346 research outputs found
On the NLO Power Correction to Photon-Pion Transition Form Factor
We propose a perturbative evaluation for the next-to-leading-order (NLO)
power correction to the photon-pion transition form factor. The
effects of the NLO power correction are analyzed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Revtex, revised versio
Possible Competing Order-Induced Fermi Arcs in Cuprate Superconductors
We investigate the scenario of competing order (CO) induced Fermi arcs and
pseudogap in cuprate superconductors. For hole-type cuprates, both phenomena as
a function of temperature and doping level can be accounted for if the CO
vanishes at above the superconducting transition and the CO
wave-vector Q is parallel to the antinodal direction. In contrast, the absence
of these phenomena and the non-monotonic d-wave gap in electron-type cuprates
may be attributed to and a CO wave-vector Q parallel to the
nodal direction.Comment: 6 pages and 5 figures, with one figure added in the updated version.
Accepted for publication in Solid State Communications, Fast Communications.
Corresponding author: Nai-Chang Yeh ([email protected]
factorization of exclusive processes
We prove factorization theorem in perturbative QCD (PQCD) for exclusive
processes by considering and . The relevant form factors are expressed as the convolution of hard
amplitudes with two-parton meson wave functions in the impact parameter
space, being conjugate to the parton transverse momenta . The point is
that on-shell valence partons carry longitudinal momenta initially, and acquire
through collinear gluon exchanges. The -dependent two-parton wave
functions with an appropriate path for the Wilson links are gauge-invariant.
The hard amplitudes, defined as the difference between the parton-level
diagrams of on-shell external particles and their collinear approximation, are
also gauge-invariant. We compare the predictions for two-body nonleptonic
meson decays derived from factorization (the PQCD approach) and from
collinear factorization (the QCD factorization approach).Comment: 11 pages, REVTEX, 5 figure
Branching ratios of decays in perturbative QCD approach
We study the rare decays , which can occur only via
annihilation type diagrams in the standard model. We calculate all of the four
modes, , in the framework of perturbative QCD approach
and give the branching ratios of the order about .Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure, Revte
Evidence for two-quark content of in exclusive decays
Inspired by a large decay branching ratio (BR) of
measured by Belle recently, we propose that a significant evidence of the
component of in could be
demonstrated in exclusive decays by the observation of in
the final states and . We predict the BRs of to be () while
the unknown wave functions of () are chosen to fit the
observed decays of .Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Revtex4, version to appear in PR
Enzymatic glyceride synthesis in a foam reactor
We report the results of our study on Rhizomucor miehei lipaseâ catalyzed lauric acidâ glycerol esterification in a foam reactor. A satisfactory yield of glyceride synthesis can be achieved with an unusually high initial water content (50% w/w). We found that product formation could be regulated by controlling foaming. Foaming was a function of the air flow rate, reaction temperature, pH value, ionic strength, and substrate molar ratio. Monolaurin and dilaurin, which constituted nearly 80% of the total yield, were the two dominant products in this reaction; trilaurin was also formed at the initial stages of the reaction. A study of pH and ionic strength effects on an independent basis revealed that they affect the interfacial mechanism in different manners. On varying the ratio of lauric acid and glycerol, only a slight change in the degree of conversion was detected and the consumption rate of fatty acid was approximately the same.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141443/1/aocs0643.pd
Restoration of factorization for low hadron hadroproduction
We discuss the applicability of the factorization theorem to low-
hadron production in hadron-hadron collision in a simple toy model, which
involves only scalar particles and gluons. It has been shown that the
factorization for high- hadron hadroproduction is broken by soft gluons in
the Glauber region, which are exchanged among a transverse-momentum-dependent
(TMD) parton density and other subprocesses of the collision. We explain that
the contour of a loop momentum can be deformed away from the Glauber region at
low , so the above residual infrared divergence is factorized by means of
the standard eikonal approximation. The factorization is then restored in
the sense that a TMD parton density maintains its universality. Because the
resultant Glauber factor is independent of hadron flavors, experimental
constraints on its behavior are possible. The factorization can also be
restored for the transverse single-spin asymmetry in hadron-hadron collision at
low in a similar way, with the residual infrared divergence being
factorized into the same Glauber factor.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, version to appear in EPJ
Evading the CKM Hierarchy: Intrinsic Charm in B Decays
We show that the presence of intrinsic charm in the hadrons' light-cone wave
functions, even at a few percent level, provides new, competitive decay
mechanisms for B decays which are nominally CKM-suppressed. For example, the
weak decays of the B-meson to two-body exclusive states consisting of strange
plus light hadrons, such as B\to\pi K, are expected to be dominated by penguin
contributions since the tree-level b\to s u\bar u decay is CKM suppressed.
However, higher Fock states in the B wave function containing charm quark pairs
can mediate the decay via a CKM-favored b\to s c\bar c tree-level transition.
Such intrinsic charm contributions can be phenomenologically significant. Since
they mimic the amplitude structure of ``charming'' penguin contributions,
charming penguins need not be penguins at all.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, published version. References added, minor
Study of Bc --> J/psi pi, etac pi decays with perturbative QCD approach
The Bc --> J/psi pi, etac pi decays are studied with the perturbative QCD
approach. It is found that form factors and branching ratios are sensitive to
the parameters w, v, f_J/psi and f_etac, where w and v are the parameters of
the charmonium wave functions for Coulomb potential and harmonic oscillator
potential, respectively, f_J/psi and f_etac are the decay constants of the
J/psi and etac mesons, respectively. The large branching ratios and the clear
signals of the final states make the Bc --> J/psi pi, etac pi decays to be the
prospective channels for measurements at the hadron collidersComment: 21 pages, revtex
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