171 research outputs found

    More than words: Promoviendo la integración laboral de personas con discapacidad

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    The main objective of this research is to analyse the degree of implementation of policies and strategies in various companies and special employment centres (CEE) in Spain. In both types of organizations, the most developed policies are those oriented towards external stakeholders. The management systems of selection and adaptation to the environment are those with the highest levels of deployment, while training and professional development are the least deployed. In companies, people with disabilities are perceived as the most involved group in terms of labour integration, while in the CEE the management team and the members of support units are perceived as more involved. This research helps HR managers to create the necessary conditions for all individuals to develop their competences, knowledge, experience and motivations in an employment context

    Job satisfaction and turnover intention among people with disabilities working in Special Employment Centers: The moderation effect of organizational commitment

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    With the goal of contributing to the growth of research on people with disabilities in employment, in particular in relation to their job satisfaction (JS), organizational commitment (OC) and turnover intention (TI), this study explores the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention among employees with disabilities, and the moderation effect of organizational commitment and its four dimensions on this main relationship. A total of 245 Special Employment Center (SECs) employees in Spain answered a questionnaire. To analyze the results a descriptive analysis with bivariate correlations across the variables was performed, and the moderation model was tested subsequently using macro PROCESS for SPSS by Hayes. For the significant effects, a pick-a-point approximation was used to interpret the results. The results show that organizational commitment and its dimensions have no significant effect on the direct relationship. However, some components of job satisfaction, such as the relationship with co-workers and with supervisors, play a significant role in the relationship with turnover intention when moderated by affective and value commitment. Our results show that it is important that human resources departments create conditions favoring a work environment with positive interpersonal relationships between employees and managers in order to minimize turnover intention at SECs

    Estudi exploratori per a la construcció dels nivells de domini i indicadors d'una rúbrica per avaluar la competència de pensament analític (CPA)

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    Aquest és un treball vinculat al projecte PID. Fils Conductors: transversalitat docent i pensament analític a treball socialEs presenta el treball previ que s'ha fet servir per elaborar els indicadors de la rúbrica de forma inductiva a partir de la pràctica docent del professorat participant.Aquests van haver de recollir un bon exemple i un mal exemple de pensament analític i la justificació de la seva elecció en base als treballs presentats pels estudiants en l’últim curs (2010-2011). Es van recollir 12 fitxes, corresponents a totes les assignatures participants. Els resultats orienten tres grans categories d'anàlisi: criteris de format; criteris relatius a la relació entre factors; criteris relatius als objectius del treball requerit

    Recomanacions per a la presentació de treballs acadèmics al Grau de Treball Social. Exemples de referències bibliogràfiques i de cites en el text. Segons l'estil bibliogràfic APA (6ena Edició)

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    Aquest document ha comptat amb el suport del CRAI de la UB i s'han anat fent actualitzacionsDocument de treball on es mostra la normativa APA, aplicada en exemples pràctics de l'assignatura de Comunicació i Documentaci

    Centres Especials de Treball: Plataformes d’Inclusió Laboral de Persones amb Discapacitat amb Estudis Superiors

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    Com a resultat del treball conjunt iniciat l'any 2000 en l'àmbit dels Recursos Humans per part de la Universitat de Barcelona i la Fundación Adecco, el 2012 es va constituir la "Càtedra Universitat de Barcelona - Fundación Adecco per a la integració laboral de persones amb discapacitat". Aquesta té per objecte analitzar i avaluar, des d'una mirada interdisciplinària que inclou la perspectiva psicològica, la legal i l’econòmica, el procés d'integració laboral de les persones amb discapacitat. La comunicació presenta la realitat de les persones amb discapacitat amb estudis superiors en el context laboral dels Centres Especials de Treball (CETs), donat el seu important paper com a empleadors d’aquest col·lectiu durant els anys de crisi econòmica (ODISMET, 2016). Específicament, s'analitza comparativament el grau de satisfacció, motivació, compromís, absentisme, i percepció d'ocupabilitat dels empleats amb discapacitat segons el seu nivell educatiu

    Why do they separate it or not? Attitudes and behaviors towards organic waste separation

