25 research outputs found

    How the Occupy movement may have facilitated political change

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    Occupy protests are one of the major global political waves of our time. But what was their impact? Alper Yagci highlights the link between the recession, inequality, and the Occupy movement, and writes that although the institutional impact might not have been immediately obvious, the wider political change Occupy facilitated is now becoming clearer

    Agriculture as the opportunity for sustainable development of Slovene rural areas

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    Vloga kmetijstva na podeželju se je bistveno spremenila, celo povečala, saj se je kmetijstvu pričelo pripisovati številne nove funkcije, od socialne do ekološke. Z vključitvijo v EU in uveljavljanjem Skupne kmetijske politike prihaja do velikih sprememb tudi v slovenskem kmetijstvu, njegovi usmeritvi, stopnji intenzivnosti, velikostni in posestni strukturi. Vprašanje pa je, ali je smer razvoja kmetijstva v Sloveniji v skladu z varovanjem in ohranjanjem naših ključnih naravnih virov?The role of agriculture in rural areas has changed significantly, it has even increased, since having been attributed numerous new functions, from social to ecologic. Also Slovene agriculture, its direction, intensity level, size and proprietal structure was subject to considerable changes as a result of inclusion of Slovenia in the EU and implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy. However it should be considered whether the direction of development of Slovene agriculture corresponds to protection and conservation of our major natural resources

    In vitro Hemocompatibility Assessment of Near-IR-Emitting Ag2S Quantum Dots (QD)

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    Quantum Dots (QDs) emitting in the Near-Infrared region (NIRQD) are relatively new but more attractive in biotechnology and medicine, than widely used visible QDs. However, heavy metal toxicity is an important concern for their parenteral applications. Recent efforts have been directed towards development of Cd, Pb and Hg free, biocompatible QDs. Hocaoglu et al. have recently demonstrated a single-step synthesis of cytocompatible Ag2S-2MPA NIRQDs via direct addition of sulphur source to silver salt 1. Till now, very few studies have assessed the hemocompatibility of QDs. Indeed, when diluted in the blood stream nanomaterials will be able to elicit several toxicological reactions, in particular: embolisation, hemolysis, cellular activation, but also several well-known biological cascades such as coagulation, complement activation, kinin/kininogen, fibrinolysis. Compared to macroscopic materials, hemoreactivity of nanoparticles may be expected to be significantly enhanced due to very high surface/volume ratio. It is therefore easy to realize that nanoparticles may significantly interact with humoral and cellular blood components of the blood 2

    Ag2S-Based NIR-emitting Quantum Dots as New Theranostic Materials

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    Near Infrared (NIR) emitting semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have attracted great interest as a new class of fluorescent probes for cellular, molecular and in-vivo imaging applications, due to their stable and size-tunable absorption range, large molar extinction coefficient, long luminescence lifetime and higher penetration depth into the tissues than visible light [1, 2]. Recently, Ag2S quantum dots emerged as promising new particles because of the lower cytotoxicity compared to previously reported NIR QDs such as PbS [3], PbSe [4], CdHgTe [5]. Variety of nanoparticles are being designed and tested for gene transfection. QDs provide both a vector basis and a means for optical detection. Therefore, there is a considerable amount of effort in developing QD based gene vectors. In this study, we report the synthesis of Ag2S based theranostic materials, discuss their physical properties and cytotoxicity and demonstrate their superior transfection efficiency