3 research outputs found

    Data Prevalensi, Pemetaan Spasial, Analisis Morfologi, dan Morfometrik Trypanosoma lewisi Pada Tikus Liar Di Malang

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    Trypanosomiasis merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh protozoa darah ekstraseluler berflagela yaitu Trypanosoma sp. Trypanosoma lewisi adalah parasit darah pada tikus, yang ditularkan oleh pinjal Xenopsylla cheopis. Walaupun parasit ini bersifat non patogen, tetapi keberadaannya dapat mengancam kesehatan manusia. Kasus infeksi T. lewisi pada manusia telah dilaporkan di Thailand dan India, yang mengindikasikan bahwa penyakit ini dapat menginfeksi manusia dalam beberapa keadaan yang belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi T. lewisi berdasarkan morfologi dan morfometrik serta dilakukan perhitungan prevalensi dan pemetaan spasial kasus infeksi T. lewisi pada tikus liar di Malang. Sebanyak 74 ekor tikus dikumpulkan dari berbagai wilayah di Malang dengan menggunakan perangkap hidup tunggal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi infeksi T. lewisi pada tikus liar di Malang dari bulan Agustus sampai Oktober 2020 sebesar 17,5%. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square dan uji Fisher, diperoleh hasil tidak ada hubungan atau korelasi yang signifikan antara infeksi T. lewisi dengan jenis kelamin dan umur tikus. Morfologi T. lewisi memiliki posterior tipis dengan kinetoplas oval di sub-terminal, dan nukleus di anterior. Secara morfometrik, T. lewisi memiliki panjang rata-rata 33,19 μm, lebar 3,52 μm, panjang inti 7,82 μm, lebar inti 3,05 μm, panjang kinetoplas 5,25 μm, serta jarak inti ke kinetoplas 10,79 μm. Dari hasil di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa Trypanosoma lewisi menginfeksi tikus liar dan hasil gambaran geografis didapatkan bahwa terdapat risiko penyebaran penyakit trypanosomiasis di wilayah Malang

    Morphological and Morphometric Analysis of Trypanosoma lewisi and Toxoplasma gondii in Malang City, Indonesia Rats

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    Rats are reported to be the intermediate hosts and reservoirs of several zoonotic protozoal diseases. Trypanosoma lewisi is commonly reported in rats’ blood and is considered non-pathogenic protozoa in humans. However, some countries documented several cases in humans with T. lewisi infection. Another zoonotic protozoon that develops in rats and can be transmissible to humans is Toxoplasma gondii. We intended to present the morphology and morphometry of T. lewisi and T.gondii in wild rats collected around Malang City to explore the potential risk of transmission nearby. The rats were collected using single live traps followed by identification, sexing, age approximation, and body morphometry. All specimens were euthanized according to the standard procedure followed by blood and peritoneal fluid collection. The fluid smear preparation and Giemsa staining were performed to detect the presence of T. lewisi and T. gondii. Morphologic and morphometric analyses were conducted using ImageJ software. Among the collected 50 collected rats, 23 were identified as Rattus norvegicus (46%), 22 as Rattus rattus (44 %), and 5 as Mus musculus (1%). In the case of protozoans infection, ten individuals were infected with T. Lewisi (20%) from the blood smear check, whereas peritoneal fluid smear examination revealed an infection of T. gondii in a specimen (2%). Results of the study proved trypanosomiasis and toxoplasmosis in wild rats in Malang City. Though the clinical significance to human and public health impact is questionable, further research and surveillance of rodent-borne parasitic pathogens will provide more information for pre-emptive action

    Morphometry Identification of Lice on Male Javan Langur (Trachypithecus Auratus)

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    A rehabilitation center for Javan Lutung animals in East Java carries out routine checks on rehabilitated animals to prevent diseases that can affect health. Diseases that can infect these endangered animals are not only diseases that are inside the body but also outside the body such as lice infestation. The purpose of this study was to identify the species of louse that attack Javan langurs in an effort to increase information on ectoparasite species in these endemic animals. The sample was obtained from an adult Javan langur, then the sample was preserved by the unstained Slide mounting method. The results were observed using a microscope and body length was measured using the ImageJ software. The results showed that the ectoparasite shape has a flat-dorsoventral body with a total body length of 1.65 mm. From morphometry and morphological characteristics, the samples identified were the male species of Pedicinus ancoratus