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    This article shows the results of an exploratory study related to the separation of organic waste in order to offer suggestions for the improvement of waste disposal communication campaigns. The overall objective is to analyze attitude and behavior of those who do and those who do not separate organic waste, related to a specific promotional campaign carried out in two neighborhoods, in the municipality of Badalona (Spain), within the framework of the study of proenvironmental attitudes and behaviors and based on the Psychosocial Four Spheres Model. 1,010 interviews were conducted and data was analyzed using Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID). Waste separation behavior was used as a dependent variable. The reasons given to explain why people do or do not separate organic waste and sociodemographic variables, have been introduced as independent variables. In accordance with the Four Spheres Model, results show significant differences in waste separation. Based on the profiles obtained, we find some predictive variables that facilitate the development of communication campaigns according to the requirements of each community.El artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio exploratorio sobre las actitudes y conductas de separación de residuos orgánicos, con el objeto de plantear sugerencias para el diseño y desarrollo de campañas de comunicación para la promoción de conductas pro-ambientales. El objetivo general es analizar las actitudes y comportamientos de las personas que separan y las que no separan los residuos orgánicos, en dos barrios de Badalona (España) en los que se efectuó una campaña para la promoción de su separación, basándose en el Modelo Psicosocial de las Cuatro Esferas. Se realizaron 1010 entrevistas individuales. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID). El comportamiento de separación de residuos se utilizó como variable dependiente. Las razones aducidas para explicar "por qué la gente separa o no los residuos orgánicos " y las variables sociodemográficas se determinaron como variables independientes. De acuerdo con el Modelo de las Cuatro Esferas, los resultados muestran diferencias significativas en la separación de residuos. A partir de los perfiles obtenidos es posible establecer el conjunto de variables predictivas que faciliten el desarrollo de las campañas de comunicación de acuerdo con los requisitos de cada comunidad

    Spanish and Swedish eldercare managers' influence on employees

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    Purpose - Hierarchical and flat organizational types are predominant in Spain and Sweden, respectively. To study how managers' commitment and work overcommitment (WOC) affect employee well-being, and job perception in these different countries can shed insight on how to improve eldercare organization. The purpose of this paper was to study the association between eldercare employee exposure to managers' commitment and WOC, and employee mental well-being and job perception and how these associations differed between Spain and Sweden. Design/methodology/approach - A questionnaire with validated questions on commitment, WOC, mental well-being and job perception, operationalized as the perception of quality of care and turnover intent, was sent out to eldercare managers and employees in Spain and Sweden. t-Tests, χ2 and linear regression were applied to study the associations and differences between the countries. Findings - Interaction analyses revealed that Spanish employees' mental well-being and job perception were influenced by their managers' commitment and WOC in that manager commitment improved and WOC impaired well-being and job perception. However, the Swedish eldercare employees were not influenced by their managers on these parameters. Practical implications - The impact of managerial commitment and WOC differed between employees in Spain and Sweden, possibly because the preconditions for leadership varied due to differences in organizational type. Originality/value - This study compares the managers' impact on employee health and job perception in two countries with different organizational prerequisites. Moreover, managers' commitment and WOC were estimated by the managers themselves and did not rely on the employees' perception, which improved ecological validit

    Effectiveness of clinical assessment in Spanish forensic practice: detecting malingered psychosocial sequelae in victims of intimate partner violence

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    Background and Objectives: According to Spanish legislation, the psychological harm suffered by the victim of a criminal act is determined by assessing its impact on the victim's mental state. Usually, the victim's pain and suffering is estimated by administering clinical scales. The aim of the present study was to explore the effectiveness of psychopathological assessment using commonly used scales in clinical practice and whose results are presented as legal evidence in a forensic context in order to detect malingered psychological sequelae (anxiety, depression and low self-esteem) in victims of intimate partner violence in forensic contexts. Methods: In the present study three scales based in a clinical setting and regularly used in a forensic context were administered (BDI, STAI and Rosenberg) to assess malingering of symptoms. The sample comprised 66 women: 36 students, and 30 real victims. The non-clinical sample was evaluated twice: the first time they gave sincere responses, and the second time they were instructed to answer as if they were victims. The real victims underwent testing in a forensic context. Results and Conclusions: The results of our research show that, even without previous knowledge of the scales, people can distort the test results by malingering symptoms that are normally accepted as sequelae of intimate partner violence, especially depression and low self-esteem; however, the results for anxiety, were less homogeneous. Although these tests are used extensively in clinical psychology, our study confirms that, just by themselves, they are not a reliable source of information in a forensic context