9 research outputs found


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    Peningkatan armada pukat ikan dan pukat udang serta kebijakan relokasi kapal diatas 30 GT dari WPP 712 ke WPP 718 diduga berdampak pada potensi sumberdaya perikanan di WPP 718 termasuk didalamnya wilayah perairan kepulauan Aru. Ikan kembung lelaki merupakan ikan yang mendominasi hasil tangkapan armada pukat cincin yang berbasis di Dobo. Untuk menghindari terjadinya penurunan sumberdaya ikan kembung lelaki (nama lokal: lema) diperlukan informasi dasar tentang biologi perikanannya. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji aspek biologi reproduksi dan dinamika populasi ikan kembung lelaki di perairan kepulauan Aru. Hasil penelitian mennjukkan bahwa puncak pemijahan ikan kembung lelaki terjadi pada bulan Juni dan berlangsung hingga bulan November. Panjang pertama kali matang gonad jantan 20,19 cmFL dan betina 19,96 cmFL. Sebagian besar populasi didominasi oleh ikan dewasa dengan tingkat kematangan gonad (TKG) 3 dan 4. Populasi ikan kembung lelaki di kepulauan Aru terdapat satu kohor utama dan dua kohor minor. Tingkat pemanfaatan ikan kembung lelaki yang telah melebihi nilai optimumnya yakni 0,81 memerlukan kebijakan dalam pengelolaannya. Pembatasan upaya penangkapan baik pada armada utama pemanfaat ikan kembung lelaki maupun pada kapal-kapal di atas 30 GT dari Laut Jawa yang mengeksploitasi perikanan di WPP 718 menjadi salah satu saran pengelolaannya.Inclining of fish and shrimp trawler fleet and relocation policy of vessel higher than 30 GT from FMA 712 to FMA 718 was alleged impact the fishery resources in FMA 718, including Aru Island Sea. The Indian Mackarel Rastelinger kanagurta was dominant species caught by purse seine which based on Dobo. To prevent the declining of R. Kanagurta resources stock, it is needed to collect the basic information on fisheries biology. This study aimed to assess the reproductive biological aspects and population dynamics of R. kanagurta in the Aru Sea. The data were collected from purse seine landing based in Dobo from January to November 2016. The analysis result showed that the spawing season reach its peak from June to November. The length at maturity of males and females were 20,19 cmFL and 19,96 cmFL. The catch was dominated by adult fish which has been reaching the mature stage. The population structure of R kanagurta consisted of one major cohort and two minor cohorts. The exploitation level of this species was greater than its optimum levels (E = 0,81) which indicates that there is needed of management policy in this fishery such as the restriction of the fishing efforrt

    Academic Stress Levels of Physical Education Students in Attending Odd Semester Classes 2021/2022

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    The  purpose of this study was to determine the level of academic stress experienced by Physical Education students in the odd semester 2021/2022. This type of research was a quantitative approach using a descriptive method through a survey approach. The research sample consisted of 199 students whose samples were taken using random sampling. In this study, the instrument used was an academic stress scale questionnaire which the author compiled to be used as a measuring tool. This academic stress measurement tool uses a Likert scale. The validity of the instrument used was 0.85 while the reliability was 0.86. The description of academic stress will thoroughly explain the aspects of academic stress in the form of percentages and categories. The results of data analysis showed that the level of academic stress experienced by physical education students in attending the odd semester was in the moderate category, and there was no significant difference between the stress experienced by female and male students