konumaotmiulmah ve pazarlamacilar kadllllan farkh segmentlere gore degerlendirmelidirler.Why do we buy?" Everyone answers this question differently because shopping means different.for everyone. One of the most interesting results in studies on consumer's behaviours is the analysisof male and female in shopping. Besides, consumer's behaviours can change in respect of old andprofile.The purpose ofthis study is to determine the role of gender in the perception of shoppingbehaviours. and to state what they consider while they are shopping.. In this way, the purpose of thisstudy;I. What are the different behaviours of male and female in shopping?2. How do women evaluate themselves and men in shopping?3. How do men evaluate themselves and women in shopping?The method of inquiry were used while these questions are answered. to determine point of view ofnale and female in shopping the questions related to themselves and the opposite sex's behaviourswere asked in the inquiry. Also the demographical characteristics as old, profession and consumerprofile are analyzed. As a result of the inquiry, it is clearly seen that women are an indispensable partpf shopping because it is decided usually by them. The most important factor in this result is thatfemale's role in the society is changing positively and slowly. Therefore, the result of the inquiryclearly shows that women don't give up buying although their standards of/ife change. The womenshould be considered differently in terms of marketing and experts should evaluate them in differentsegmentations

    Enhanced pi-back-donation resulting in the trans labilization of a pyridine ligand in an N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) Pd-II precatalyst: a case study

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    The molecular structure of the benzimidazol-2-ylidene-PdCl2-pyridine-type PEPPSI (pyridine-enhanced precatalyst, preparation, stabilization and initiation) complex {1,3-bis[2-(diisopropylamino) ethyl] benzimidazol-2-ylidene-kappa C-2}dichlorido(pyridine-kappa N) palladium(II), [PdCl2(C5H5N)(C23H40N4)], has been characterized by elemental analysis, IR and NMR spectroscopy, and natural bond orbital (NBO) and charge decomposition analysis (CDA). Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) searches were used to understand the structural characteristics of the PEPPSI complexes in comparison with the usual Nheterocyclic carbene (NHC) complexes. The presence of weak C-H center dot center dot center dot Cl-type hydrogen-bond and pi-pi stacking interactions between benzene rings were verified using NCI plots and Hirshfeld surface analysis. The preferred method in the CDA of PEPPSI complexes is to separate their geometries into only two fragments, i. e. the bulky NHC ligand and the remaining fragment. In this study, the geometry of the PEPPSI complex is separated into five fragments, namely benzimidazol-2-ylidene (Bimy), two chlorides, pyridine (Py) and the Pd II ion. Thus, the individual roles of the Pd atom and the Py ligand in the donation and back-donation mechanisms have been clearly revealed. The NHC ligand in the PEPPSI complex in this study acts as a strong pi-donor with a considerable amount of pi-back-donation from Pd to Ccarbene. The electron-poor character of Pd II is supported by pi-back-donation from the Pd centre and the weakness of the Pd-N(Py) bond. According to CSD searches, Bimy ligands in PEPPSI complexes have a stronger pi-donating ability than imidazol-2-ylidene ligands in PEPPSI complexes

