47 research outputs found

    Structure-Free Validation of Residual Dipolar Coupling and Paramagnetic Relaxation Enhancement Measurements of Disordered Proteins.

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    Residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) and paramagnetic relaxation enhancements (PREs) have emerged as valuable parameters for defining the structures and dynamics of disordered proteins by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Procedures for their measurement, however, may lead to conformational perturbations because of the presence of the alignment media necessary for recording RDCs, or of the paramagnetic groups that must be introduced for measuring PREs. We discuss here experimental methods for quantifying these effects by considering the case of the 40-residue isoform of the amyloid β peptide (Aβ40), which is associated with Alzheimer's disease. By conducting RDC measurements over a range of concentrations of certain alignment media, we show that perturbations arising from transient binding of Aβ40 can be characterized, allowing appropriate corrections to be made. In addition, by using NMR experiments sensitive to long-range interactions, we show that it is possible to identify relatively nonperturbing sites for attaching nitroxide radicals for PRE measurements. Thus, minimizing the conformational perturbations introduced by RDC and PRE measurements should facilitate their use for the rigorous determination of the conformational properties of disordered proteins.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.biochem.5b0067

    An anticancer drug suppresses the primary nucleation reaction that initiates the production of the toxic Aβ42 aggregates linked with Alzheimer's disease.

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    The conversion of the β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide into pathogenic aggregates is linked to the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease. Although this observation has prompted an extensive search for therapeutic agents to modulate the concentration of Aβ or inhibit its aggregation, all clinical trials with these objectives have so far failed, at least in part because of a lack of understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of aggregation and its inhibition. To address this problem, we describe a chemical kinetics approach for rational drug discovery, in which the effects of small molecules on the rates of specific microscopic steps in the self-assembly of Aβ42, the most aggregation-prone variant of Aβ, are analyzed quantitatively. By applying this approach, we report that bexarotene, an anticancer drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, selectively targets the primary nucleation step in Aβ42 aggregation, delays the formation of toxic species in neuroblastoma cells, and completely suppresses Aβ42 deposition and its consequences in a Caenorhabditis elegans model of Aβ42-mediated toxicity. These results suggest that the prevention of the primary nucleation of Aβ42 by compounds such as bexarotene could potentially reduce the risk of onset of Alzheimer's disease and, more generally, that our strategy provides a general framework for the rational identification of a range of candidate drugs directed against neurodegenerative disorders.This work was supported by the Centre for Misfolding Diseases, University of Cambridge.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/2/2/e1501244

    Understanding the nature of "superhard graphite"

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    Numerous experiments showed that on cold compression graphite transforms into a new superhard and transparent allotrope. Several structures with different topologies have been proposed for this phase. While experimental data are consistent with these models, the only way to solve this puzzle is to find which structure is kinetically easiest to form. Using state-of-the-art molecular-dynamics transition path sampling simulations, we investigate kinetic pathways of the pressure-induced transformation of graphite to various superhard candidate structures. Unlike hitherto applied methods for elucidating nature of superhard graphite, transition path sampling realistically models nucleation events necessary for physically meaningful transformation kinetics. We demonstrate that nucleation mechanism and kinetics lead to MM-carbon as the final product. WW-carbon, initially competitor to MM-carbon, is ruled out by phase growth. Bct-C4_4 structure is not expected to be produced by cold compression due to less probable nucleation and higher barrier of formation

    Reactivity of Metal-Free and Metal-Associated Amyloid-?? with Glycosylated Polyphenols and Their Esterified Derivatives

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    Both amyloid-?? (A??) and transition metal ions are shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer???s disease (AD), though the importance of their interactions remains unclear. Multifunctional molecules, which can target metal-free and metal-bound A?? and modulate their reactivity (e.g., A?? aggregation), have been developed as chemical tools to investigate their function in AD pathology; however, these compounds generally lack specificity or have undesirable chemical and biological properties, reducing their functionality. We have evaluated whether multiple polyphenolic glycosides and their esterified derivatives can serve as specific, multifunctional probes to better understand AD. The ability of these compounds to interact with metal ions and metal-free/-associated A??, and further control both metal-free and metal-induced A?? aggregation was investigated through gel electrophoresis with Western blotting, transmission electron microscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and NMR spectroscopy. We also examined the cytotoxicity of the compounds and their ability to mitigate the toxicity induced by both metal-free and metal-bound A??. Of the polyphenols investigated, the natural product (Verbascoside) and its esterified derivative (VPP) regulate the aggregation and cytotoxicity of metal-free and/or metal-associated A?? to different extents. Our studies indicate Verbascoside represents a promising structure for further multifunctional tool development against both metal-free A?? and metal-A??.open0

    Structure-Free Validation of Residual Dipolar Coupling and Paramagnetic Relaxation Enhancement Measurements of Disordered Proteins

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    Residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) and paramagnetic relaxation enhancements (PREs) have emerged as valuable parameters for defining the structures and dynamics of disordered proteins by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Procedures for their measurement, however, may lead to conformational perturbations because of the presence of the alignment media necessary for recording RDCs, or of the paramagnetic groups that must be introduced for measuring PREs. We discuss here experimental methods for quantifying these effects by considering the case of the 40-residue isoform of the amyloid β peptide (Aβ40), which is associated with Alzheimer's disease. By conducting RDC measurements over a range of concentrations of certain alignment media, we show that perturbations arising from transient binding of Aβ40 can be characterized, allowing appropriate corrections to be made. In addition, by using NMR experiments sensitive to long-range interactions, we show that it is possible to identify relatively nonperturbing sites for attaching nitroxide radicals for PRE measurements. Thus, minimizing the conformational perturbations introduced by RDC and PRE measurements should facilitate their use for the rigorous determination of the conformational properties of disordered proteins

    A novel instrumented multipeg running wheel system, Step-Wheel, for monitoring and controlling complex sequential stepping in mice

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    Motor control is critical in daily life as well as in artistic and athletic performance and thus is the subject of intense interest in neuroscience. Mouse models of movement disorders have proven valuable for many aspects of investigation, but adequate methods for analyzing complex motor control in mouse models have not been fully established. Here, we report the development of a novel running-wheel system that can be used to evoke simple and complex stepping patterns in mice. The stepping patterns are controlled by spatially organized pegs, which serve as footholds that can be arranged in adjustable, ladder-like configurations. The mice run as they drink water from a spout, providing reward, while the wheel turns at a constant speed. The stepping patterns of the mice can thus be controlled not only spatially, but also temporally. A voltage sensor to detect paw touches is attached to each peg, allowing precise registration of footfalls. We show that this device can be used to analyze patterns of complex motor coordination in mice. We further demonstrate that it is possible to measure patterns of neural activity with chronically implanted tetrodes as the mice engage in vigorous running bouts. We suggest that this instrumented multipeg running wheel (which we name the Step-Wheel System) can serve as an important tool in analyzing motor control and motor learning in mice