9 research outputs found

    Sağlık Yüksekokulu Öğrencilerinin Tamamlayıcı ve Alternatif Tedaviler Hakkındaki Görüş, Bilgi ve Uygulamaları

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    Amaç: Bu araştırma; sağlık yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin alternatif ve tamamlayıcı uygulamalar hakkındaki bilgi, görüş ve uygulamalarının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Materyal ve Metod:  Bu araştırma tanımlayıcı tipte kesitsel olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini 471 ebelik ve hemşirelik bölümü öğrencisi oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada veriler anket formu aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler (yüzdelik, ortalama, standart sapma) ve çıkarımsal istatistiki yöntemlerden ki-kare testi kullanılmıştır. İstatistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi p lt;0,05 olarak alınmıştır. Bulgular: Öğrencilerin %90,2’sinin TAT’a yönelik eğitim almadığı ve %28,5’inin TAT kullandığı saptanmıştır. Öğrencilerin %82,6’sı TAT konusunun Hemşirelik ve Ebelik Eğitim Müfredatına eklenmesini istediğini belirtmiştir. Öğrencilerin %80,1’inin Akupresur, %78,9’unun Reiki,  %74,9’unun Refleksoloji, %73,5’inin Ayurveda, %72,5’inin Tai Chi, %65,0’ının Feng Shui, %64,7’sinin Aromaterapi, %64,6’sının Homeopati konularında bilgisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin TAT kullanma durumu ile cinsiyet ve mezun olunan lise arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır (p gt;0,05). Öğrencilerin okuduğu bölüm, bulunduğu sınıf, TAT konusunda eğitim alma durumu ve TAT konusunun eğitim müfredatına eklenmesini isteme durumu ile TAT kullanım sıklığı arasında istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bir fark belirlenmiştir  (p lt;0,05). Sonuç: Öğrencilerin büyük çoğunluğunun TAT konusunda eğitim almadığı,  öğrencilerin yaklaşık üçte birinin TAT yöntemlerinden birini kullandığı, öğrencilerin tat yöntemlerine ilişkin bilgilerinin sınırlı olduğu ve öğrencilerin çoğunluğuna yakınının TAT konusunun eğitim müfredatlarına eklenmesini istediği sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır

    Emphatic Tendency and Affecting Factors in Nursing students

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    Background: The profound impact of empathy on quality nursing care has been recognized. Studies have shown that there has been little improvement in nurses’ communication skills, and that they should work to enhance this area. Therefore, it is very important for qualified nursing care to determine empathic tendency and factors that affect in nursing students, so to teach empathic approach and professional values, to develop correct communication and helping skills to the students in nursing education. Objectives: In this study it was aimed to determine empathy tendency in nursing students and factors that affect emphatic tendency. Methods: The sample of this study that is sectional and definitive consisted of 225 students who received education in Nursing Department  in Adıyaman University School of Health. Research data was collected with Personal Information Form and Emphatic Tendency Scale (ETS).Results :It was determined that 51.2% of the students participating in the survey were in the 20-22 age group, 65.3% were female and44.4% of them had 9 and close friends. It was determined that the average ETS score of the nursing students was 68.2 ± 10.3.The average ETS score of the female students was 69.3 ± 9.7, which was statistically significant difference (p = 0.028) than male students (66.1 ± 11.2). The average ETS score of the students who preferred nursing was 71.1 ± 8.0, and it was found to be statistically significantly higher than students have chosen nursing by family orientation, coincidence and other reasons (p = 0.001).Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it was seen the empathic tendencies of the nursing students are moderate and the average ETS score of the students are affected by the age, sex, place of living, number of close friends and reasons for choosing the profession

    The Investigation Of Mobilization Times Of Patients after Surgery

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    Objective:This study was planned as a descriptive study with the aim of investigation of mobilization times of patients after surgery. Methods:Population of the study consisted of patients (n=131) who stay in the general surgery clinic, had an operation at one university hospital and volunteered to participate in the research. Data were collected between27 January-30 June 2014.The data were collected by face to face meetings using a questionnaire developed by researchers. The questionnaire was applied to the patients when they firstly walked after surgery and mobilization times were evaluated in the first 72 hours after surgery. Data analysis was performed using the statistics program SPSS 20 packaged software.Results: It was observed that the mean age of patients was 50.61 ± 17.12 and 61.8 % of them were female. It was found that 66.4%of the patients had day surgery. It was determined that 84.7 %of the patients firstly walked in the first 24 hours, 12.2 % of them walked in the range of 24-48 hours, 0.8 %of them walked in the range of 48-72 hours and 2.3% of them didn’t walk in the range of 0-72 hours after surgery.Conclusions: Importance of early mobilization has been emphasized in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) and preventing circulatory problems for many years. It was concluded that the majority of patients walked in the first 24 hours, in the clinical practices with this research

    Oral Research Presentations

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