    Yaşa bağlı maküla dejenerasyonu hastalarında fotodinamik tedavi sonuçları

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    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of photodynamic therapy in patients who had choroidal neovascularization due to agerelated macular degeneration (AMD). Materials and Methods: Data on 30 eyes of 30 patients were evaluated. Sixteen patients were men and 14 were women. Mean age was 68.4;plusmn;8.74 (47 to 81 years) years. Mean follow-up time was 15.7;plusmn;3.28 months (10-22 months). The patients;amp;#8217; best corrected visual acuities were measured by Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) chart number 2 and lesion types and the GLD of the lesions were measured by Topcon Image Net Fundus Camera. The indication for photodynamic therapy was based on the European Ophthalmology Society;amp;#8217;s criteria published in 2001. The patients were invited to undergo control examinations 1 week and 3 months after the therapy and thereafter every 3 months. In each control examination the best corrected visual acuity was checked by ETDRS chart, fundus examinations were performed and fundus photographs were recorded by fundus camera, and FFA examinations was performed, especially in the first and second controls. Results: After 2;plusmn;1.44 therapies (ranging from 1 to 5) 22 patients (73.3%) could have been treated, but 8 patients (27.7%) had persistent CNVs. There was no significant difference in visual loss between the two groups but the loss in the successful group was 1.5 LogMAR standard lines less than that in the unsuccessful group.Amaç: Bu çalışmada fotodinamik tedavinin yaşa bağlı maküla dejenerasyonda gelişen koroidal neovaskülarizasyonların tedavisindeki etkinliği değerlendirildi. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 30 hastanın 30 gözü alındı. Hastaların 16’sı (%53.3) erkek, 14’ü (%47.7) kadındı. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 68.4±8.74 (47-81 yaş), ortalama takip süresi 15.7±3.28 ay (10-22 ay) idi. Tedavi öncesi hastaların en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinlikleri Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study 2 numaralı eşeli ve lezyon tipleri ve lezyon büyüklükleri fundus kamera ile ölçüldü. Hastalara fotodinamik tedavi endikasyonu Avrupa Oftalmoloji Cemiyeti’nin 2001 yılında yayınladığı rehbere göre kondu. Hastalar FDT sonrası 1. hafta, 3. ay ve sonrasında her üç ayda bir kontrol edildi. Kontrollerde ETDRS eşeli ile en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinlikleri, fundus muayeneleri ve fundus kamera ile renkli fundus görüntüleri alındı ve özellikle ilk ve ikinci kontrollerde FFA’ları çekildi. Hastalar kontrollerinde FFA’daki florosein sızdırma özelliklerine göre dört gruba ayrıldılar ve sızıntının olmadığı durumlar ile sızıntının %50’den daha az hale geldiği durumlarda tedavi başarılı, sızıntının %50’den fazla olduğu durumlarda ise başarısız kabul edildi. Bulgular: Ortalama 2±1.44 (1-5) seanslık tedavi sonucunda 22 (%73.3) olguda KNV’nin gerilediği, 8 (%27.7) olguda ise KNV’nin devam ettiği tespit edildi. Başarılı grupla başarısız grup görme kaybı açısından değerlendirildiğinde başarılı grupta ortalama 1.5 LogMAR standart sırası daha az görme kaybı gelişti fakat aradaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi. (p=0.101). Tartışma: Sonuç olarak Verteporfin ile FDT ile Eksudatif tip YBMD tedavisinde etkili ve güvenli bir yöntemdir

    The effects of sexual abuse on female adolescent brain structures

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    Objective: Sexual abuse (SA) is known for its effects on brain structures in adolescents. We aimed to explore if SA has any effect on limbic and prefrontal cortex (PFC) structures. We hypothesized that children with SA would have a thinner PFC with larger amygdala and hippocampus that lead to aberrations in threat detection, orientation and response circuit; that would be highly adaptive in a dangerous environment in the short term. Method: We included 57 SA and 33 healthy control (HC) female participants. In addition to psychiatric evaluation, we acquired 3 T MR images from all participants. We compared prefrontal cortical thicknesses, hippocampus and amygdala volumes between groups. Results: The age and education levels of study groups were matched, however, IQ scores and socioeconomic status (SES) scores of the SA group were lower than the controls. Total CTQ scores of the SA group were higher than the HC. Nevertheless, the mean value of sexual abuse scores was above the cut-off scores only for the SA participants. SA participants had larger right and left hippocampus and right amygdala volumes than the controls. SA group had reduced inferior frontal gyrus cortical thickness (T=3.5, p0.01, cluster size=694 mm(2), x=51 y=-30 z=6) than HC group. None of the structural findings were correlated with total or sexual abuse CTQ scores. Conclusion: Children with SA history has structural abnormalities in threat detection, orientation and response circuit. SA victims with no psychiatric diagnosis have a high probability of psychiatric problems with a possible contribution of these aberrations. SA cases that do not have a diagnosis must not be overlooked as they may have structural changes in emotion related brain regions. Careful follow-up is needed for all of all SA cases